Cat Found Gruesomely Beheaded Deserves Justice

Target: Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the UK

Goal: Enact Poppy’s Law to ensure cats receive the same protection as other animals.

In a deeply disturbing event, a cherished cat named Poppy was discovered decapitated near Oldham Cats Rescue. Volunteers at the center were horrified to find that Poppy had suffered “too clean a break” to be anything but a deliberate act. The emotional and psychological impact on the rescue staff has been profound, marking a grim milestone in their long history of animal care.

The apparent cruel act has sparked outrage and a call for change. The center has since initiated a campaign for “Poppy’s Law,” aiming to rectify the legal disparities affecting cat welfare. This new legislation would align cat rights with those of other animals, emphasizing a mandatory police response to such severe cases of animal cruelty. It is evident from this heart-wrenching incident that without such laws, the severity of crimes against cats will remain inadequately addressed.

This proposed legal change is not merely about one tragic event but a broader societal issue. Enhancing the legal framework to protect all companion animals equally is essential for a just society. Help enact Poppy’s Law to ensure all animals receive the protection and respect they deserve.


Dear Prime Minister Sunak,

We are writing to you haunted by the tragic case of Poppy, a beloved cat cruelly decapitated near Oldham Cats Rescue. This act of barbarity is not only an attack on a defenseless animal but an affront to our community and values. Allegedly, this was a deliberate act, highlighting a severe gap in our legal system that fails to protect our feline companions adequately.

Despite the severity of the incident, the response from law enforcement was reportedly hesitant and inadequate, with no substantial effort made to investigate or prosecute the culprits. This lackluster approach is indicative of a broader systemic issue where cats are not afforded the same legal protections as other animals. The urgent need for Poppy’s Law is clear—it would mandate a robust police response to such heinous acts and ensure that all animals are valued equally under the law.

We implore you to take immediate action to rectify this grievous injustice. By supporting and implementing Poppy’s Law, you will send a strong message that animal cruelty is a serious crime deserving serious consequences. Let us honor Poppy’s memory by ensuring that no other animal suffers as she did, and elevate our societal standards for animal welfare.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Rubenstein Rebello


  1. If this was done near an animal shelter, they should have cameras at every angle and no notification that there are cameras.They should be hidden cameras. To catch these pond scum MONSTERS !!!

    When people say I don’t wish that pain or that suffering on anyone, I say yes I do wish pain and suffering on all animal, child, and geriatric abusers and murderers

    • This is what i am confused about. Why was a cat from a cat rescue outside.? Was it a friendly who was tnr’ ed? An owned cat that was let outside? I never heard of a cat getting killed near an animal shelter.

    • Sue Cugini says:

      You are so right! These monsters have given up the right to live within the community of their fellow human beings. I am so sorry that the little cat died horribly.

  2. Hideous animal cruelty should never be tolerated in a truly civilized society. People everywhere need to ask themselves what’s happening with the human species that such violent and unimaginable acts of brutal cruelty continue to occur. No human being is safe when there are monsters capable of such acts living freely among us! Tolerance has resulted in an atmosphere of fear and dread. Enforce laws NOW!!!

  3. Please enact strong animal cruelty / abuse laws! People that carry out these heinous acts are perpetrators of domestic violence.
    Some are true psychopaths whom go on to serious acts against humans.
    People that abuse or torture animals should be punished severely, to prevent them from escalating to harming humans.

  4. Claudia Ferguson says:

    WTH is wrong with people?? Jail the creep!

  5. The only way justice is served in my eyes .. is the catch the EVIL POS and return the favor. Do to them .. what they did to this poor innocent cat

    • An ‘ eye for an eye’ in this case would be a very satisfactory conclusion. These sick psychotic buggers were in the gangster trade, collectively known as ‘bums’ and like all ‘dirty bums’ have got to be WIPED OUT!!

  6. I am starting to believe what Shakespeare wrote, ““Hell is empty, all the demons are here.”. How many petitions do we sign to get justice for these innocents???!!!!!

  7. Please mandate police response to severe cases of animal cruelty and instate Poppy’s Law asap to demonstrate your commitment to the sentient beings residing in your community.

  8. OFF with his/her bloody head !!! 😡🤬😢😭

  9. Jane Todaro says:

    Whoever committed this barbarous, reprehensible, outrageously cruel, violent and disgusting act should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THESE PEOPLE???????!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Prime Minister Sunak – Although Poppy’s killer will probably not be found, enacting ‘Poppy’s Law’ might help the next victim of a heinous act such as this one. All animals should be protected under the law. Please implement Poppy’s law immediately to give cats the protection they deserve. RIP you beautiful soul…

  11. Catch the guilty ones, child or not don’t care, and give the same treatment. Let this … feel the same pain.

    Garbage is the place their “head/heads” should be

  12. I think the police were very lax, very lazy, to not have made an effort to actually find who murdered Poppy. Surely it wouldn’t have been that difficult, given how the UK is such a mass surveillance society; you can hardly go anywhere and not be recorded dozens of times. Appealing to the public for any information is a less than a half attempt, surely Poppy’s life is worth more, as is the safety of other cats, animals and children in the Oldham community.

    Cats have very little protection in the UK, and robust, enforceable laws are urgently needed. Poppy’s Law would be a good start are redressing the lack of protection for cats.

    Poppy had been at Oldham Shelter almost five years. She couldn’t be found a forever home, so was adopted as one of the ‘resident shelter cats’ who are allowed to roam the grounds. After Poppy was brutally murdered, the Oldham Shelter has limited resident cat’s outdoor freedom, and they are locked safely inside at night. It’s a tragic loss for Oldham Shelter staff, and understandably, they have been traumatised by the brutal murder of this sweet kitty they all came to love. Thanks to everyone who supports this petition, and those of you who share the link. 100,000 signatures and the government will bring it to discussion; that’s the first step.


  14. Janet Walker says:

    Find this evil sub human. Do the right thing and bring them to justice. In fact they should be decapitated. I’ll happily do it.

  15. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m so sorry to hear of the tragic death of poor, innocent Poppy. I’m glad to hear of the campaign for Poppy’s Law. I hope the savage, low-down snakes in the grass, who killed Poppy are caught and severely punished. RIP Poppy and I hope you get justice.

  16. Dennis Busto says:

    An eye for an eye fits this crime and should be the punishment. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. Paws Matter 🐾

  17. Really your asking the wrong damn person to take care of this when he the mother fucker was to kill all pitbulls you gotta be kidding me asking this asshole for help

  18. Death penalty for bastard killer/killers, coward!
    Justice for Poppy! +RIP

  19. Jaime Perez says:

    This monster needs to be found and punished severely. This is a terrible tragedy!

  20. Behead the perpetrator & the compassionless police who’ve been laughing about it instead of pursuing the perp

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