Student Accused of Stomping on Cat’s Head Must be Punished

Target: He Rong, Minister of Justice, China

Goal: Hold alleged perpetrator accountable for the reported cruel mistreatment of a cat.

A top student known as Xu, despite his academic excellence, has drawn significant public outrage due to a disturbing incident captured on video where he is apparently seen stepping on a cat’s head inside a bucket. This alleged act, widely shared across social media platforms, not only sparked widespread condemnation but also led to his rejection from a prestigious university’s program. Such alleged cruelty mustn’t be overlooked, but rather, addressed with stern legal measures to prevent future occurrences.

Further examination of this incident reveals that Xu, after achieving the highest score on his entrance exam, failed to secure admission to the School of Physics at Nanjing University. This decision followed the exposure of the video showcasing his alleged abusive act towards a helpless cat. Authorities have since initiated an investigation, and while Xu has issued an apology and written repentance, the gravity of his alleged actions demands a more consequential response.

The distress caused by such actions extends beyond the immediate suffering seemingly inflicted on the animal; it undermines societal values and trust in the moral compass of future leaders. Demand immediate and appropriate legal action against Xu to serve as a deterrent against similar behavior and to uphold justice for the allegedly wronged animal.


Dear Minister He Rong,

We, the undersigned, wish to bring to your attention a deeply troubling incident involving a top student who was recorded in a video allegedly mistreating a cat most cruelly. This young man, identified only as Xu, is reportedly seen in the video stepping on a cat’s head while the animal was trapped in a bucket. This reported act, which has caused significant public uproar, not only raises serious concerns about the character of an individual poised to become part of our academic and professional communities but also calls into question our societal commitment to compassion and justice.

As you may be aware, the incident led to Xu’s rejection from the School of Physics at Nanjing University despite his top scores. While academic consequences are indeed a step towards accountability, they cannot replace the need for legal consequences in matters of alleged cruelty. The evidence presented by the video led to police investigations and a subsequent public apology from Xu; however, these actions alone do not suffice to address the severity of the alleged act or to prevent future incidents.

Therefore, we urgently request that you take immediate legal action against Xu for his alleged cruelty towards the cat. This case must be treated with the seriousness it deserves, with appropriate charges laid to reflect both the alleged act and its impact on the community and to demonstrate that such behavior will not be tolerated. Let us ensure that justice is served and that a clear message is sent about our societal values.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Peakpx


  1. No animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! This satanic pathological monster must be severely punished, MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY! He must also be forbidden from coming near/owning animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  2. This spoiled arrogant sack of shit needs to be yanked from society quickly. What a stupid dink.

  3. This POS needs to have HIS head stomped on and filmed ! Eye for and eye you little piece if shit. What did this innocent cat ever do to you?

  4. Joe Kenosky says:

    Those kids should be thrown off a cliff.

  5. Put him in prison?? ?

  6. Sure, this guy is sorry now that he has been caught. Doesn’t change the fact that he obviously found pleasure in torturing an animal. There need to be legal consequences, not just academic. Some notorious psychopaths have been known to be very intelligent but it doesn’t change the fact that he is evil.

  7. This monster does not deserve to breath!

  8. What a DISGRACED MONSTER. Who cares what grades you got, you an imbecile and have no empathy or heart. You should rot away and be PUT AWAY. Why should someone save you when you could not save a vulnerable being with no voice. Why should anyone protect you when you did not protect the innocent one who was stuck. NO! YOU, YOU must be stuck. If only the same could be done to you.

  9. What a DISGRACED MONSTER. Who cares what grades you got, you are an imbecile and have no empathy or heart. You should rot away and be PUT AWAY. Why should someone save you when you could not save a vulnerable being with no voice. Why should anyone protect you when you did not protect the innocent one who was stuck. NO! YOU, YOU must be stuck. If only the same could be done to you.

  10. Please punish this heartless SOB to the fullest! Shame on him for taking his anger out on a poor innocent cat. Make sure he feels the consequences of his horrific actions. I hope the cat has recovered.

  11. Susan Scharf says:

    Obviously you can’t teach compassion. Stomp his brains out!!

  12. Elia Gilles says:

    There’s something wrong with this scum. He needs to be held accountable for this horrific act of violence.

  13. Chantale G says:

    I wish I could stomp his fuck ass out

  14. Jacqueline OConnor says:

    Nasty cruel cunt!! I hope this rotten bastard rots in hell when he dies!

  15. Stomp on his head – that’s justice

  16. Punishment this the fullest extent of the law no apologies will end the animal cruelty in China these people have no compassion for animals they are heartless I only have sympathy for the innocent cat he didn’t deserve this act of animal cruelty SO PLEASE IN THE NAME OF GOD PUNISH HIM TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW PERIOD 😢

  17. Sue Brundige says:

    When is torturing an animal going to be punished in a way the abuser deserves? No animal deserves to be treated with cruelty. However,the sadistic human who abuses an animal should receive no mercy when paying the penalty of animal abuse. Hopefully this psychopath won’t live long enough to carry out sadism on another animal

  18. Is anyone really surprised that this piece of shit in China mistreated a cat? Not saying everyone there is like that but China in general has zero respect for animals.

    I’d like to put this pussy on the ground and stomp his head till it looks like ground beef

  19. This guy should be sorry for stomping on the cats head and ow his academic future is gone. This is should be a lesson to anyone who hurts animal that consequences will be taken. Consequences to hurting any animal should be in a bill.

  20. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m glad Xu was denied admission to the Nanjing University because of his despicable act of cruelty. He also needs to be severely punished and banned from being around animals. I hope the cat recovers and gets justice

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