Applaud Volunteers Who Saved Dog Destined to Die

Before After Petra Valia Orfanidou

Target: Save a Greek Stray

Goal: Applaud the animal rescue volunteers who saved a severely ill stray from disease and certain death.

Volunteers with the organization Save a Greek Stray found a dog dying on the side of the road in Athens, Greece. The dog was starved down to skin and bones, and dirt and disease had hardened the fur and skin on her face. But when volunteers tried to rescue the poor animal, she fled. Through posts on social media, Save a Greek Stray was able to reach the right people to help catch the terrified animal and assist in her rehabilitation.

Called Petra–which is Greek for “stone”–the dog was eventually rescued and taken to a local animal shelter. Petra’s terrible condition resulted in her receiving treatment for a whole host of diseases and conditions, ranging from mange to an infection caused by bugs. She would have died from the bug infection if she had not received treatment in time.

But even as volunteers worked to improve her physical health, they realized that Petra was still terrified of humans and they suspected that she had never interacted with people before. In fact, the very first time they tried to pet her, she was so frightened she made a mess in her cage. Still, the volunteers held firm in their resolve to help her not only become more healthy but better adjusted as a pet.

Today, few would recognize six-year-old Petra who has blossomed into a loving dog who enjoys human companionship and loves to play outside. Add your name to this petition to thank the volunteers who rescued her for their work, and to make others aware of Petra’s story.


Dear Save a Greek Stray,

Recently, I learned of how your volunteers’ bravery and commitment helped to give a dying dog a new lease on life. I was saddened by the state you found Petra in, and amazed that no one had sought help for her before. Starving and covered in painful scabs, she was truly a pitiful sight.

So many of us witness animals suffering in deplorable conditions and do nothing about it. Thank you for setting yourself apart by going above and beyond to save Petra from the fate disease and starvation had meted out to her. Because of your help she is now healthy, happy, and ready to be re-homed.

I am aware that Petra is just one of the four-legged friends you’ve made on your rescue journey, and that you have saved many other lives. I hope you continue with your good work, and that this petition helps to bring attention to Petra’s need for a new forever home.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Valia Orfanidou


  1. ann Emerson says:

    I salute you.

  2. Sheila Menache says:

    Thank you for caring – it is great to know that there are people willing to risk everything to help an animal – God bless you

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  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • JoAnn Martielli
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • Velina Ussery
  • wesley burnett
  • Cecil Woolley
  • Olga Orda
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