Justice for Cats Reportedly Found Dead Due to Inhumane Conditions

Target: Phil Archer, State Attorney of Brevard County, Florida, USA

Goal: Prosecute and penalize the individual responsible for the alleged severe animal cruelty in Brevard County.

The revelation of two cats found dead and another barely clinging to life in Brevard County has sparked outrage and a demand for justice. Allegedly, these innocent animals suffered severe neglect and abandonment, leading to painful and inhumane conditions. Such alleged acts of cruelty cannot go unpunished. Dominic Hess faces serious charges, including Felony Aggravated Animal Cruelty, which highlights the severity of the alleged wrongdoing. This case, as detailed by Sheriff Wayne Ivey, paints a disturbing picture of what appears to be blatant disregard for animal welfare and the law.

Further details allege the suspect deprived the animals of essentials: food, water, and shelter, actions that led to their dire states. The surviving cat’s condition, found on the brink of death, serves as a harrowing example of the alleged neglect. These actions, as described, not only break hearts but also laws designed to protect animals from such alleged inhumane treatment. Sheriff Ivey’s condemnation, stating the suspect “doesn’t deserve a pet rock,” reflects the community’s sentiment and the need for a stringent legal response.

The necessity for this petition arises from a profound concern for animal rights and the enforcement of laws that protect them. The alleged facts are not only deeply disturbing but also a call to uphold our moral and legal responsibilities towards all living beings. The prosecution of Dominic Hess, according to the charges, would send a clear message that animal cruelty is a serious crime that carries significant consequences.


Dear State Attorney Phil Archer,

The case involving Dominic Hess, accused of causing unfathomable suffering to several cats, demands your urgent attention and action. Allegations of Felony Aggravated Animal Cruelty, alongside counts of unlawful confinement and abandonment, outline a potential scenario of neglect and harm that is both heartbreaking and unacceptable. The reported details of this case, including two cats found dead and another nearly starved to death, underscore a grievous disrespect for life and law that our community cannot tolerate.

These alleged actions betray a shocking level of cruelty and a disregard for the well-being of vulnerable animals. The surviving cat’s reported rescue from the brink of death highlights the urgent need for justice and the enforcement of our animal protection laws. It is imperative that these allegations are met with the full force of the law, ensuring that such acts of alleged cruelty are addressed with the seriousness they deserve.

Therefore, I urge you to prosecute Dominic Hess to the fullest extent possible under the law. This case not only calls for legal redress but also serves as a critical moment for our community to affirm our commitment to compassion and justice for all beings. Let us ensure that this alleged act of cruelty is met with a response that reflects our collective condemnation and our unwavering stand against animal abuse.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Kerri Lee Smith


  1. Sheriff Ivey’s condemnation, stating the suspect “doesn’t deserve a pet rock,” is a perfect statement to so many who break the law and abuse and cause suffering to innocents. The law is pathetic! People do not fear the law any longer. Society demands we all live by the law but we do not enforce any of these laws!!! How stupid is that? This man should not be allowed to function in society. He can’t be trusted as his mental health is in question. Society is safe only when laws are respected and people are forced to observe and live by the laws which protect ALL.

  2. This turd needs to be bashed in the head

  3. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    this is so extremely abnormally bad, devilish, obnoxious to these subhumans. the worst that humanity has to offer (torture animals in any way) you have to stop – the government has to act.
    This pile of rubbish you should tear out his balls very slowly and let it die


  4. Manitou CalmStorm says:

    Just know, God will deal with this monster, unfit to be called anything less than a rotten bag of haggis!

  5. Sandra mason says:

    I am so damn sick of freaks like this.. why do they even make it past birth????

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