Justice for Alleged Horse Abuse at Olympic Trainer’s Facility

Target: State Attorney Dave Aronberg, Palm Beach County, Florida, USA

Goal: Enact stringent penalties against animal abuse in sports training environments

In recent developments, deeply disturbing allegations have surfaced against Cesar Parra, an Olympic horse trainer based in Jupiter Farms, accusing him of egregious animal abuse within his training facility. Reportedly, several riders, disturbed by what they witnessed, have bravely stepped forward, sharing videos on social media that purportedly show Parra engaging in the abusive treatment of horses. These videos have sparked widespread outrage and a call for accountability.

Eyewitness accounts and the shared footage suggest acts of violence that shock the conscience; a man, believed to be Parra, is apparently seen whipping several horses, a claim that has led to his provisional suspension by the International Federation of Equestrian Sports (FEI). The FEI has publicly condemned the training techniques depicted in the “disturbing and abhorrent images and videos” that have recently emerged. This incident not only tarnishes the noble reputation of equestrian sports but also raises pressing questions about the oversight of animal welfare in competitive training environments.

The necessity for immediate and decisive action against such alleged cruelty cannot be overstated. The protection of animals under the care of sports professionals must be guaranteed through stringent legal frameworks that deter potential abusers. Demand the imposition of severe penalties against those found guilty of animal abuse in sports training, ensuring such heinous acts are met with the full force of the law.


Dear Prosecutor Dave Aronberg,

Recent allegations of animal abuse involving Cesar Parra, an Olympic horse trainer from Jupiter Farms, have shocked our community and equestrian enthusiasts worldwide. Videos and eyewitness accounts suggest a disturbing pattern of abuse against horses in his care, raising serious concerns about the welfare of animals in competitive sports environments. Such alleged actions not only violate ethical standards but also potentially breach laws designed to protect animals from cruelty.

The evidence, as reported, includes footage showing the alleged mistreatment of several horses, prompting an investigation by both the International Federation of Equestrian Sports (FEI) and, reportedly, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. The FEI has already taken a stand by provisionally suspending Parra, reflecting the gravity of the accusations. This case underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive review of how animal welfare is safeguarded in the realm of sports training and the importance of holding individuals accountable for their treatment of animals.

We urge you to take swift and decisive action in response to these allegations. The imposition of stringent penalties against those found guilty of such abuse is crucial to deter future incidents. By enforcing the law to its fullest extent, you have the power to send a clear message that animal cruelty, especially within the guise of professional sports training, will not be tolerated. We, the undersigned, call on you to ensure justice is served for the horses allegedly harmed under Parra’s care and to uphold the principles of compassion and justice that define our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Moussa Idrissi


  1. vmbq9@outlook.com says:

    Why do people wait to report animal abuse? I don’t understand it. Why wait so the abuser can keep abusing and someone has proof. I would run, or call 911 immediately, I’d also call the local news to show them what I had, whipping horses is beyond cruel and against the law, he had better be afraid of getting caught! Turn the tables on him and let him be afraid for a while, animals should never be afraid of their caretakers! Frankly the horse track should be outlawed, no good treatment of horses, drugs run amuk, not a good situation, never good for the horses, I say outlaw it alltogether. This guy needs to go to jail for a long, long time.

  2. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    this is so extremely abnormally bad, devilish, obnoxious to these subhumans. the worst that humanity has to offer (torture animals in any way) you have to stop – the government has to act.
    This pile of rubbish you should tear out his balls very slowly and let it die


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