Justice for Dog Allegedly Starved to Death Due to Neglect

Target: Susan Close, Deputy Premier of South Australia

Goal: Ensure strict legal consequences for animal neglect and abuse.

In a recent disturbing discovery, a 39-year-old woman allegedly failed to provide for the basic needs of four dogs under her care, resulting in severe emaciation and the death of one. Such reported neglect highlights a gross disregard for animal welfare and the law. These dogs allegedly suffered immensely, with three barely surviving until rescued and rehabilitated by the RSPCA, where they found new homes.

Similarly troubling, two individuals from a regional town face charges for keeping a large number of animals in deplorable conditions, affecting dogs, cats, native wildlife, and birds. This scenario reportedly unfolded in squalid surroundings, constituting a clear violation of basic animal rights. Thankfully, the majority of these animals were recovered, surrendered, and subsequently rehomed, yet the memory of their reported suffering lingers.

A couple, along with their adult teenage son, allegedly subjected two dogs to extreme neglect, leading to their emaciated state. This situation was compounded by a breach of a suspended sentence bond from a previous conviction of similar neglect. Such repeated offenses underline a pattern of disregard for animal welfare laws and the need for a more stringent legal response. Demand the imposition of the fullest legal penalties to prevent further animal suffering.


Dear Deputy Premier Susan Close,

The recent cases of alleged animal neglect and abuse in our community are not only heartbreaking but also demand urgent legal intervention. The reports of animals found in emaciated conditions, some near death, and one deceased due to severe neglect, cry out for justice. These animals depended entirely on their caretakers, who reportedly failed them in the most basic acts of care.

Further allegations involve individuals keeping a multitude of animals in squalid conditions, leading to widespread suffering among dogs, cats, and native wildlife. Such reported neglect represents a blatant disregard for life and welfare, necessitating a robust legal response. It’s imperative to highlight that the majority of these animals could only be saved and rehomed after being removed from these seemingly dire circumstances.

As concerned members of the community, we urge you to pursue the maximum penalties available under the law for those accused of such heinous acts. By doing so, you will send a clear message that animal neglect and abuse will not be tolerated. We implore you to take swift action to ensure these and all animals are protected from further harm, upholding the principle that all creatures deserve humane treatment.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Stas Svechnikov


  1. people belong in jail

  2. POS like her need to be executed.

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761 Signatures

  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Cynthia Kelley
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Vanessa Strougo
  • Barbara Nixon
  • Velina Ussery
  • Luciano Meoni
  • Shelley Costantini
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