Justice for Malnourished Dog Allegedly Left Alone in Sub-Zero Temperatures

Target: Prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes, Passaic County, New Jersey, US

Goal: Ensure stringent legal consequences for individuals accused of severe animal cruelty in Haledon’s recent case.

In Haledon, a heart-wrenching scene unfolded recently. A young, gray pit bull, named Elsa, was reportedly discovered in a state of severe neglect. Allegedly, the dog endured prolonged exposure to sub-zero temperatures. Its condition was critical, showing signs of emaciation, frostbite, and hypothermia. Such apparent neglect paints a disturbing picture of animal cruelty.

The dog’s owners, Johanna Marie and Devon Johnson, face third-degree animal cruelty charges. This allegation raises significant concerns about the treatment of animals in our community. Law enforcement’s commitment to animal welfare in Haledon is commendable, yet this case shows a need for more vigilant enforcement and harsher penalties for such grievous acts.

The demand is clear and urgent. Seek justice for Elsa and a deterrent against future cruelty. Strengthening legal measures against animal cruelty is not just a legal issue; it’s a moral imperative. The details of Elsa’s suffering should compel us to act without delay.


Dear Prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes,

I am writing to express deep concern and to urge immediate action in the case of the reportedly malnourished dog found in Haledon. The dog, Elsa, suffered immensely due to alleged negligence and cruelty. This case has not only affected Elsa but has also shaken the community’s faith in animal welfare and justice.

The details are harrowing. Elsa, reportedly left outside in freezing temperatures, was found in a state of collapse. The severity of her condition, including signs of frostbite and hypothermia, suggests prolonged and egregious neglect. Such acts of alleged animal cruelty must not go unpunished. Johanna Marie and Devon Johnson, the dog’s owners, now face serious allegations. This situation calls for a robust legal response to serve as a deterrent for future instances of animal cruelty.

We demand stringent legal action against those accused of this heinous act. Ensuring justice in this case is critical to upholding our community’s values and protecting our animals. This is an opportunity to send a strong message that animal cruelty is a grave offense and will be met with the full force of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Donovan Shortey


  1. JUSTICE for innocent Elsa and many more out there suffering the same fate! Johanna Marie and Devon Johnson must both face the harshest punishments for intentionallyand heartlessly subjecting their pet to such a painful and prolonged ordeal!

  2. Sherry Akridge says:


    Johanna Marie and Devon Johnson, Human Garbage, scum of the earth. They left Elsa to die outside by freezing to death, and was starving her. I wish that people could take care of MONSTERS like this! Every day animal abuse is on the rise! Because of MONSTERS like these two. I hope karma comes for them with vengeance! Haledon, New Jersey needs to make these two pay!!

  3. Bullet to the head ends the perpetrators ability to inflict harm on any other living being

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  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Vanessa Strougo
  • Vanessa Strougo
  • Jacklyn Noftsier
  • Barbara Nixon
  • Velina Ussery
  • Luciano Meoni
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