Animals ‘as close as they could be to dying of starvation and still be breathing’ Deserve Justice

Target: Brandy Cook, District Attorney of Rowan County, North Carolina, US

Goal: Prosecute and hold accountable those responsible for the alleged animal cruelty and starvation in Rowan County.

Recently, a harrowing discovery was made in Rowan County. Investigators found several dogs and ducks in a state of severe neglect at a residence on Upland Trail. This case has sparked widespread outrage, drawing attention to the plight of animals subjected to such conditions. Grace Horne, the homeowner, reportedly admitted to leaving these animals unattended for about a month. The alleged neglect and starvation led to the death of multiple ducks and chickens, a disturbing observation apparently made by neighbors.

The veterinarian who treated the dogs apparently said that the animals were “as close as they could be to dying of starvation and still be breathing.”

Horne now faces 14 animal cruelty charges and four charges of felony death by starvation. Despite the adoption of three dogs into new homes, the trauma and suffering endured by these animals remain a stark reminder of the cruelty they allegedly faced. The details of this case, including the allegedly prolonged period of abandonment and the resulting fatalities, paint a grim picture. This situation calls for a thorough investigation and legal action against those responsible for these heinous acts.

The demand for justice in this case is not just about punishment but about sending a clear message against animal cruelty. It is imperative that individuals who engage in such reprehensible acts are held accountable. This petition calls for the full extent of legal action to be taken against those allegedly responsible for the suffering and deaths of these animals. Prevent similar cases of neglect and cruelty in the future.


Dear District Attorney Brandy Cook,

I am writing to you regarding the deeply disturbing case of alleged animal cruelty and starvation on Upland Trail in Rowan County. In November 2023, several animals were reportedly found in a state of severe neglect, leading to the death of multiple ducks and chickens. The owner of these animals, Grace Horne, is accused of leaving them unattended for an extended period, resulting in extreme suffering and, in some cases, death.

This case highlights a significant issue of animal welfare and the consequences of neglect. The animals in this instance allegedly endured prolonged starvation and neglect, leading to a tragic outcome. It is crucial that such cases are treated with the severity they deserve, to deter future instances of cruelty and neglect. The suffering of these animals must not be in vain.

I urge you to take decisive action in this case. The evidence, as reported, suggests a clear violation of animal welfare laws. The charges against Grace Horne, including 14 counts of animal cruelty and four counts of felony death by starvation, warrant a thorough and just prosecution. This case serves as an important opportunity to uphold the law and demonstrate that such cruelty will not be tolerated. I trust in your commitment to justice and the well-being of all creatures.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Helena Lopes

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768 Signatures

  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Vanessa Strougo
  • Vanessa Strougo
  • Jacklyn Noftsier
  • Barbara Nixon
  • Velina Ussery
  • Luciano Meoni
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