Cat Apparently Stolen and Tortured Deserves Justice

Target: Michael O’Pake, District Attorney of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania

Goal: Ensure legal accountability for those accused of the heart-wrenching theft and mistreatment of a family cat.

A heinous act has sent shockwaves through the community, where a cherished family cat, Catalina, became a victim of alleged theft and cruelty. In a disturbing revelation, three men, including the daughter’s boyfriend of the cat’s owner, stand accused of this heartless act. Their alleged involvement, as captured on surveillance, paints a grim picture of the fate that befell this innocent animal.

Details emerging from the investigation are deeply unsettling. Andrew A. Huber, Ayden M. Spantak, and Nathan D. Youst face multiple charges, including animal cruelty and theft. Disturbingly, a video allegedly shows Huber inflicting torture on another cat, underscoring the severity of their supposed actions. This incident, beyond the theft itself, speaks volumes about the alleged disregard for animal welfare these individuals exhibited.

The necessity for justice in this case cannot be overstated. Catalina’s alleged theft and the suspected cruelty inflicted upon her demand a stern legal response. These actions, if proven true, not only robbed a family of their beloved pet but also violated the sanctity of animal rights. Call for rigorous legal action against those accused to serve as a deterrent against such heinous acts in the future.


Dear Attorney Michael O’Pake,

I write to you, overwhelmed by the disturbing allegations surrounding the theft and mistreatment of a family cat, Catalina, in your jurisdiction. The accused individuals, Andrew A. Huber, Ayden M. Spantak, and Nathan D. Youst, allegedly engaged in acts that not only demonstrate a shocking disregard for animal welfare but also have caused immense distress to the pet’s family.

In this dire situation, evidence, including surveillance footage and a distressing video, points toward a grim narrative of alleged animal cruelty and theft. These acts, particularly the video showing apparent torture of another cat, raise serious concerns about the accused’s treatment of animals. It is imperative that these allegations are thoroughly and judiciously investigated to uphold justice.

Given the severity and emotional impact of this case, I urge you to ensure that these accusations are met with the full force of the law. The community seeks assurance that such alleged cruelty is not taken lightly and that justice prevails for Catalina and her family. This case is not just about one family’s loss; it is a test of our society’s commitment to protecting the vulnerable and upholding justice.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tim (Timothy) Pearce


  1. Laura Rolder says:

    Felony animal abuse. He must spend the max if not more time behind bars. Justice for this poor cat.

  2. there needs to be a special prison for known psychopaths like these disgusting pukes.

  3. All of the perpetrators deserve a bullet to the brain. End of future acts of cruelty they will commit.

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • Julia Edinger says:


    • 1000% agree. There is no rehabilitation for monsters like this. Remove them from the planet. They will repeat their violence against animals.

    • Debra Shapiro says:

      I agree. Set an example for future people who are thinking about abusing and torturing animals.

  4. Andrew A. Huber, Ayden M. Spantak, and Nathan D. Youst. The 3 stooges here All need to be next!!!

  5. Felony animal abuse is a 7 year sentence, Make sure all three get that per occurrence. 14 years.
    And to the owners of animals, keep them inside unless attended, these people are out there everywhere

    • Debra Shapiro says:

      I agree with keeping animals inside. I have a cat and she never went outside unless going to the vet. Cats can’t be harmed if they are not allowed outside.


  7. This is just getting worse & worse. The current laws do absolutely nothing to deter these evil pieces of s**t!!! It’s time the authorities from police to courts to government deal these monsters. Make it so whatever the monster gives, it gets. PERIOD!!! The pathetic argument that punishment doesn’t stop it is just plain wrong. The reason it doesn’t deter it is because there is no punishment. Start giving these pathetic a** wipes what they give and you’ll see how fast it stops.

    • Catherine E Scarbrough says:

      Well said

    • Exactly.
      Corporal punishment for ‘proven’ animal torturers and murderers the world over would no doubt halve in a week or so as these bastards are just BLOODY COWARDS and really would NOT want to risk having a few thousand volts up their ‘jacksey’ (‘arse’ for the Un-initiated).
      Or if a animal activist group could get the the bastards first, then so be it!!

  8. Let all three undergo the same treatment as this poor cat. These are single-celled psychopaths and should be removed from this earth. This is not talking about humans but vermin. Culling is the only punishment that does justice to that innocent kitten, who did NOTHING wrong!!!

  9. An eye for an eye………do unto others….if Justice systems world wide don’t step up and start doing the right thing then an eye for an eye should prevail…….

  10. If this case of Felony Animal Abuse and Torture is let go with the usual slap on the wrist by the judge our helpless children will be next but for each felony count let them all get the max penalty to get served in federal prison that will ensure our animals and children are safe from these heinous crimes committed by them and give the men a full castration so they’ll never reproduce anymore of their like kind. In prison there’s many people who will even up the score as animal abduction and torture ranks right up there with child abduction and rape. Let justice get served by sending them to federal prison for many year.

    • Ive often thought that weak judges should be held accountable for the fall out from overly light sentencing of nasty crimes whether against humans or animals. As in when the scum reoffend, the judge faces penalties such as wage reduction to compensate victims for their incompetance, or a wedge of their private pensions taken for damages to victims. Maybe that would at last teach them to levy proper puniahments to the limits allowed rather than weed out and do the usual “tut tut” finger wagging crap at vile abusers

  11. When someone purposefully and knowingly tortures an animal, even records it, they are a danger to their communities. To animals and people alike. Animal torture is a trait of psychopathy. It is NOT normal, and when children are involved, it’s NOT just ‘kids being kids.’ As a society, we need to start taking these horrible acts against vulnerable, living creatures seriously, and punish the offenders accordingly. We need stricter laws against abuse and neglect. Statistically, the abusers go on to more violent offenses, eventually against people in their communities a majority of the time. The information and research is pretty clear about this. I just cannot understand why the laws and punishments are not enforced as they should be. And why the punishments for these horrible acts are so lenient. The following is attributed to Ghandi (though there is disagreement that this quote is his): “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” This is so true, but unfortunately, we are failing miserably.

    • Exactly right Sister Lisa, highly commendable submission.
      Ghandi or whoever decided this quote was absolutely right.
      And to mention, the punishments for these heinous are lenient because, as I have said before, these Judges, Barristers, and fancy lawyers are scared of the perps and would not want their houses setting on fire or their cars ‘torched’ etc, so just give the bastards a little wrist-slap with a favourable comment such as; please do not do this again. Go away and be good boys!! Just a load of bollocks- – but my friends, this IS true!!
      Now we all know what is needed here- ‘yes’? I’m sure we all DO!
      These tossers are NOT humans but psychopathic pieces of gutter shite
      who DO NOT belong on earth. I’ll bet the sods started torturing animals early when they were kids and have gone on from there!
      I say again for a normal living everyday person to even think about taking a life (even one of these shitbags) would not be possible! Totally unheard of.
      But, we CAN get our thoughts and feelings out on splendid sites like this one in hope that some of these torturing bastards happen to read them knowing what could happen to them if mobbed! Although these piss-brains would probably get a ‘high’ from having a mention here!
      Their names are out so some one or some group may know where the fuckers live and could ‘dish out’ some corrective therapy.
      Hopefully terminal as these pricks will never be cured. Except when the bastards are DEAD that is!!!

  12. Matt Kandarapally says:

    Shoot them in their faces

  13. Absolutely disgusting. These people deserved to be treated the same way, they are so evil.

  14. All three should be punished and receive the maximum penalty. They should also pay restitution to the family. They should not be allowed near animals or children for the rest of their lives. I only wish we could physically tattoo a symbol on their foreheads. These acts must stop!

  15. No animal deserves to be the victim of CRIMINAL,DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!!! Crimes committed against defenseless animals are increasingly GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. These satanic pathological monsters must be severely punished.

  16. Julia Edinger says:

    “This is just getting worse & worse. The current laws do absolutely nothing to deter these evil pieces of s**t!!! It’s time the authorities from police to courts to government deal these monsters. Make it so whatever the monster gives, it gets. PERIOD!!! The pathetic argument that punishment doesn’t stop it is just plain wrong. The reason it doesn’t deter it is because there is no punishment. Start giving these pathetic a** wipes what they give and you’ll see how fast it stops.“!!!

  17. Would be great to see them locked in a cat cage. A Big Cat cave of hungry lions.

  18. Stop with the PC BS-they were caught on camera. They have committed these demonic actions before and they will again. They need to be OFF THE STREETS and IN A CELL.

  19. Jacqueline “Torture the S*** says:

    Torture them and give them 1000 Volts to the head!!! Done!

  20. Please do your job, Mr. O’Pake. Prosecute these pathological predators. Seek max prison time for all three.

    Thank you in advance for perhaps doing your job.

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