Raccoon Reportedly Set on Fire on New Year’s Eve Deserves Justice

Target: Michael W. Morrissey, District Attorney of Norfolk County, Massachusetts

Goal: Secure rigorous legal consequences for the individual allegedly responsible for a raccoon’s cruel mistreatment.

A shocking case of animal cruelty allegedly occurred in Quincy. Reportedly, a raccoon was intentionally set ablaze on New Year’s Eve, causing devastating injuries. It is alleged that this barbaric act left the animal with severe burns across its stomach, back, and paws, with most of its fur either missing or charred. The raccoon’s plight has stirred profound emotions and a universal outcry for justice.

The raccoon, demonstrating remarkable resilience, has undergone two surgical procedures and intense care at the Cape Wildlife Center’s Weymouth hospital. Its injuries, particularly to its highly sensitive hands, reportedly meant it endured excruciating pain. Despite this apparent agony, the raccoon’s indomitable spirit shines through. Staff at the Cape Wildlife Center are diligently aiding its recovery, which includes enrichment activities and a specialized diet.

This appalling incident highlights the necessity for stern legal measures to safeguard animals. The alleged perpetrator, a Quincy man, has been charged with felony animal cruelty but pleaded not guilty. The prosecution of this case, involving the New England Wildlife Center, Quincy Police Department, and the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office, sends a vital message against animal cruelty. Demand robust legal action to ensure justice for the voiceless victim of this heinous act.


Dear Attorney Michael W. Morrissey,

A deeply disturbing incident of animal cruelty has unfolded in Quincy, where a raccoon was reportedly set on fire in a shocking act of brutality. The severity of this alleged crime against a defenseless animal demands your immediate attention and action. The raccoon appears to have suffered grievously, enduring extensive burns and intense pain, a plight that has evoked widespread public outrage and empathy.

The raccoon’s resilience in the face of such cruelty is commendable. However, it highlights a broader issue – the need for stringent legal repercussions for acts of animal cruelty. This case, with the alleged perpetrator currently pleading not guilty to felony animal cruelty charges, stands as a critical test of our legal system’s commitment to protecting the vulnerable. It is imperative that this case be pursued with the utmost seriousness to ensure that such acts are not tolerated.

We, the undersigned, urge you to take decisive action in this case. We call for rigorous prosecution and appropriate legal consequences for the individual allegedly responsible for this atrocious act. It is crucial that we send a clear message: cruelty towards animals is inexcusable and will be met with the full force of the law. We look to your office to uphold justice for this voiceless victim and to demonstrate our society’s commitment to compassion and justice.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Cloudtail the Snow Leopard


  1. pleaded not guilty – wow ? thank you everyone for signing and caring for the helpless animals – please let justice be served for this heartless crime

  2. Stella Waldvogel says:

    What in the blue hell is wrong with people? This is the act of someone who simply likes inflicting excruciating, prolonged pain for no reason whatsoever. Such people do not belong in society. What would they do to a dog, a cat, a CHILD if they thought they could get away with it?
    After three surgeries, the raccoon went into cardiac arrest and died. That’s how badly it was burned. Don’t let this miscreant off lightly.

    • I hope life treat this people the same way they treat the animals 💔

    • This BASTARD must die very painfully for this. Obviously a ‘sick- minded pissant who obviously enjoys and gets a ‘buzz’ out of torturing animals!
      Well let the punishment fit the crime. I have always been an advocate of ‘an eye for an eye’ as it says in the good bible. So it must be right!
      It has got to come to ‘vigilante’ justice for these nasty tossers.
      I mean, who the fuck do they think they are? What right have they to do this? NON AT ALL!!
      So dear hearts, the sods have got to be eliminated—‘yes’. Quite honestly, if their demise was carried out quickly and efficiently, I wouldn’t think the useless law would bother too much as too much paperwork for them. So it could work both ways. Less work for them and one less animal torturing bastard on our planet.
      This HAS got to happen folks and believe me it IS going to happen as there is only so much of this shit that normal thinking people will take.

  3. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg because our government is failing its people it is also failing our animals but people, ungodly people that do these type of things start off with animals and move on to people and because our government does not want to punish people for their crimes I’m afraid things are going to get considerably worse for animals unless things change which I doubt they will

    The only consolation that we have is our faith and knowing that these people that do these things they will never see God’s glory and God’s love do you think our Holy Father would allow these type of people into heaven you are sadly mistaken our God is a very loving God and a very merciful god but he’s also very jealous and very angry God and he does not tolerate perversion corruption and people hurting …taking advantage and destroying his creations.

    In fact, it says in the Bible that we are supposed to be stewards for all God’s creations hopefully, they’ll find the people that did this and I’m sure they never will it’s unfortunate for all animals especially this one.

  4. NO animal deserves to be the victim of DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED sadistic psychopaths. Crimes committed against animals are increasingly grotesque because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a MOCKERY of animal victims. This dehumanized sadistic psychopath must be found and severely punished. He should also cover all veterinary costs resulting from this horrific abuse, and be banned from owning/coming near animals ever again.
    MAX JAIL for this Satanic lowlife scum!

  5. This horrific cruelty deserves prison sentence only.

  6. Set these sub humans on fire!

  7. Albert C Brechbiel says:

    Don’t give jail time. Just kill this piece of s***

  8. barry farley says:

    This poor raccoon didn’t deserve such heinous treatment of animal cruelty that was put upon it. The raccoon deserves to be treated to respected no matter if it is animal or human. RIP peace you poor raccoon you have now crossed over to rainbow bridge and now in God’s hands because you are one of God’s creatures who deserves better treatment that was put upon you. Now the bastard that did this to you deserves the punishment that is entitled to him. He deserves punishment by being sent to hell where he can be set on fire.

  9. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Unforgivable acts of Cruelty. The POS deserves nothing more than what he gave to this poor innocent soul. Eye for an Eye is what the punishment should be…

  10. This half wit should just be kept in a cell. What was he even doing with a raccoon and why on earth would he burn this animal? He is clearly brainless and has no business living among humans

  11. This sadistic POS needs to be set on fire

  12. Jane Todaro says:

    Whoever did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God for the professionals at the Cape Wildlife Center’s Weymouth Hospital!!!!!!!!!!!

    • As I keep saying, there is no ‘FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW’ as they just cannot be bothered with this sort of crime as I have said many times, it is just an animal So they really could not give a fuck!!
      These bastards are just as bad as the bloody demented buggers who do these heinous acts and deserve the same treatment as well!
      This is (or was) a living feeling animal that this bastard burnt to death for fun, so obviously his brain is wired wrong.
      Now the only way to put his brain right is for the torturing cunt to be VERY DEAD!!
      I am also sure that most normal living people feel the same, and would be queuing up to give this bastard the very same treatment!!

  13. Enufs_Enuff says:

    No creature deserves this ,and the pathetic individual who committed this disgusting act should be beaten to a pulp.Karma will serve this sick human a reality dose soon enough

  14. josie olive says:

    What is wrong with these frigging people this one should suffer the same fate

  15. Evil must end!!!!!!

  16. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Find the perpetrator(s) and euthanize them immediately. They do not belong here and we need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

  17. I’d like to celebrate the new year by setting this cowardly, sadistic, son of a bitch on fire.

    • I am pretty sure that is what we all want, to teach the bastard a lesson. And hopefully, someone could post this world wide online so that all the other animal torturing bastards could see what will happen to them when caught by a ‘riled-up group of animal protectors!
      And, I am also sure that the bastards would be ‘crapping’ their pants like the bloody cowards they are !!!


  19. Dear District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey,
    Please PLEASE prosecute the alleged perpetrator of the severely burned injured raccoon that is still suffering and will be suffering throughout a long series of excruciating therapy, rehabilitation and treatments. No living creature deserves to go through such pain and misery and this evil sadistic individual must be held accountable and responsible and should never be allowed in the presence of an animal ever again, be placed on every and all animal abuser list imaginable, and be punished and prosecuted to the maximum fullest extent of the law. This poor little animal will always feel pain as burns damages nerves, and the racoon’s hands were extremely burned, leading to a lifetime of suffering and pain. This malicious and intentional individual could very easily harm a person or a child as it is proven that animal abuse often leads child and adult abuse. Thank you for taking this issue of extreme cruelty and abuse seriously. This raccoon is innocent wildlife, and additional punishment should be added as it is illegal to hurt wildlife. The little raccoon was living his/her life not bothering anyone and this human demon needs to face it’s hard “extremely (hot) warm” reckoning. THANK YOU.

  20. HANG ‘IT!’

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