Terrified Pomeranian Reportedly Thrown From Second Floor Deserves Justice

Target: Dong Soo Lee, Prosecutor of the Seoul Northern District Court

Goal: Punish individual responsible for a Pomeranian’s tragic injuries to set a precedent against animal cruelty.

In South Korea, a shocking incident has left a community rattled. A Pomeranian, an innocent animal, was allegedly thrown from the second floor of a building. This egregious act reportedly resulted in severe spinal and nervous system injuries, paralyzing the dog’s hind legs. Such a disturbing scenario highlights the need for a rigorous response to animal cruelty.

Further details reveal the gravity of this situation. Allegedly, the perpetrator, a man in his 30s, nonchalantly tossed the dog and returned home, as if discarding an inanimate object. This brazen disregard for life starkly contrasts with the compassion of the witnesses, who rushed the injured animal to receive emergency care. The court’s response, a fine, seems disproportionate to the alleged act’s cruelty, especially given the escalating animal abuse cases in South Korea.

The pressing need for justice in this case is clear. The reported act not only inflicted physical harm but also symbolized a disturbing lack of empathy and respect for life. Demand a revision of the sentence to include stricter punitive measures.


Dear Dong Soo Lee,

In light of the recent incident involving a Pomeranian in South Korea, it’s imperative to address the severity of this case. Reportedly, a man in his 30s committed a heinous act against an innocent animal, causing life-altering injuries. Such alleged cruelty cannot be overlooked or minimally punished if we are to uphold a standard of compassion and justice in our society.

The details of this case are particularly unsettling. Throwing a living, feeling being from a height is an act that showcases a disturbing level of apathy. The contrast between the alleged perpetrator’s actions and the witness’s immediate response to save the dog is stark. This incident is not just about one animal; it’s indicative of a broader issue of rising animal cruelty in the country. A more stringent response is necessary to prevent such acts from becoming normalized.

We urge you to reconsider the punishment handed out in this case. The current fine seems inadequate for the gravity of the alleged offense. We seek a sentence that not only addresses the harm done to this particular animal but also serves as a deterrent to potential future offenders. Our society must send a clear message that animal cruelty is unacceptable and will be met with serious legal consequences.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tiểu Bảo Trương


  1. Garlina Norris says:

    Another male perpetrator on a vulnerable poor animal. Piece of garbage. Send him to GAZA and give him to Hamas or Hezbollah so they can torture him. Useless human. Good riddance

    • Animal vigilante says:


      • Will you do one of three things you either toss this man off the second story and give him the same treatment that he gave the animal or you put him in prison for a long time and make an example out of him to others to show what happens to people who are cruel to animals and the third thing you could do is put him to death these are God’s creations and we are supposed to be stewards for God’s creations not to abuse them not to hurt them or steal them away this man needs to learn a serious lesson and if they let him go then South Korea obviously doesn’t care about animals and neither does the judge and when was the point of even taking this to court if they’re just going to let him go then they have a faulty system and I feel sorry for all the animals there

        • South Korea does not give a ‘fuck’ about anything so animals stand no chance.
          What do you expect from a fucking county who breeds dogs to torture and then eat!!
          Bastards- all of them!!!

          • You are SO right!! This is a country which breeds dogs especially to torture, kill and eat so what can you expect? They should be blown off the face of the earth…

    • Joyce O'Malley says:


    • TOTALLY AGREE, anumal abusers are P.O.S. and do not deserve to breathe.

    • Carmel Edreey says:

      Totally agree. Such worthless trash!

    • Death penalty since he is too dangerous to be left alive.

  2. Animal vigilante says:

    What I wouldn’t give to strap this dispicable disgusting pile of shyt to a table, put a ball gag in his cock-holster and play genital surgeon with a rusty pair of shears and a dull serrated knife. No anesthesia, of course!! If he’s still alive I’d gladly toss him casually off a second story window, enjoying the view and still sleep well at night.
    I feel physically ill for this precious pupper. Praying pupper will make a full recovery. Details don’t species if the furbaby was euthanized or will remain permanently paralyzed. I pray some wingless angel will give this precious baby the best furever home if he survives. I pray karma will exact the most horrific revenge on this pile of shyt, cretin monster of a “human”.

    • Bless you 🙏 I feel the same. This 66yo a animal Lover is crying right now 😢💔🙏🙏❤️🐶

    • Exactly right.
      The problem here is that in Korea they ‘STILL’ eat tortured dog meat’ as the stupid pricks reckon that a tortured dog releases certain pheromones that makes the meat taste sweeter.
      What these bastards really mean is that they ‘GET OFF’ on torturing these dogs to death!!
      I totally agree with ‘Animal vigilante’ and this tosser really must get to know what being tortured feels like!
      I believe also that the chairman, governor, or whatever the prick calls himself condones that it is Ok for dogs to be strung up and ‘skinned’ alive.
      I sure would like to get this bastard strung up to see if he thought it was not agony!
      So you see, these dog torturing pissers do not give a ‘flying fuck’ what they do to these faithful animals as that is what they are—JUST ANIMALS so no matter!!
      Like animal vigilante, I would seriously show this shitbag what intense pain was all about.
      I am a very long way away, so really hope that some activist group can teach this torturing arsehole a thing or two about serious pain.
      I guarantee that the bastard would be very quickly pissing and shitting his pants! If the prick unfortunately expired, then bloody good.
      Until these pieces if shite are stopped, ANIMAL TORTURE WILL CONTINUE.
      We cannot rely on any governing bodies to sort these tow rags so yet again it is down to the normal people like our good selves to make a stand to stop these pissants once and for all. As the bloody cowards they are, they would, very soon begin to know what happens to animal torturers by mob rule.
      Absolute ‘POWER’ to any organisations who can sort these murdering arrogant buggers out – once and for all. Every one of these fuckers taken out means one less animal torturing bastard on our planet!!!

      • Irene Leggett says:

        Totally agree with you, personally I think these ‘people’ should be exterminated so ridding the world of these psychotic, depraved POS. They’re nothing but putrid, rotten garbage.


  4. Laura Rolder says:

    This is beyond heartbreaking for this poor defenseless innocent living being. No animal ever deserves to be abused. If this evil man has no reguards for life his should be taken away and locked away from society. Next it will be a child if you don’t make the laws stricter on these monsters who harm animals. Do the right thing and get justice for this poor innocent little dog.

  5. Animal abuse throughout the world is treated far too leniently. Frankly, these depraved individuals should be executed. Sadly, that just doesn’t happen. Until abusers, murderers, and rapists are executed within 24 hours of their convictions, these heinous acts will continue. Would executions stop all despicable behavior, no, but it would reduce some. And at least the executed would never commit another heinous cruel act against man or animals.

  6. How horrible! What a disgusting monster. Toss him out of a 30 story window!! I hope the precious pup will heal and recover.

    • Hey folks, we are talking about South Korea here–where there is still mostly dod/cat eating there (as well as skinning them alive for their fur). South Korea, China, Vietnam, Thailand, and some other Asian nations don’t value dogs/cats like we do.

      • Yes he was probably hoping for a quick death so he could eat him for dinner. Fucking asians, probably the cruelest on earth. Tho there is cruel fuckers everywhere these days. Satans soldiers.

  7. The monster who did this should be thrown from a 10 story building! That should be the punishment to fit the crime!!!!

  8. What do you expect from a country that eats them

  9. Garlina Norris says:

    Happened in Korea. They are too ignorant to do anything. Tragic

  10. This fucker needs to experience the exact same treatment without remorse…

  11. Cheryl+Miller says:

    Poor poor little innocent dog!!! Justice for the little dog who was abused!! Throw this sicko creep in jail and never allow this creep animals!!!

  12. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal Abuse n Cruelty

  13. S. Korea must revamp their animal protection laws and ensure that animal abusers do not get away with a slap on the wrist. Long term jail, heavy fines, plus caning preferably for hurting animals!

  14. Mia Hellstroem says:

    Politicians and Judges! When are you going to do your job and protect animals by legislating Animal Protection Laws with punishments worth the name?!
    How psychopaths can continue to subject defensless animals to sadistic cruelty without being severly punished is incomprehensible!
    One could almost suspect the Court Officials of having an inappropriate relation with the defendant.
    STOP PAMPERING ANIMAL ABUSERS no matter what shape or form they come in!

  15. Death penalty for this P.O.S,coward!
    Justice for the dog!

  16. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    Shameful, just shameful to no end.
    A pile of shit has more decency, compassion and most of all a purpose in this life. Fertilizer is made from shit.
    but… people are toxic garbage. very dangerous.
    Animal abusers and animal murderers are the epitome of evil.
    my little angel – i hope that wherever you are you are just beautiful and peaceful❤️❤️❤️

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