Justice for Over 100 Animals Allegedly Neglected for Months

Target: Denise A. Dymond Lyn, Citrus County District Attorney

Goal: Ensure the prosecution of those allegedly responsible for the neglect and abuse of over 100 animals.

In Florida, an appalling situation unfolded. Over 100 animals, including dogs, chickens, and turkeys, were allegedly found in a state of severe neglect. This incident demands our immediate attention. Faustino Alfredo Valladares and Patricia Maria Villadamigo, the owners, now face serious animal cruelty charges. The details are deeply disturbing, painting a picture of prolonged suffering.

Reportedly, the animals lived in deplorable conditions. They reportedly lacked basic care, a situation that went on for months. The animals suffered, according to the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office. An investigation, titled “Operation Rescue Thor,” revealed the extent of this alleged neglect. It’s a scenario that shakes any compassionate person to their core.

This case requires a firm legal response. Demand that the Citrus County District Attorney take decisive action. The alleged perpetrators must face the consequences of their actions. Only through legal accountability can justice be served in this case.


Dear Denise A. Dymond Lyn,

We write to you today, deeply troubled by the distressing case of reported animal neglect and abuse in your jurisdiction. Over 100 animals, living beings capable of suffering, were reportedly found in a horrific state of neglect. This case, involving Faustino Alfredo Valladares and Patricia Maria Villadamigo, has shocked and saddened many.

The allegations paint a grim picture. Animals deprived of basic needs for an extended period. The thought of their suffering is heart-wrenching. It is our collective responsibility to ensure such acts do not go unpunished. This case is not just about animals; it’s about our moral compass as a society.

We urge you to pursue this case with the seriousness it deserves. The animals’ plight must not be in vain. They deserve justice, and the alleged perpetrators must be held accountable. Our community looks to you to uphold justice and prevent such atrocities from happening again.


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Photo credit: Vince pahkala

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  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
  • Cynthia Kelley
  • Kathleen Leslie
  • Kelly Tadlock
  • Vanessa Strougo
  • Velina Ussery
  • Velina Ussery
  • Shelley Costantini
  • Lesha Thornton
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