Justice for Abandoned Senior Lab-Mix Discovered in Severely Malnourished State

Target: John Larochelle, District Attorney of Warwick

Goal: Prosecute individuals responsible for the tragic neglect and abandonment of a senior lab-mix dog in Warwick.

In Warwick, a heartbreaking scene unfolded recently. Police discovered an abandoned senior lab-mix dog, languishing near Pawtuxet Cemetery. This innocent animal was found in a dire state, emaciated, and suffering from multiple health issues. The situation was so grim that the poor creature had to be euthanized. Such an incident shakes our community, highlighting a grave injustice against a defenseless animal.

Further investigation revealed the dog’s condition was not a sudden occurrence. It appeared to have endured prolonged neglect, leading to its emaciated state. This suggests a disturbing pattern of neglect by the individuals responsible. Such treatment of an animal is not only morally reprehensible but also a clear violation of animal welfare laws. It’s a stark reminder of the cruelty some animals face, often hidden from public view.

The necessity for legal action in this case is clear. This heartbreaking event calls for a strong response to deter similar acts in the future. Demand that those responsible for this cruel act be held accountable. Their actions represent a flagrant disregard for life and welfare. Justice for this dog means ensuring such cruelty does not go unpunished.


Dear John Larochelle,

We write to you concerning a recent, deeply troubling incident in our community. An abandoned senior lab-mix was found near Pawtuxet Cemetery, its condition reflecting severe and prolonged neglect. This dog’s plight ended tragically; it had to be euthanized due to the extent of its suffering. This case is not just an animal welfare issue; it’s a moral failure that our community must address.

The details of this case are disturbing. The dog’s emaciated state and overall health suggest a history of neglect and abuse. These actions, reportedly by those responsible, violate not only animal welfare laws but also the ethical standards of our society. We rely on your office to uphold justice, not just for humans but for all beings who cannot speak for themselves.

Therefore, we urge you to take swift and decisive action. Investigate this case thoroughly and prosecute those responsible for their alleged cruelty. Doing so will send a clear message: our community will not tolerate such inhumane treatment of animals. We seek justice for this dog and assurance that such acts will meet with the full force of the law.

Your Name Here

Photo credit: Miguel Ángel Martínez González

One Comment

  1. Sherry Akridge says:

    The disgusting monster that did this deserves to rot in jail. Prosecute this disgusting excuse of a human, or they will do this again. Abusers do not abuse one time. It is a way of life for them. They do not deserve to breathe.

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