Stop Allegedly Abusing Live Animals on TV for Entertainment

Target: Ms. Carolyn McCall, CEO of ITV, United Kingdom

Goal: Ensure ethical treatment and compliance with animal welfare standards.

Recent allegations have surfaced concerning “I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!,” a popular ITV program, focusing on potential animal abuse during the show’s production. Notably, Chris Packham, a renowned wildlife expert, has vocalized his concerns, highlighting a growing public unease. His remarks draw attention to the show’s usage of live animals for entertainment, which he describes as a “grotesque blot” on the reputation of ITV and its hosts. These allegations, if true, indicate a serious ethical lapse and a disconnect between public sensitivity towards environmental and animal welfare issues and the entertainment industry’s practices.

The situation demands scrutiny, as it raises questions about the treatment of animals in entertainment and the responsibilities of media corporations in this context. With growing awareness of animal rights and environmental issues, such disregard for animal welfare could reflect poorly on ITV’s commitment to ethical standards and social responsibility. It becomes essential to ensure that all programs, especially those with high viewership like “I’m A Celebrity,” adhere strictly to animal welfare laws and ethical guidelines.

ITV has stated their compliance with relevant laws concerning the use of animals. However, public concern necessitates a more transparent and thorough review of these practices. Ensuring that animal welfare is not compromised for entertainment is crucial, and ITV, as a major media player, bears significant responsibility in setting industry standards. Take action now.


Dear Ms. Carolyn McCall,

We write to bring to your attention the disquieting allegations of animal abuse in “I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!”, an ITV production. These concerns, raised by prominent figures such as Chris Packham and echoed by the public, necessitate urgent action.

We urge you to conduct a comprehensive review of the show’s practices involving animals. It is paramount to ensure that all ITV productions strictly adhere to the highest standards of animal welfare and ethical treatment. A transparent investigation into these allegations is crucial in maintaining public trust and ITV’s reputation.

We advocate for reform in policies governing the use of animals in your programming, aligned with modern ethical standards and public sentiment. Let this be an opportunity for ITV to lead by example in the media industry, demonstrating a commitment to responsible and humane entertainment practices.


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  • Velina Ussery
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