Justice for Dog Allegedly Shot With Crossbow

Target: Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia

Goal: Ensure the maximum legal penalty for the individual accused of shooting a dog with a crossbow.

A case of alleged aggravated animal cruelty in Walker County has shocked the community. Charles Wayne Gresham, 19, stands accused of using a crossbow to shoot a dog, an act that has sparked widespread outrage. His arrest by animal abuse investigators underlines the severity of these allegations. The community demands justice and a deterrent against such acts.

Further details of this disturbing incident reportedly reveal a chilling disregard for animal welfare. Sheriff Nick Smith’s statement emphasizes the community’s intolerance of animal abuse. Such acts not only cause immense suffering to the animals involved but also disturb the public conscience. The community is looking to the legal system for a resolute response.

This case highlights the need for strict legal repercussions for animal cruelty. Public sentiment strongly supports stringent punishment for such acts. By ensuring justice in this case, a clear message will be sent: animal cruelty is unacceptable and will meet with the full force of the law.


Dear Governor Brian Kemp,

Your office stands at the forefront of justice in our community. The case of the dog allegedly shot with a crossbow by Charles Wayne Gresham has shocked our community. This heinous act requires your immediate attention and stringent action. Our community looks to you to uphold justice and ensure that such acts of cruelty are met with appropriate legal consequences.

This case is not just about one animal; it’s about our moral duty to protect the voiceless and vulnerable. The details emerging from this case are horrifying and unacceptable. We implore you to take decisive action. The accused must face the maximum legal penalty if found guilty. This will serve as a deterrent to others and demonstrate our community’s commitment to justice and animal welfare.

We demand that this case be pursued with the utmost seriousness. The community’s trust in the legal system hinges on the outcome of this case. We seek assurance that animal cruelty, especially of such a severe nature, will not be tolerated and will be met with the strongest legal response.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Eddy Van 3000


  1. Please make sure that this scumbag Charles Wayne Gresham be taken off the street. He is dangerous!

  2. Easy fix – shoot the perpetrator with a crossbow in the sternum and let him figure out how to survive if he can …justice.

  3. Laura Rolder says:

    Lock this monster away!! He is a danger to society.

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