Puppy Reportedly Grabbed by Neck and Thrown to Ground Deserves Justice

Target: Erek L. Barron, District Attorney of Maryland

Goal: Prosecute the individual allegedly responsible for the repeated, violent abuse of a puppy.

In Hyattsville, a shocking incident of animal cruelty has emerged, sparking outrage and a call for justice. A neighbor’s security footage from the Villages at Morgan Apartments captured a man allegedly assaulting a puppy in a barbaric manner. This petition seeks to bring the alleged perpetrator to justice, ensuring such heinous acts are not overlooked. The footage depicts the man reportedly holding the puppy by its neck, then cruelly throwing it to the ground. Following this, he seemingly lifts the dog again by its neck, carries it, and then drops it once more, proceeding to slap and hit the defenseless animal.

The disturbing footage continues as the man reportedly picks up the puppy by its neck again, disappearing from the camera’s view. Witnesses have been deeply disturbed by these events, with Denise Himley, who provided the footage, expressing immediate disgust and concern for the puppy’s welfare. Her testimony underscores the urgent need for action. Despite the video evidence, law enforcement, and animal control agencies have yet to receive sufficient details to conduct a thorough investigation. This petition insists on a full investigation and legal action against the individual allegedly responsible for this atrocity.

The repeated, violent abuse of a defenseless animal is not only morally reprehensible but also potentially a serious violation of animal welfare laws. The incident’s reportedly disturbing nature has caused significant community distress, underscoring the need for prompt and decisive action. We demand that the Chief Prosecutor of Prince George’s County take immediate steps to investigate and prosecute the alleged perpetrator. Such actions are vital to ensuring justice for the allegedly abused puppy and to prevent further acts of cruelty against animals.


Dear District Attorney Barron,

I am writing to bring your attention to a grave incident of alleged animal abuse in Hyattsville, captured on video and witnessed by concerned citizens. The footage, taken from a neighbor’s security camera, reportedly shows a man engaging in repeated, violent acts against a defenseless puppy. This disturbing sequence of events, wherein the puppy is apparently handled brutally, thrown to the ground, and struck multiple times, necessitates your urgent attention and action.

The emotional impact of this footage on the community and animal advocates cannot be overstated. Denise Himley, who provided the video, expressed her horror at the scene, a sentiment shared by many. Yet, despite the video evidence and community concern, there seems to be a lack of sufficient detail for a comprehensive investigation by law enforcement and animal control. This situation urgently demands your intervention to ensure that this alleged abuse does not go unpunished and that justice is served.

Therefore, I urge you, as the Chief Prosecutor, to take immediate steps to investigate this case thoroughly and to prosecute the individual allegedly responsible for this heinous act of animal cruelty. Your action in this matter is not only critical for the welfare of the abused puppy but also essential in upholding the community’s trust in the justice system to protect its most vulnerable members, including animals. Your commitment to this cause will send a powerful message that animal cruelty is a serious crime that will not be tolerated.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Andreas Huber

One Comment

  1. What a big man, attacking a defenseless puppy, bet his grandma is extra proud. He’s a lowlife coward with severe anger issues, put him in jail before he gets his hands on a child then ban him from ever having animal contact again.

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