Elderly Dog Apparently Starved to Death Deserves Justice

Target: Twentieth Judicial Circuit State Attorney of Florida, Amira D. Fox

Goal: Give man maximum sentence in prison for allegedly starving his dog for a lengthy amount of time.

Reports claim that a pit bull mix named Roxy was euthanized because the animal was so severely emaciated that this was the only humane option. Michael Dwayn Mings was arrested and may be charged with both animal cruelty and torture if it is found he is responsible for the animal’s state. He needs to be given the harshest prison sentence possible and no longer be allowed to be around animals if he is found guilty of starving this innocent dog.

Authorities stated that Roxy weighed only 13.6 pounds when discovered. According to the Gulf Coast Humane Society, a normal weight for a pit bull mix is between 65 and 70 pounds. Roxy was said to be 15 years old at the time of death. According to experts, these types of dogs can reach 16 years of age and sometimes even older. Roxy was likely forced to deal with symptoms of malnutrition for years before being found by authorities since it takes time before a dog becomes this thin.

Sign this petition to demand Mings receive the prison sentence he deserves for reportedly torturing and starving this helpless creature.


Dear State Attorney Fox,

Michael Dwayn Mings was recently arrested and accused of starving his 15-year-old pit bull mix named Roxy. Roxy was said to weigh a little over 13.5 pounds when found. This dog was reportedly grossly underweight, as it is estimated that a healthy weight for a dog of this breed is between 65 and 70 pounds.

Pit bull mixes can live up to 16 years old and even longer if they are provided with the appropriate care. It is likely the dog would have lived longer than other dogs of the same breed if the animal had not allegedly been starved, since Roxy was able to survive for so long while reportedly enduring neglectful and abusive treatment. The dog also most likely suffered immensely since it takes a long period of time for an animal to reach such a weak state.

For these reasons, I demand you suggest Mings be given the longest prison sentence that is allowed for these crimes and that you further insist he no longer be legally able to own pets if it is found this dog died because of such inexcusable actions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Animal Welfare League


  1. There’s a pic of him in this clip. Number one even though a neighbor reported the dog to Animal Control they also say they think that the dog was loved but was sick and they were waiting for a miracle to happen hoping she would come back. BUT she had not seen a Vet in 6 to 7 years. You can’t hope a dog comes back to health if you are not willing to pay for a Vet to find out what the problem is. There are sicknesses animals and ppl can get where they do become like this even if eating. BUT still he did nothing to help find out what was wrong with her so she could be helped. Very sad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni0wUYgHKcE

  2. The man that did this is cruel, disgusting & deserves to be punished SHAME ON HIM!

  3. This pos lowlife human trash needs to be made to suffer the exact same way

  4. Julia Edinger says:


  5. Maximum punishment please!! What that poor sweet old dog went through… A lifetime ban is needed: from owning, caring for, possessing, and from residing in any house where ANY animal is present.
    He needs to forfeit any animals currently in his possession, and also pay back costs for all veterinary care if applicable. Let’s be serious about saving animals’ lives. Thank you.

  6. Andrea Smith says:

    I don’t understand why the vet couldn’t just start feeding the dog and getting her weight up, was it just not possible at that point? She was still alive and they could’ve at least tried if they didn’t? There’s been many cases where a vet said that an animal had to be euthanized and then someone stepped in and took the animal and placed them in their care and they lived long happy lives and so therefore proved them wrong. I hope that’s not what happened here…

  7. Poor poor dog what a vile pos

  8. As someone who just enjoyed her pitties 2nd bday yesterday, this breaks my heart. Pitbulls are amazing dogs! They just need to be treated right. My boys make my everyday amazing and joyful! How could someone do this to an innocent pup. I wrote the State Attorney a personal email and I suggest everyone do the same.

  9. This is the horrible evil that humans inflict upon animals that God put them in charge of. How can humans who do this live with themselves?

  10. This beautiful animal is simply one of GODS beautiful creations for us and how can someone be so self centered with no feeling at all for one beautiful ROXY .
    Just need to give him the same treatment she received and see what he thinks then.
    I pray that justice will be served for this poor excuse of a human being

  11. Put all starvers and dumpers in prison! Give them a felony! Never let them see the light of day!

  12. You ignorant piece of shit human being – what a horribly unkind thing to have done to this poor dog. You think you are so f*cking tough – well how about they just drop you off in the Middle East right now and we’ll see how tough you are. You deserve death for this abuse – nothing else would be good enough.

  13. It saddens me that the decision to euthanize Roxy instead of trying to save her was made. I watch a lot of animal rescues on YouTube and see dogs in even worse condition than Roxy that are saved. I believe that because of Roxy’s age, the county just didn’t want to put out the money it would cost to save her life.

  14. Bastard should be starved and left in a cage to die slowly but surely and then burn in hell!!! You evil scum!!! Wish I could be left alone with you for five minutes, you’d pray for death believe me you piece of evil shit scum!!! Die screaming and rot in hell!!!

  15. Believe me when I say this this owner is not a child of God but a child of the devil and only such people could do truly evil things and this person deserves to be thrown into a cell and starved….. maybe just throw a crumb once in awhile for months maybe years and years that’s all that person deserves in my opinion I would put that person to death… only after they have suffered unsurmountable pain and misery

  16. This owner must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Pets are not objects. They are family members.

  17. My heart just breaks for the torture this poor pup endured. This man should have to experience this same slow death …

  18. Find the owner and fuck him, publicly!!!

  19. Maria Lavorato says:

    This f…g bastard evil spawn of the devil monster Michael Dwayn Ming needs to be DEAD.. Someone please do the job! I pray you suffer the same agony and then die a slow slow slow slow death taking you to HELL!


    I am so sad sweet beautiful Roxy. If only judicial system will give you your justice. I imagine with heartbreak the pain and agony you endured sweet angel girl. I know, Roxy, will get God’s eternal joy and peace.

    Was no one around that saw what was going on? If they were they should be held accountable!

  20. Nadine brundage says:

    So sad to see any animal in such horrific condition. I hope justice is served as that poor dog did not deserve to suffer like that.

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