Save Runaway Pets From Horrific Executions

Target: Mike Moyle, Speaker of the House for Idaho

Goal: Don’t let runaway pets and stray animals be slaughtered with impunity.

When a social media post emerged detailing the deaths of two dogs on an interstate highway in Idaho, the outrage was immediate. The dogs had apparently caused a traffic jam but were otherwise reportedly posing no physical threat. Bystanders had attempted to get the dogs off the road, as had local police officers. Then the controversy began. An officer allegedly shot and killed both dogs. Their blood was strewn across the scene.

The officer defended his actions by claiming that while the dogs were not seemingly violent, they could cause a traffic accident. Therefore, the deadly action taken would be justified under Idaho law that disqualifies animal cruelty charges if the animal poses a risk of harm. Critics, however, contend that the force was excessive and unnecessary, as the animals were possibly on the verge of being apprehended and rescued safely. Independent investigations eventually exonerated the officer, but for animal welfare advocates the questions still persist.

The police department involved in the incident has vowed to offer more training and equipment for their officers in dealing with wandering animals. But other deficiencies in the Idaho legal code also present a problem. For one, the justifications of the animal posing a threat are vague. These dogs, as mentioned, were reportedly not aggressive…just frightened and attempting to run away. Moreover, the state’s animal cruelty law also seemingly makes exceptions for lethal action if the animal in question is outside of an owner’s property (the dogs had reportedly escaped from an enclosure). This part of the statute gives potential bad actors too much leeway and permission. For example, would stray animals be fair game?

Sign the petition below to urge state lawmakers to clarify and strengthen laws meant to protect vulnerable animals from preventable harm.


Dear Speaker Moyle,

In response to the deadly officer-involved shooting of two dogs in Heyburn that drew national attention, the police chief has committed to implementing better protocols in incidents involving animals. These protocols—including increased training and animal control tools—should be a statewide priority, as should an amendment to existing animal cruelty laws. This incident provoked such a strong reaction and two independent investigations because of a lack of clarity in Idaho cruelty statutes.

The defense for shooting the dogs (who were roaming an interstate) involved claims of the animals posing a threat to others (although they were apparently non-aggressive) and justification that the animals were off their home property. Both of these loopholes offer far too many passes for true and deliberate acts of cruelty to go unpunished. The language in both exemptions needs to be tightened (in the case of the harm exemption) or dropped altogether (seemingly offering animals protection only if they are pets and at their homes).

Animal protection is an issue that has no partisan divide. Please revisit animal control and animal cruelty in Idaho and propose reforms that can truly safeguard all innocent animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Nadia Vasileva


  1. These cops are just gun happy. They must be fired. No animal needs to be shot.

    • Rose Herrmann says:

      I agree completely. Every day in the US cops kill 30-50 dogs for no reason These are NOT aggressive dogs and it is just absolutely heartbreaking

  2. It’s Idaho. Stinking pieces of trump voting inbred shit

  3. Mostly always women sign the petitions. Where are all the men.?

  4. I feel the officer shooting these two dogs should have been fired. True, he is poorly trained that’s obvious but this might go on toward being an invitation kill. It depends on the mood of the officer and if he has a pet at hone or was raised with a loving pet. People often take animals into the woods and release them into the wild. Now such an action will mean death by shooting. Oftentimes people respond to questions of why by lying. That is not a help.n Lying is done by police as well as citizens. We must have a more extensive legal system and laws which would demand an explanation and cause great distress to the shooter of any animal. Guns are not Gods and neither is the shooter.

  5. barry farley says:

    These poor helpless dogs were just scared and running away from into the hands of these despicable cops whom have no empathy for animals. they should be punished to the extent of the law just like anyone else who commits a crime and just not a slap on the wrist. I hope that they get what is coming to them and that is life in hell. The owners should be punished as well for allowing their pets to go free and not taken responsibility for their actions. These actions go on all the time by police officers whom take no responsibility for actions when they go out and kill helpless animals. There are days when a police officer or a neighbor goes out and shoot another neighbor’s dog in their own yard. I am sick and tired of reading about these acts of animal cruelty. When is all this going to stop. You now hear about bears and cubs being shot and killed in their dens. These poor animals just want to survive and live out their lives. They aren’t posing any harm to anyone. People who just go out and kill helpless animals and commit animal cruelty just for the fun of it are sadistic. These POS should be wiped off of the face of the earth and should receive their pleasure in hell. When is the damn government and the justice system going to take responsibility and put an end to these acts of animal cruelty.RIP you poor dogs.

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


  6. This piece of shit officer should be shot as well

  7. Sherry Goodyear says:

    It seems to be a problem with cops across the whole country. They can’t shoot people anymore, so they massacre people’s pets.

  8. Hello Everyone,

    Please click on the link below to sign my petition to help end animal cruelty worldwide. There was no excuse for killing those poor dogs. Those police officers should have called animal control to come out and assist or let some of the bystanders assist with catching the dogs. They should be fired and sent to the electric chair!

  9. Cops used to be here to PROTECT and SERVE. Cops are not different now than the criminals. This is NOT protecting or serving anyone. This was just plain MURDER!

  10. Disgusted this world we live in. So sick of animals being shot for no reason when not a treat. Officer should be fired. It always comes full circle. When you’re old don’t know where you’re at. Wounder off scared to the hwy looking for help. May the young officer that comes returns to the same conclusion you did as well. Shoot your ass for blocking traffic. Mental people do it all over the world are they shot. Sick of this shit in this world.

  11. Cops and their lack of humanity, lack of training and given a gun….. I hate our system of justice!

  12. Idaho is not an animal friendly place to begin with, a lot of poaching, slaughtering wolves from helicopters and so on. That being said, this crap is happening way too often, not every dog you see is going to eat you, you fools. If you can’t give the animal the benefit of showing you their intentions and just shoot them on sight then you are a coward and an ass and should not be a cop. Fire him, a simple whistle could’ve had them in his backseat and out of traffic, he’s not fit for service.

    • Totally agree ! This type of crap has been going on for way too long! It happens all over the United States. Cops are trigger happy when it comes to cats and dogs. I’m sick and angered by the same findings and lame excuses. They investigate, which I don’t think they do, and always find the Fuckturd cops innocent of murdering innocent cats and dogs. They’re all poorly trained, some very stupid, and others 3rd world idiots. This is a lethal combination for morons to carry a gun.

  13. Nadine Brundage says:

    This story is so horrific knowing these innocent animals were shot and killed by some gun happy cop. why? The animals were on the roadway, but killing them was beyond heartless and cruel. If the cop couldn’t handle the situation why didn’t they call animal control? Too quick on the draw, these were someone’s pets.

  14. I fucking HATE most cops. There seems to be virtually ZERO training for them as far as handling animals goes. If mail carriers can control a stray dog with pepper spray while carrying a 50-pound bag of mail, why can’t cops use pepper spray while carrying nothing but their stupid firearm??? Where is it written that cops aren’t allowed to carry pepper spray with them???

    “Independent investigations eventually exonerated the officer.” — DUH. Cops are NEVER held accountable for their shitty, vile actions. This has to change. They’re killing WAY TOO MANY innocent, defenseless, non-threatening animals and unarmed people. It’s way beyond maddening and outrageous at this point. They’re absolute pieces of shit.

  15. why would anyone with brains in their head shoot dogs for no reason? If they are not aggressive, there isn’t any reason to kill them.

    • As I said before, it is because these sick minded psycho bastard
      coppers seriously enjoy the killing as it makes them feel good.
      And as it is ONLY a dog, they know they can get away with it!
      I am very sure that almost all on this site would love to hear that something serious had happened to these ‘pieces of Shite’ cops!
      I am not so agile now but would love to teach these dog murdering bastards the error of their ways.
      Although I would need the help of a couple of strong guys to hold the fuckers down so I could introduce each of them to my good friend
      Mr. B. BAT!!!

  16. If an animal isn’t showing signs of aggression, then they need to be rescued not killed. Also, why aren’t police armed with tranquilizer guns instead of just lethal firearms? It would solve so many problems and save many lives both animal and human.

  17. Sickofcowardcops says:

    Oh this makes my blood boil..So tired of these coward animal abusing Police officers harming peoples pets and innocent animals like these poor babies who were likely scared and close to be captured regardless.There was absolutely no excuse for what that lowlife pig did to them.This has got to stop.One of the many reasons more than ever citizens hate Police and their bastard actions toward animals and people in some cases.

  18. Dennis Busto says:

    Their job is to get an issue under control, “NOT SHOOT TO KILL HUMAN OR ANIMAL!” 😡 F##ken lazy a##ses. Teach them how to catch a dog! 😡 Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal Abuse n Cruelty

  19. This kind of shit is why people hate cops! There was no reason for him to shoot these innocent, scared, confused dogs! What would happen if the same thing happened to the cop? How would he feel if he was the one getting shot??? The cop should be fired!!!

    Animals have feelings and deserve loving care and compassion. Maybe the cops should focus on catching criminals- leave animals alone!!

  20. Joseph Kenosky says:

    No animal should be euthanized.

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