Horse Apparently Beaten, ‘Waterboarded’ and Dragged Behind Truck Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Jody Smith, Sheriff of Cumberland County, United States

Goal: Demand an immediate and thorough investigation into the apparent whipping and dragging of horses.

A deeply unsettling video, spanning nearly 10 minutes and shared on social media, reportedly depicts a foal apparently lying on the ground and subjected to repeated hits with what seems to be a switch or stick. Shockingly, the foal is then apparently dragged by a vehicle while it struggles to stay upright. In a distressing turn, the foal falls and is seems to be dragged while lying on its side. The accompanying caption indicates that the small horse is subjected to further abuse, including being run over by a Gator-type utility vehicle and described as being “waterboarded.” This disturbing footage has elicited widespread concern and outrage.

Authorities in Cumberland County are currently investigating the case and County Animal Services removed two adult horses and five juvenile horses from the farm in Fayetteville. The urgency of this situation is evident as a veterinarian has been engaged to evaluate the condition of these horses.

The welfare of these innocent animals is at stake, and it is crucial that all necessary steps are taken promptly to address the concerns raised. Animal mistreatment is not only ethically unacceptable, but is also a violation of our responsibility to safeguard the well-being of all creatures. Demand action now.


Dear Mr. Jody Smith,

Authorities in Cumberland County are investigating alleged animal mistreatment involving horses on a Fayetteville farm. A distressing video shared on social media reportedly shows a foal being hit, dragged by a vehicle, and subjected to further abuse, prompting widespread concern and outrage. County Animal Services took action, removing horses and engaging a vet for evaluation.

As the Sheriff of Cumberland County, you have the authority and responsibility to address matters of this nature. We urge you to work closely with relevant agencies and authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged mistreatment. The well-being of these innocent creatures hangs in the balance, and it is imperative that justice is served.

We recognize that investigations take time, but we request that you expedite the process to prevent further harm to the animals involved. The public’s trust in the justice system relies on your commitment to upholding ethical standards and ensuring that such incidents are addressed effectively.

We demand transparency in this process and that appropriate actions are taken against those responsible for any mistreatment. The welfare of animals is a reflection of our society’s values and compassion. By addressing this case diligently, you have the opportunity to demonstrate that Cumberland County takes such matters seriously and is dedicated to upholding justice for all living beings.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Monica+Lee+Koski says:

    This psychopathic monster gave up his rights as a human with his heinous actions of torture and abuse of an innocent animal! He is less than a subhuman piece of shit! I also believe in an eye for an eye,like so many others, as until the penalties of such pure evil match the crime, nothing is ever going to change for their innocent, voiceless victims!

  2. Stories like this infuriate and sadden me, so sick of reading about these atrocities. I agree with all of the sentiments expressed here, but unfortunately we can never catch them all. Best we can do is pay attention & if something doesn’t seem quite right, report it. Most of the time these things that commit abuse will eventually screw up and get caught. Punishments for these crimes needs to be more severe.

    • I’m with you I agree with what you said this person is not even not even close to being a human and I feel so sick over this

    • Felony and pay back all agriculture tax credit. Also PETA should petition that these demons pays a lifetime animal cruelty support of $800.00 per month and a penalty of no less than 50K.
      Proceeds should go to animal shelters and rescue groups.

    • You are absolutely right! But what sickens me is a lot of them they do know, and they just get off with a slap on the hand! So in the end who’s really to blame? The laws that are supposed to be protecting animals are a big joke!

    • I agree, its everyone’s responsibility to report animal abuse and the law should make animal abuse a felony. These evil scumbags must be closed down and never allowed to own animals again. They should be made to pay a fine and the farm taken from them. Hopefully karma catches up with them soon.

  3. Take away all horses, dogs cats any farm animals they have, hit the pieces of shit with a fine large enough to foreclose on thier farm, forbid them from EVER going near any animal again! These inbred disgusting dickless wonders are nothing but oxygen thieves polluting our planet. All animal abusers should be tortured, hunted down and exterminated. They don’t deserve God’s creatures nor God’s Love&Light, they deserve the bowels of hell from where they came from…

  4. Adrienne Kaiser says:


  5. Frances Smith says:

    This is clearly felony animal abuse. Incarcerate and levy substantial fines against these abusers.

  6. Cheryl Duell says:

    Every time I hear this horrible abuse It makes me sick How can people treat animals this way and think there going to get away with such cruelty There’s something mentally wrong with these people and they need to be stopped and never allowed to own any animals for the rest of their lives!!!!

  7. The monster responsible for this horrible abuse needs to be tortured!!! No fines, no jail, just tortured to death!!! Rid the earth of assholes like this – I’m so tired of them getting away with abusing innocent animals!!!

  8. Kathy Hanigan says:

    Whoever did this needs to have the same thing done to them. Show no mercy

  9. Melinda+Maddox says:

    This person needs to be horse whipped and drug behind a truck intill their skin comes off

  10. The monster responsible deserves to have identical treatment once convicted. Judgment and justice against this demon possessed piece of garbage!!

  11. They need to find the rabid pos that did this and the same to it!!!! This thing has no conscience and is a burden on society. It’s not human but pure evil. Put it down the same way

  12. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    The sons of bitches that did this are Witt’s End Quarter Horse in the 4800 block of Enniskillen Road in Fayetteville, NC. This isn’t too far from me and I do still have friends that live there. I’m trying to find their phone number, exact address and the names of the evil bastards that did this and own this hell hole! My God, this pisses me off, it enrages me and if I could get to these psychopaths, I’d go medieval on their worthless asses!

  13. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death

  14. These a$$holes have defended their actions by saying this is how you teach a horse to lead. I’ve raised, trained, ridden and shown horses for 50 years and this is 100% NOT how you teach a horse, ESPECIALLY a BABY, how to lead. This is 100% abuse and the fact that they were reported previously and authorities found nothing wrong until a huge public outcry occurred is sickening. Do f*ckibg better authorities, the eyes of the world are on you.

  15. Ruth Attarian says:

    Rotten scumbags do not deserve anything except a certain type of injection.


    What on earth has happened to mankind? Abuse of ANY living creature is an absolute sin! Our criminal justice system must impose severe sentences for these crimes. A message to anyone thinking of committing such a horrible crime must be sent. Citizens must always report such crimes immediately to police.

  17. Maria Lavorato says:

    Did the foal survive? OMG! This was a baby! Please re home all the animals permanently.

    These SOBs need to be taught a lesson once and for all! These are not the first animals that they have tortured. BAN THEM FROM EVER COMING NEAR OTHER ANIMALS!


  18. Do the same to this piece of human garbage. Then dispose of it.

  19. Elaine Ponciano says:

    DEATH PENALTY. That’s the only way to stop evil sick ppl.

  20. This asshole needs the same treatment. I hate this person. Prison for life is not enough.

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