Horse Apparently Beaten, ‘Waterboarded’ and Dragged Behind Truck Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Jody Smith, Sheriff of Cumberland County, United States

Goal: Demand an immediate and thorough investigation into the apparent whipping and dragging of horses.

A deeply unsettling video, spanning nearly 10 minutes and shared on social media, reportedly depicts a foal apparently lying on the ground and subjected to repeated hits with what seems to be a switch or stick. Shockingly, the foal is then apparently dragged by a vehicle while it struggles to stay upright. In a distressing turn, the foal falls and is seems to be dragged while lying on its side. The accompanying caption indicates that the small horse is subjected to further abuse, including being run over by a Gator-type utility vehicle and described as being “waterboarded.” This disturbing footage has elicited widespread concern and outrage.

Authorities in Cumberland County are currently investigating the case and County Animal Services removed two adult horses and five juvenile horses from the farm in Fayetteville. The urgency of this situation is evident as a veterinarian has been engaged to evaluate the condition of these horses.

The welfare of these innocent animals is at stake, and it is crucial that all necessary steps are taken promptly to address the concerns raised. Animal mistreatment is not only ethically unacceptable, but is also a violation of our responsibility to safeguard the well-being of all creatures. Demand action now.


Dear Mr. Jody Smith,

Authorities in Cumberland County are investigating alleged animal mistreatment involving horses on a Fayetteville farm. A distressing video shared on social media reportedly shows a foal being hit, dragged by a vehicle, and subjected to further abuse, prompting widespread concern and outrage. County Animal Services took action, removing horses and engaging a vet for evaluation.

As the Sheriff of Cumberland County, you have the authority and responsibility to address matters of this nature. We urge you to work closely with relevant agencies and authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged mistreatment. The well-being of these innocent creatures hangs in the balance, and it is imperative that justice is served.

We recognize that investigations take time, but we request that you expedite the process to prevent further harm to the animals involved. The public’s trust in the justice system relies on your commitment to upholding ethical standards and ensuring that such incidents are addressed effectively.

We demand transparency in this process and that appropriate actions are taken against those responsible for any mistreatment. The welfare of animals is a reflection of our society’s values and compassion. By addressing this case diligently, you have the opportunity to demonstrate that Cumberland County takes such matters seriously and is dedicated to upholding justice for all living beings.


[Your Name Here]


  1. I am so EFFIN SICK OF PPL AND OUR LAX LAWS, Severe punishment is what they deserve….

    • Totally agree. What is wrong with people.

    • Lesley Daniels says:

      The one’s responsible are SCUMBAGS they deserve the severest punishment possible I am sick of reading about humans being so cruel and evil I know exactly what I would like to do to them but then I would be locked up but SCUMBAGS keep getting away with it I had better stop as there is so much more I could say

    • I am so sick of it too. I wish the county would let me form a group to do exactly to them what they do to these animals. I promise I would make it public and this would stop. After I’m finished I would make sure these sick and twisted people never had the chance to hurt another animal.

  2. Maria Nowicki says:

    Tie the sicko to the back of a truck and drag him to death!

  3. The same treatment needs to be administered to the perp

  4. Shelly Blazich says:

    hanf those responsible. enough. out of the gene pool.

  5. Do this bitch the same way and then fry her sorry no good bitch ass

  6. Once again, we’re sickened by the request for a petition, when this depraved, disgusting non-human SHOULD ALREADY HAVE BEEN ARRESTED, PROSECUTED, AND OONVICTED for this depraved torture of a foal. WHAT ELSE DO WE NEED WHEN THERE’S A VIDEO??????

  7. Here’s another mutant whose punishment, if any, will not fit the aggreated assault on this poor foal, and God knows what his other horses suffer when there’s nobody videoing. THESE CASES CAN BE HANDLED MUCH MORE EXPEDITIOUSLY, AND THESE MONSTERS SHOULD BE IN PRISON IMMEIATELY, AND NOT AFTER AN INVESTIGATION WHEN THE EVIDENCE IS UNDENIABLE.

  8. This sick, stupid POS should be in jail! We should not have to beg authorities to mete out justice that is appropriate. Take every one of those animals away from this stupid asshole and put him in jail, never to own ANY animal again!

  9. Unbelievable!! We are still receiving this petition after clearly seeing evidence of this disgusting behaviour on video??
    How people have the heart to do harm to such innocent lives, and one that clearly cant defend itself, I do not know, all I know is Karma is a bitch! Please lock them up and THROW AWAY THE DAMN KEYS!!!!!!

  10. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree JEANNE
    “Here’s another mutant whose punishment, if any, will not fit the aggreated assault on this poor foal, and God knows what his other horses suffer when there’s nobody videoing. THESE CASES CAN BE HANDLED MUCH MORE EXPEDITIOUSLY, AND THESE MONSTERS SHOULD BE IN PRISON IMMEDIATELY, AND NOT AFTER AN INVESTIGATION WHEN THE EVIDENCE IS UNDENIABLE.”

  11. Jennifer L Gentry says:


  12. Tina Zerello says:

    Again we are subjected to these stories and videos and everyone knows who they are! JAIL these MF’s and thrown away the key. This is disgusting and we must demand that there be a severe punishment for these sick people.. I can just scream that these things go on and everyone knows and does nothing!!

  13. What kind of sick ass would do this to any animal even a baby. Please find this disturbed person or persons and impose a hefty fine, followed by years in jail, and remove all animals from their position, and see that they are never allowed to possess an animal of any kind again. They are disgusting non-humans.

    • These pricks are not disturbed at all!
      They just enjoy inflicting pain and torture on innocent animals.
      All of these arrogant bastards must be removed as this type of torture is happening all over the world. No costly jail time as they would no doubt be quite happy behind bars with three meals a day and colour T.V!
      No, termination is the thing as this is the only way to stop these fuckers permanently!
      Any groups or animal activists would have my, and thousands of others blessings, if these pieces of shite were found dead and beaten and would just maybe send out a serious message to all of these other spineless animal torturing bastards around the world!!

  14. This is way too much for me to handle. I’m so sick and tired of these heinous acts of animal abuse and cruelty. It’s out of control and there’s never accountability. Prosecute those responsible to the full extent of the law and hopefully someone will waterboard them.

  15. Please click on the link below to sign my petition on to help end animal cruelty worldwide.

    I strongly agree that sick people like this one deserve the electric chair!

  16. People who abuse animals, children and the elderly don’t have a place in society. Get rid of them. They are a waste of oxygen. Complete degenerates who will rarely be rehabilitated. Scumbags of the earth who are capable of these violent acts should be eliminated from earth.

    • I volunteer to eradicate them off this earth. I wish someone would allow me and a few of my close friends to hunt these stains of society down and take them out permanently. We do not need to waste tax dollars just a single bullet after they get the same treatment and more of what these defenseless animals got. They are rotting forms of human flesh.

  17. I can’t believe that anyone can do such terrible things without even a twinge of conscience and regret. Making a video to show the world doesn’t make you famous. It just shows the world how evil you are. It makes me sick to my stomach and heavy in heart just to read about this. I hope that this “human” animal gets locked up forever!

  18. I am so tired of this! What is wrong with people? These animals share the same divinity and are sacred beings. There is no way, there are no words, there is no language that could make me understand these horrible acts of cruelty and injustice and I think the time has long passed for leniency. It’s time for the laws to allow severe consequences for these kinds of actions. I am so heart sick and sorry that this happens on a daily basis. Our job is to protect and revere the Sacred Beings under our care.

  19. Why do you not include the state in so many of your posts? I want to know where these horrible things are happening. Where the heck is Cumberland County?!

  20. Execute the piece of trash that did this to a poor defenseless horse.

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