Don’t Let the Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon Go Extinct After Survival for Millennia

Target: Mr. Travis A. Voyles, Secretary of Natural Resources – Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Goal: Protect and restore the endangered Atlantic sturgeon population.

The Atlantic sturgeon, a prehistoric marvel that has graced Virginia’s waters for millennia, is now facing a dire crisis. Once abundant, this magnificent species has dwindled to the brink of extinction due to overfishing, habitat degradation, and inadequate protection. The situation demands immediate attention, as the very existence of Virginia’s Atlantic sturgeon population hangs in the balance.

Despite being granted Endangered Species status, the Atlantic sturgeon continues to endure perils. Overfishing persists, driven by a lack of stringent regulations and enforcement. Critical spawning and feeding habitats have been compromised, contributing to the sturgeon’s decline. While numerous conservation efforts have been initiated, they remain disjointed and insufficient to reverse the rapid decline of this iconic species.

Sign the petition below to demand immediate and concerted action to save Virginia’s Atlantic sturgeon population from extinction.


Dear Mr. Voyles,

The Atlantic sturgeon, a living testament to our aquatic heritage, is on the brink of vanishing from Virginia’s waters. This species, which has endured the ages, now requires our urgent intervention to ensure its survival.

The plight of the Atlantic sturgeon is alarming. Overfishing threatens its numbers, fueled by regulatory loopholes that must be closed. Vital spawning and feeding grounds have been compromised, endangering the species’ reproductive success. The current conservation efforts, though commendable, are insufficient to halt the precipitous decline of this ancient marvel.

We implore you to take immediate and comprehensive action. Strengthen fishing regulations to safeguard the Atlantic sturgeon, holding accountable those who would further imperil this species. Allocate resources to restore and protect critical habitats, fostering conditions for successful breeding and migration. Collaborate with stakeholders and experts to formulate and implement a robust conservation strategy that will resuscitate the Atlantic sturgeon population.

Time is of the essence. Let us be remembered as the generation that defied the odds to rescue a species on the brink. Let us leave a legacy of stewardship and foresight for future generations.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


One Comment

  1. Allocate funds here please..

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907 Signatures

  • Alana Willroth
  • Lissa F
  • Michael Brinkman
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Sarah Dorst
  • Stefan Moesch
  • Henning Weltz
  • Kelly Glendening
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