Target: James Richardson, Chief of Lake Station Police Department
Goal: Investigate allegations of neglect in case of mass overheating dog deaths.
The hottest month in recorded history has tragically claimed another set of victims. Over a dozen German shepherds were being transported from Chicago to Indiana for police training. Scorching heat had gripped Chicago that day, as well as other parts of the country. The vehicle in which the dogs were kept had apparently been stuck in heavy traffic. Seemingly unbeknownst to the driver, the air conditioning in the part of the vehicle where the animals were located had failed. The driver reportedly heard barking, pulled over at a gas station, and discovered several of the dogs already dead. The remaining were eventually treated for heat-related injuries.
Although representatives from the local Indiana police department where the incident occurred stated that “this was not an act of animal cruelty or neglect,” critics strongly disagree. The executive director of a nearby humane society, who responded to calls for assistance, detailed the following conditions: “their crates inside the truck were completely trashed on the inside and the little water bowls were the size you’d give a parrot. And they were empty and torn up as if the dogs were exasperated.”
The dogs themselves reportedly exhibited troubling symptoms such as convulsions, vomiting, and wobbling. One poor animal was even photographed with protruding ribs, potentially signaling longer-time malnourishment. This director also alleges she encountered hostile and abusive behavior from the driver of the vehicle, who would apparently not produce veterinarian-approved certificates authorizing prolonged travel on the dangerously hot day. Such authorization is required for moving animals across state lines.
In addition, the director charges troubling behavior from the police department itself. They apparently let this individual drive away with dead dogs and unsecured crates still inside. Further, they allegedly blocked a request from the humane society to take custody of the sickened dogs once they are released. Instead, the dogs will seemingly be returned to a potentially dangerous environment.
The way this case was seemingly handled is troubling from start to finish. Sign the petition below to demand a fuller investigation by a police department that allegedly abandoned its duty to serve and protect.
Dear Chief Richardson,
The Humane Society of Hobart has made some troubling allegations in the wake of the vehicular tragedy that saw ten dogs expire from reported overheating. For one, the Lake Station Police Department’s assertion that this incident involved no cruelty or neglect in the absence of an investigation is disturbing. The professional on-site claims disturbing and hostile behavior from the driver of the vehicle transporting the dogs, including an alleged failure to provide documents certifying the animals as safe for travel across state lines. Charges were also made that key evidence (including the deceased dogs) was literally allowed to be driven away from the scene without an evaluation.
Perhaps most troubling of all is the department’s apparent refusal to transport sick animals in humane society vehicles designed for such emergencies as well as its alleged resistance to allowing these trained professionals to take custody of and care for the at-risk dogs, as is their legal right. Please revisit this case. Conduct a thorough investigation into the actions of the individuals who have retention of these animals, the driver of the vehicle, and any officials who may have been negligent in performing their duties. As this case has gained national attention, demonstrate that this department will operate with transparency and efficiency in ensuring the safety of all living beings.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Mauro Torres
What an utter senseless act……
Are these people so stupid as to leave dogs in hot trucks in this summer heat? I do request this case be revisited due to ni one being held responsible for such a tragedy. The driver is responsible as well as officials in this case. And these were police dogs?
Above all else these dogs were in peril and it was obvious. There are many questions in this case and absolutely no justice. Please take another look and charge those responsible with the felonies they deserve. This story went national and there will be backlash as there should be for such abhorrent behavior toward these dogs.
There is NO excuse for this behavior !!!!!!!
Law enforcement DO YOUR JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s not cool by the police department doing this they are just as bad as that damn truck driver at killing these poor dogs 😢 shame on that police department
There are ties between the Lake Station Police Department and the owner of the dogs, Michael McHenry of FM K9 and his wife who is a police officer. This sad situation merits an INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION!