Terrified Dogs Apparently Kicked, Punched and Dragged Deserve Justice

Target: Ms. Katrine Hildyard, Minister for Recreation, Sport, and Racing of South Australia

Goal: Conduct an immediate investigation into the alleged animal cruelty by greyhound trainers and implement stringent measures.

Shocking drone footage revealed greyhound trainers reportedly kicking, punching, and dragging the terrified dogs while they cowered and attempted to escape. The video was taken by a whistleblower who documented the alleged incidents over a two-and-a-half-week period at a property near Murray Bridge in Adelaide’s southeast.

The property in question is operated by prominent breeder and trainer Tony Rasmussen and his wife Lisa, although the identity of the individual seen in the video has not been confirmed. This alleged act of cruelty goes against the principles of compassion and justice that should be upheld in the sporting community and the broader society. Demand a full investigation to these trainers to ensure the welfare of these innocent animals.


Dear Ms. Katrine Hildyard,

We are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding the recent allegations of animal cruelty by South Australian greyhound trainers. The shocking footage showing the mistreatment of greyhounds is abhorrent and goes against the principles of compassion and respect for animals.

We implore you to take immediate and decisive action. We urge you to conduct a thorough investigation into this incident, ensuring that the truth is uncovered and those responsible for the alleged acts of cruelty face appropriate consequences under the law.

By taking decisive action and reinforcing animal welfare regulations, South Australia can lead by example, demonstrating its commitment to upholding the rights and well-being of animals within its borders.

We, the concerned citizens and advocates for animal rights, trust in your dedication to ensuring a safe and compassionate environment for all animals in the racing industry and beyond.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: AkikoCampbell


  1. Sophie D. says:

    Horrific and monstrous. This industry is bad enough forcing animals to race but to treat the animals behind the scenes in this manner is completely revolting and shameful! These perpetrators need to be investigated and charged to the fullest with animal cruelty.

    • I saw this video on TikTok and a friend texted me a link as well. It is horrifying. The dogs were terrified of this animal. The one I saw him beating and all the others in the area. Terrified of this ‘man.’ Absolutely infuriating. I will never understand this type of abuse. Ever. This man does not deserve to have a single living creature under his ‘care.’ The video is 100% clear. If all the animals in his care aren’t removed immediately, then something is very wrong with the judicial system in his county.

      • If I could only get near to this dog beating fucker in the video I guarantee that the bastard would NEVER do it again, because the arsehole would be DEAD.
        And hopefully I would have disappeared without trace!

  2. Countries are banning this cruel sport. It’s made up of CRUELTY, DRUGS, CRIMES AND CRIMINALS! Stop the cruelty to these innocent dogs!

    • Vous avez raison. Beaucoup de monstres sur notre terre! mais où sont les héros? Mes pensés se dirigent vers ceux qui souffrent de la part des soi-disant humains. Ils n’en portent que le nom. Pitoyable!

    • Naila M Johnston says:

      Absolutely someone KILL these murderers!! I am sooo disgusted and ENRAGED!! THOSE MONSTERS NEED TO SUFFER AND DIE!!!


  4. These people must be punished, there is no excuse for this cruelty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Law Enforcement do your job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Racing these poor dogs literally to death is heinous enough, but to sadistically brutalize the animal who is making your lazy ass rich is as low class as it gets. Animal Welfare laws need to be strengthened and used. Be an example to the rest of the world and fix this, punish these cowards and then end this stupid ‘sport’ before more dogs are abused of dead.

  6. It is time we stopped mistreating these beautiful dogs by making them compete in races. They are abused from birth until they cannot perform anymore and then they are often dumped or killed mercilessly. All for absolutely no reason. These people need to be prosecuted and barred for life from having any animals in their care.

    • Just to mention, there is a reason and that reason is MONEY!
      Yet again, greedy bloody humans exploiting animals for the bastards greed.
      Greyhounds are one of the most docile dogs around, (I know, I have one) but because they can run someone years ago realised that they could make money out of them. Greedy bastard humans- even back then!
      Human greed and animal exploitation AGAIN.
      This stupid named prick (what is it, Rasmussen or something like) and his ‘whore’ of a girlfriend or wife really must be taught a severe lesson.
      Just who the hell do they think they are to treat these dogs this way?
      No doubt with all their bloody money think they are untouchable.
      Well, I sure hope someone can prove these arrogant bastards wrong.
      But until the laws are changed to protect animals and prosecute animal torturing and murdering fuckers then nothing much will happen.
      Petitioning governments and suchlike will take years and maybe not work even then!
      What would make these bastards ears prick up would be for them to hear of animal abusers and torturers meeting their demise at the hands of animal activist groups willing to travel and take these bastards OUT.
      THIS, is the only thing that is going to make these arrogant and supposedly untouchable arseholes take notice if they see and hear what has happened to other bastards who uncaringly torture and murder innocent animals.
      I expect these wankers think they are hard. But would I expect soon shit their pants when confronted by some one or some group who could actually fight back.
      I really ‘HATE’ these pieces of human shite!

  7. Karen Giammarco says:

    This needs to be banned in every country of the world. These asshole humans need to be kicked, dragged, beaten with bats and I would just kill them cause there is no place on earth for bastards like this.

  8. Lindy Hobbs says:

    These people need to be punished.

  9. The guilty Pos needs to be next!

  10. Deborah Dirk Halley says:

    Put the monsters behind bars for a long time. Make it happened.

  11. These people need to be charged and incarcerated and NEVER allowed to own or be near any animal ever again. I would like to see these acts of cruelty bestowed upon each of them.

  12. Trainers my ass …looks like they need some training themsevles

  13. I wish I could say I’m shocked but nothing shocks me any more. These rotten animal abusers don’t deserve to breathe the same air as decent people. I hope these low down rats get the punishment they deserve and never allowed to be around any animals again – ever!

  14. William Turner says:

    This so called sport has and is run by scum.Ban it now or suffer the consequences.

  15. This disgusting so-called ‘sport????’ must be banned. These savage scum trainers but never be allowed near another animal. They are savage bastards with no feelings except for GREED.

  16. Hello Everyone,

    Please click on the link below and sign my petition on change.org so we can end this horrible cruelty worldwide.


  17. Jane Todaro says:


  18. Maria Lavorato says:

    Training facility???? This place should be shut down. These bastards should be charged with animal cruelty felonies. I pray your jail time gets you punched, kicked around and dragged until you just die! because I am sure you have done this many times over!

    They should lose their jobs and never be allowed to come near another animal.

  19. SHOCKING AND APPAULING to find such egregious animal abuse in what we expect to be a civilized country, who protects their domestic and native species!!!!

  20. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Dog racing should be banned. PERIOD.

    There’s NOTHING “sporting” about forcing animals to run – solely to earn money for their owners.

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