Puppy Reportedly Disemboweled Deserves Justice

Target: Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle, State Attorney for Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate legal action in the case involving the apparent disembowelment of a puppy and the reported threats made towards its owner.

A deeply disturbing incident of animal cruelty has shocked a community, and allegedly involves the heinous killing of a puppy and reported threats towards its owner. Yadelin Marin, 19, has been charged with second-degree animal cruelty and misdemeanor battery in connection with this case, described by authorities as a “horrific scene.” The reported incident left both the pet owner and the community devastated and outraged.

According to the police report, the owner was informed by a friend that his puppy had been disemboweled in the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom, the owner witnessed the gruesome scene and found Marin sitting in the bathtub, allegedly threatening him by saying, “you’re next.”

This alleged act of extreme cruelty and violence against an innocent and defenseless animal is a blatant violation of ethical principles and Florida’s animal cruelty laws. Such actions not only harm the well-being and dignity of living beings, but also challenge the values of compassion and respect for life within society.

It is imperative that a thorough investigation is conducted to ascertain the full circumstances surrounding this horrific incident. Sign below and demand legal action be taken to ensure justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner.


Dear Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle,

A puppy was reportedly disemboweled in front of its owner in a horrific case of animal cruelty. We urge you to prioritize this case and ensure a thorough investigation is conducted. It is essential to uncover all relevant facts and evidence surrounding the incident and bring the perpetrator to justice.

The alleged act of disemboweling a defenseless puppy and the reported threats demonstrate a callous disregard for the welfare and lives of animals. Such actions not only violate Florida’s animal cruelty laws, but also challenge the values of compassion and empathy that our society upholds.

We demand that appropriate legal action be taken against Yadelin Marin, if found guilty, to ensure that justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner. The community looks to you to send a resolute message that acts of extreme animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our county.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Sudhir Sangwan


  1. Brian Formes says:

    Gut that pig!!!!!! And then after that disgusting bastard painfully took an innocent life, If he really threatened that “you’re next” then to me that’s grounds enough to empty a magazine into his sick ass! “I was in fear for my life” is a thing! Sick f#@k! Please make him rot!!!!!

  2. Angelina Marchetti says:

    If this crime proves true and accurate ,it’s only a matter of time before this person does this to human ,pls punish to the full extent of the law

  3. Yadelin Marin,
    So this is the animal torturing fuckers name. Not sure if it was a man or woman until I saw her photo.
    This cunt looks ‘evil’ and really, really needs to be taken out of society.
    If anyone could do this without remorse to a innocent little puppy then they deserve being ‘dead’ very quickly.
    What punishment will the bastard get? Probably a few days community service as it was ‘only’ a dog!!
    If I could get anywhere near this arrogant looking cunt I guarantee she sure would be shitting her knickers before I finished her! Trouble is, I am thousands of miles away and have commitments in the U.K. with problems such as these that need sorting! But this cunt actually tops the list. Although I’m sure there are plenty who feel the same.
    This scumbag is never going to be any use to society so needs dealing with. Very quickly.
    I mean, every other day there is some excuse of a fucking human torturing animals and does not look like it is going to end anytime soon.
    Well it can end with enough people power to badger the powers to be to change the stupid fucking law to the animal’s favour.
    These bastards MUST be made an example of as a warning to other animal torturing arseholes who think it is fun. Then maybe, just maybe these pieces of shit would think again before committing these heinous acts.
    There is only one way for these ‘ you can’t touch me’ fuckers and that is sudden death as none of these wankers will ever be any use to society and will go on torturing animals until they are stopped- -permanently!!!
    Power to all who feel the same!!

  4. Eve Badeau says:

    I’d say gut the Bastard then throw the pieces to some hungry gators, I’M SURE YOU CAN FIND SOME IN FLORIDA!!!!!

  5. Well said yet again, Jon White!! My thoughts exactly. Just imagine what else this so called “woman” would be capable of….and yet she’ll be out (that is, of course, if she ever goes IN!) in a few months time, free to do it all over again. PLEASE,PLEASE SOMEBODY…. just drag her into a dark alley and disembowel her, slowly and very painfully…take your time.

    • You are so right Cecily Colloby. An eye for an eye. She needs to suffer like she did to this poor puppy. And please don’t spend money on that monster bitch in jail. She only deserves to die painfully.

  6. mary pitman says:







  7. Torture this mother fucker to death!!

  8. Jaime Perez says:

    This horrible monster needs to be put away for a long time! He’s a threat to society. Poor little puppy 😥

  9. A to the J says:

    Florida has become one of the most dukes upnstates in terms of animal rights. I hope this POS is punished for harming an innocent animal and that the legal system there takes action.

  10. Victoria Salter says:

    Please punish this sadist to the fullest extent of the law, and ensure that they receive the mental health treatment they do obviously need!

  11. Susie Owens says:

    The more this happens, the worse these crimes get. I’m coming to believe that in cases of abuse, the punishment must fit the crime. These barbarians, these pathetic excuses for human flesh, do these horrible and despicable acts on the most innocent among us because they are gutless, soulless, worthless bags of mostly water. Punish this human turd to the greatest extent of the law and beyond. Don’t feed them. Let them sit in their own waste. Feed their miserable lives with more misery

  12. The State Of Florida seems to lack proper Laws for these kinds of gruesome crimes. I mean a misdemeanor battery? That says it all.

  13. This mentally deranged puppy killer must be put to death. A slow and agonizing extermination of this evil cretin is essential!

  14. Crimes committed against animals are INCREASINGLY GROTESQUE because the punishment for animal abuse is not severe enough, and in many cases does not exist. A slap on the wrist is a mockery of animal victims. This dehumanized sadistic psychopath must be severely punished with many years behind bars. She must also be banned from owning animals ever again!
    No animal will have to go through such horrifying tortures because of a DEHUMANIZED and DESENSITIZED sadist.

  15. Che tristezza immensa sapere che al mondo esistono esseri così degenerati!!! Spero con tutta me stessa che questa porcheria la paghi nel peggiore modo esista!!!

  16. Terry Henegar says:

    This low life scumbag needs to be gutted.

  17. This sick BASTARD needs the SAME treatment as he gave the INNOCENT puppy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gut him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Yadelin Marin is a LOWLIFE SCUMBAG THAT NEEDS TO BE PUT BEHIND BARS FOR LIFE!!!! Hope this SCUMBAG LOWLIFE has the WORST KARMA and dies a long agonizing and painful death!

    • No, this fucker needs putting under the ground sooner than later and I’ll bet there would be plenty of takers to be first in line to despatch this evil cunt!

  19. Hearing this and all the other stories like this about these low life sadistic piece of shitholes made me so fucking ANGRY!!! I’m so sick of hearing about these demonic assholes torturing these poor innocent animals. If I could say what I really want to say about this BITCH Yandelin Marin or whatever the fuck her name is and all these other sick demented assholes I would probably be banned!!!! but I will say this I hope this Bitch and all these other sicko abusers suffer the same torturous fate but Worst! They dont deserve to breathe air I wish them a slow agonizing death for what they’ve done to these poor precious innocent Angels. And to these good for nothing Idiot lawmakers/justice system get off your lazy asses and make examples of these monsters and punish these bastards to the fullest extent of the law. An Eye for eye!!! Rest in peace to all the precious animals who’ve died at the hands of these sick revolting disgusting imbred subhuman cowards!!!!!!

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