Puppy Reportedly Disemboweled Deserves Justice

Target: Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle, State Attorney for Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate legal action in the case involving the apparent disembowelment of a puppy and the reported threats made towards its owner.

A deeply disturbing incident of animal cruelty has shocked a community, and allegedly involves the heinous killing of a puppy and reported threats towards its owner. Yadelin Marin, 19, has been charged with second-degree animal cruelty and misdemeanor battery in connection with this case, described by authorities as a “horrific scene.” The reported incident left both the pet owner and the community devastated and outraged.

According to the police report, the owner was informed by a friend that his puppy had been disemboweled in the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom, the owner witnessed the gruesome scene and found Marin sitting in the bathtub, allegedly threatening him by saying, “you’re next.”

This alleged act of extreme cruelty and violence against an innocent and defenseless animal is a blatant violation of ethical principles and Florida’s animal cruelty laws. Such actions not only harm the well-being and dignity of living beings, but also challenge the values of compassion and respect for life within society.

It is imperative that a thorough investigation is conducted to ascertain the full circumstances surrounding this horrific incident. Sign below and demand legal action be taken to ensure justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner.


Dear Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle,

A puppy was reportedly disemboweled in front of its owner in a horrific case of animal cruelty. We urge you to prioritize this case and ensure a thorough investigation is conducted. It is essential to uncover all relevant facts and evidence surrounding the incident and bring the perpetrator to justice.

The alleged act of disemboweling a defenseless puppy and the reported threats demonstrate a callous disregard for the welfare and lives of animals. Such actions not only violate Florida’s animal cruelty laws, but also challenge the values of compassion and empathy that our society upholds.

We demand that appropriate legal action be taken against Yadelin Marin, if found guilty, to ensure that justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner. The community looks to you to send a resolute message that acts of extreme animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our county.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Sudhir Sangwan


  1. I really wish that this scum would rot in jail .. personally hopefully someone in prison will do the same to him so he can feel the pain this poor fur baby suffered. .and i would live to say more but because this is public i have to watch my language…i wish i had 5 minutes in a room with this pce of crap

    • Please do not worry about what you want write or express here.
      Get your frustrations out for what you feel about these nasty sub-human bastards!
      These arrogant pieces of shite are going to get stopped sooner than they think as people will only take so much of these animal torturing tossers.
      This fucker will (I really wish ) get a taste of his own misdeeds.
      Bastards all of them. They all deserve a painful death.

      • JoAnn Thornton Alberson says:

        Thank you because I feel for these furbabies someone like this needs for all of us to beat the lso of them

  2. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    This monster should not walk in this Earth.

  3. Nadine Brundige says:

    I cannot believe what I’m reading here, sickening, heartless,horrific animal cruelty. This is a felony case and hope this one faces the consequences. Unbelievable

  4. He threatened the owner with violence. He should get much more than 2nd degree animal cruelty charges. He needs to go to jail. He’s dangerous!!

    • First of all it’s she not he and secondly it’s only second degree probably because it’s stupid Florida and they are all either uncaring or brain dead

      • Oh.. So it’s Florida’s fault? Not the nut job that did it? Is Florida the only state that has horrible animal abuse? Where are you from? You sound uncaring and brain dead to me.

        • Janet – perhaps if Florida had tougher animal cruelty laws, this ‘nut’ may have thought twice before murdering this innocent puppy. The penalty for animal cruelty/murder should be an automatic Felony nationwide!!

  5. Someone kill Yadelin Marin and END ANY RISK OF RE OFFENSE. A simple solution really for everyone of these pathetic excuses for humans!! Remove this walking feces from existence period. A funeral is cheaper than ALL LEGAL COSTS!!! Flush this TURD from life!!!

  6. Please euthanise this waste of space.

  7. Laura Rolder says:

    This is a evil monster who needs to be removed from society permanently. That poor puppy suffered a horrible death for no reason. Felony charges is a must to the max. The justice system needs to hold these sadistic animal abusers accountable.

  8. Debra Spurrier says:

    I just can’t–How are there so many sociopathic pieces of human sh*t out there. It is so heartbreaking and beyond cruel and unspeakable that they so often target the most innocent and vulnerable. And sadly our laws are a f’ing joke when it comes to protecting the other animals on this planet. So never is there justice for these victims. NEVER. If these atrocious were committed against other humans, these monsters would be in jail (or sentenced to death) for life. The most they get is a slap on the wrist and/or maybe a small fine. Tomorrow there will be another horrific story —

  9. This is sick in the extreme and the perp. needs to be held accountable. No excuses.

  10. This is a sociopath and has no business walking this earth. If this crime doesn’t put this person in prison then what does? This poor puppy suffered great pain. So unimaginable. He will do this again if not stopped

  11. I am sick of psychopaths walking our earth. We gave animal cruelty laws and prosecutors and police need to take them seriously and take the first step. Judges muse give tough sentences. Any sentence is too kind, as in a case like this one, I’d say an eye for an eye would be just fine with me. May this demon who harmed the puppy, suffer 10 fold the pain, suffering and misery of this puppy and may he rot in hell for eternity. Amen.

  12. Take this asshole and disembowel him. Justice served, even though this never should have happened. Animal cruetly/abuse is a FELONY. Give this asshole the max. and to the girlfriend–RUN

  13. Katherine – Do the job you were hired to do and put this uneducated POS Yadelin Marin behind bars where he belongs! It’s time to get tough on animal abusers/murderers, so let’s start with this asshole!

  14. A curse on this human BEAAST , hope that he suffers the same horrible fate sometime in his worthless life. He is surely deranged and needs to be elimated from society He is a danger to humans and animals……

  15. Joan Rosenfeld says:

    Do the same to this pos. She must be severely punished for her sick demonic action.

  16. Cathy McCormick says:

    Throw this totally worthless POS in prison! This is beyond cruel. This is beyond deeply disturbing. This is beyond sickening. This is beyond disgusting. This is a criminal act and the scumbag that did this must receive the most severe punishment possible!


  18. Why is this not considered a felony!! The cruelty inflicted on this poor little dog is incomprehensible. This nut case needs to be put away for a long time. This guy should not be walking among us, he is crazy!!

  19. People who do these things do not even deserve to be walking among society! That’s the problem, no one pays severely enough to keep these things from happening in the first place !!!! Eye for an eye !

  20. But him away for life! He threatened the owner so this asshole is not going to stop! He is a threat to every dog, cat, man, woman & child!!!

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