Puppy Reportedly Disemboweled Deserves Justice

Target: Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle, State Attorney for Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate legal action in the case involving the apparent disembowelment of a puppy and the reported threats made towards its owner.

A deeply disturbing incident of animal cruelty has shocked a community, and allegedly involves the heinous killing of a puppy and reported threats towards its owner. Yadelin Marin, 19, has been charged with second-degree animal cruelty and misdemeanor battery in connection with this case, described by authorities as a “horrific scene.” The reported incident left both the pet owner and the community devastated and outraged.

According to the police report, the owner was informed by a friend that his puppy had been disemboweled in the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom, the owner witnessed the gruesome scene and found Marin sitting in the bathtub, allegedly threatening him by saying, “you’re next.”

This alleged act of extreme cruelty and violence against an innocent and defenseless animal is a blatant violation of ethical principles and Florida’s animal cruelty laws. Such actions not only harm the well-being and dignity of living beings, but also challenge the values of compassion and respect for life within society.

It is imperative that a thorough investigation is conducted to ascertain the full circumstances surrounding this horrific incident. Sign below and demand legal action be taken to ensure justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner.


Dear Ms. Katherine Fernandez Rundle,

A puppy was reportedly disemboweled in front of its owner in a horrific case of animal cruelty. We urge you to prioritize this case and ensure a thorough investigation is conducted. It is essential to uncover all relevant facts and evidence surrounding the incident and bring the perpetrator to justice.

The alleged act of disemboweling a defenseless puppy and the reported threats demonstrate a callous disregard for the welfare and lives of animals. Such actions not only violate Florida’s animal cruelty laws, but also challenge the values of compassion and empathy that our society upholds.

We demand that appropriate legal action be taken against Yadelin Marin, if found guilty, to ensure that justice is served for the innocent puppy and its owner. The community looks to you to send a resolute message that acts of extreme animal cruelty will not be tolerated in our county.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Sudhir Sangwan


  1. Needs the same done to her or prison then send her back to her country after prison….actually she doesn’t even deserve prison just kill her !!! Monster pond scum!!!!

  2. Yadelin Marin should be elliminated from this world. If laws are lax and she walks free i hope someone does to yadelin marin what shedeserves! No use for evil souless sadistic subhumans who put animals and people in danger to be in this world!

  3. Sick, sadistic, Barstard

  4. Person who could do this is a danger to all. Euthanasia would be a king option


  6. Sandra Tielens says:

    So cruel, disembowel the kids Klee of the puppy. Awful excuse for a human

  7. Another sociopath. Next time it will be a child, this is how it always starts.

  8. From where does society get females like this? Put her down.

  9. Evil has no place in this world, and Yadelin Marin needs to be tortured and disemboweled, including being burned alive and stomped into hell!

    We need justice for all innocent and voiceless animals in this world.

  10. Maria Lavorato says:

    If the judge does not get this right…I hope someone comes into Marin’s path and does to her what she did to little Kory.

    The SOB deserves a horrific end to her sad miserable life!

  11. John White says:

    Lock him up if you LOVE Trump!!! If you dont loke him up that means you dont LOVE and adore Trump!!! Prove your loyalty to Trump and lock this man up!!!

  12. Pure evil! This person needs to be treated the same. So horrific…what did the poor dog ever do to deserve that?!

  13. Paula Long says:

    Nothing but the max sentence to this jerk.
    What I would is way worse. Shame on any judge or prosecutor that loses nothing!!!!

  14. kill the bastard

  15. josie olive says:

    This piece of shit needs to be dismembered and thrown in a vat of acid

  16. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    This b*tch shouldn’t see her 20th birthday! If I had my way about it, she’d be dead by now. I bet the prosecutor and the judge will plea bargain this psychopath down until she gets pretty much nothing for killing an innocent puppy. She deserves to die a slow and painful and it should be within the next week. An article said she was arrested on a felony of animal cruelty with intent to kill (intent? she killed the poor puppy) and misdemeanor battery! Who in their right mind thinks this is enough?! Effing morons in our lack-of-justice system! Judge Mindy Glazer has already said that Psycho Marin obviously has mental health issues. That means the evil b*tch will get by with this (she had enough sense to run away but when she was caught a week later, she spit on an officer).

  17. How do monster like this even exist on Mother Earth. These kinds of sadists should be jailed for life with animal lovers as cell mates. They do not deserve to walk the streets because no animal or human will ever be safe from their depravity.

  18. A sick twisted person like this should not be out on our streets. To do this to an innocent puppy! She will continue to do this and possibly to a child. These laws need to be much stricter for acts like this. She is evil!! The best way to resolve this is put her to death or put her in jail for life and let another prisoner torture and kill her. I have ZERO compassion for a piece of trash like this.

  19. Karen Giammarco says:

    This fucking bastard, Yadelin Marin, needs to be held down and ALIVE! This asshole needs to just be killed. He will never be normal. No room for shit like that on this earth. If I was the owner of that dog I would have killed this prick right there.

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