Puppy Reportedly Starved to Death Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Chitwood, Sheriff of Volusia County, Florida, United States

Goal: Demand a thorough investigation into the case of reportedly malnourished dogs and a dead puppy.

In DeLand, Florida, Kevin Proulx, a resident of Pursley Drive, was arrested after several apparently malnourished dogs and a dead puppy were discovered at his filth-ridden home. The allegedly deplorable conditions in which the animals were found raise grave concerns about their well-being and the welfare of animals in general.

A neighbor had requested a well-being check on behalf of Proulx after hearing unusual barking and noticing the absence of the dogs. When an officer responded to the home on June 16, Proulx allegedly failed to answer the door but eventually emerged, reportedly with feces on his feet and claiming to have a heart attack. As Proulx was hospitalized, the living dogs were taken to the DeLand Police Department’s kennel, while the deceased puppy was sent to DeLand Animal Hospital.

The surviving dogs, which included three hound-mix puppies of approximately 9 months old, a 3-to-4-year-old Weimaraner named Ghost, and a 2-to-3-year-old German shorthair pointer named Kiara, were reportedly found in distressing conditions. Kiara was described as “very skinny and scared.” This alleged act of cruelty and neglect towards these innocent animals is a flagrant violation of ethical principles and the laws protecting animal welfare. Demand action now.


Dear Mr. Chitwood,

We are writing to express our profound concern and outrage regarding an alleged incident of animal cruelty at the residence of Kevin Proulx in DeLand, Florida. The reported discovery of malnourished dogs and a deceased puppy in allegedly deplorable conditions demands immediate action and a thorough investigation.

The described appalling conditions in which these innocent animals were found are an affront to ethical principles and an alleged violation of the laws safeguarding animal welfare. We demand that Kevin Proulx be held accountable for his actions, if found guilty, through a diligent investigation and appropriate legal proceedings.

Furthermore, we call upon you to strengthen animal welfare enforcement and increase public awareness about the importance of treating animals with compassion and care. By taking decisive action, you can send a clear message that Volusia County is committed to upholding the rights and welfare of all living beings.

We entrust you with the responsibility of ensuring that the rights and welfare of animals are protected. We urge you to take a firm stance against this alleged animal cruelty, bring the perpetrator to justice, and advocate for the well-being of animals within Volusia County.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: pxhere


  1. Death penalty for bastard killer/abuser, justice for the puppy and other dogs!
    R.I.P. puppy

    • Joann Louise Reif says:

      I totally agree with you a 100% that puppy didn’t need to have died cause of that idiot and all those animals i really hope that they all find new homes.

    • Of course it’s wrong.Unfortunately the whole bloody world is wrong! And most of all these animal and torturing bastards who live amongst us.
      People power must very soon be brought together to eliminate these tossers from the world.
      A quick death is far too good for them!

  2. All scumbag animal abusers require instigation of the death penalty and nothing less. A slow and agonizing extermination for these evil cretins is essential.

  3. these scumbags just need to be killed. they serve no purpose in life other than to prey on the innocent!

  4. Quit giving these animal abusers misdemeanor charges and give them felony animal cruelty charges enough is enough!

  5. Kill the DEMENTED MONSTERS!!!!!

  6. Everything that can wrong in life i wish upon anyone who abuses animal’s they have more love n loyalty than most people will never know about pure evil

  7. This mentally ill Monster MUST be placed in a mental institution for many years, as his next victims will be children!! He has the mentality of a mass murderer!!!

  8. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    You have to destroy this devil.
    but slow down, this devil has to suffer – suffer – suffer –

  9. Lock these people up an starve them.

  10. Starve this useless bastard to death!!



  13. I feel so sad about those dogs. All animals especially dogs have a special place in my heart. At the same time I have compassion for Kevin Proulx. I can’t believe that a human sound in their mind can do something like that to an animal. I believe he needs to be in psychiatric care and never ever be permitted to have any animals in his care

    • Johnny K. says:

      No, Therese, this sonofabitch doesn’t need to be in psychiatric care. He needs a bullet in the head and put under the ground. I am really tired of bleeding hearts like you who have sympathy for animal torturers and killers. That’s why this shit will never end. Because of people like you who feel sorry for these totally worthless bastards. Just kill them and they will never hurt another precious dog. Most people want these torturers to get some kind of punishment but they don’t have the balls to want them dead. Therein lies the problem. If the perps are not killed, eventually they will just go back to torturing and killing animals all over again. But they won’t be able to do it if they are put under the ground where they belong and let the worms take care of them.

    • If you have compassion for this arrogant ‘non-caring’ dog abusing and torturing bastard, then you must have a very serious problem!
      I mean, are you trying to annoy all of the genuine people on this site with your stupid submission? And of course a human sound in their mind as you say can do this, as animals mean nothing to him and he could not give a fuck about them.
      What is wrong with you.? By siding with this piece of shite it seems you are condoning what the waste of space tosser has done!
      This arsehole has STARVED a little puppy to death and almost killed two other dogs and you have compassion for this wanker!
      You are as bad as he is.
      You should be starved for a week to see what it feels like!
      Does this bastard dog killer turn you on? Have you got a thing for him or what?
      Seems like it otherwise you would not be submitting such crap on this site!
      If you love dogs as much as your submission says yet have pity for this waste of space bastard, you have a serious problem.
      What this fucker needs as Jonny K. says in his submission is for a bullet through the bastards head, no messing, job done, goodbye asswipe.

      • Johnny K. says:

        Thanks for backing me up Jon White. I think you and I are exactly on the same page when it comes what needs to be done to these sorry bastards that starve, torture and kill these loyal, wonderful animals called dogs. I’d like to see all animal abusers turned into worm food immediately, if not sooner. Take care,
        Johnny K.

        • No problem Bro as I love dogs too!
          I am sure that very soon ‘Vigilante’ justice is going to take over.
          Power to anyone who has the guts to do this and take these torturing tossers out!
          Best regards – Jon W.

          • Johnny K. says:

            I sure hope you’re right on the vigilante justice taking over. It’s way past time. Take care.
            Johnny K.

  14. Mr. Chitwood, Sheriff of Volusia County, Florida, United States

    Goal: I Demand a thorough investigation into the case of reportedly malnourished dogs and a dead puppy.
    Death penalty for bastard killer/abuser, justice for the puppy and other dogs!
    R.I.P. puppy.
    Starve this useless bastard to death!!

    Eradication from our Planet of this vile and evil monster bastard immediately. Kill the vile and evl psychopathic monster bastard from hell immediately.

  15. Jane Todaro says:

    This guy should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and never allowed near an animal ever again!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH SOME PEOPLE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. He needs to NEVER have animals in his care again. Whatever condition he was in, Mr. Proulx should be held accountable for his cruelty.

  17. Totally agree with Johnny K. and Jon White …no sympathy for this POS. Bet he managed to feed himself while this pup was starving to death. He was in his “right mind” alright, whatever that is, they generally are when they abuse animals and I am also sick of people saying they need psychiatric help. These people abuse animals because they are EVIL plain and simple and they enjoy it.

    • Johnny K. says:

      You can bet your bottom dollar that this piece of shit had a full stomach while he was starving this poor puppy to death. The only way that I would say that a psychiatrist could take care of this guy is to put a .45 in his mouth and pull the trigger. I will guarantee you that he would never starve, hurt or kill another wonderful dog again. Then, after that, let the worms do their job and reduce him to a skeleton. Take care,
      Johnny K.

  18. Shirley Lemieux says:

    There are people in this world who do not seem to have a clue that what they are caring for is actually a living being that requires much care. There is no excuse for animal neglect and abuse.

  19. Animal vigilante says:

    If the abuser/neglected was telling the truth about the heart attack (scamming??) then karma is doing what she does best!!
    This idiot must NEVER have possession of animals again!!
    RIP precious, defenseless baby pupper. You deserved so much better than this. So did your housemates. I pray they get the best furever homes.

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