German Shepherd Found Dead in Suitcase Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Alex Chalk, Secretary of State for Justice of the United Kingdom

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation into the horrific discovery of a deceased German Shepherd dog inside a suitcase.

On Bedford High Street in Clapham, Bedford, United Kingdom, a member of the public made a shocking discovery when they found the body of a German Shepherd dog inside a black suitcase on Friday, September 9 last year. The circumstances surrounding the dog’s death and the condition in which the body was found raise serious concerns about animal welfare and the potential for malicious intent.

Upon examination by veterinarians, it was determined that the dog had not been dead for long. Although the exact cause of death could not be established, the dog was thin and had been curled up inside the suitcase along with a bedsheet. While there was no direct evidence to indicate the dog was confined in the case before its demise, the circumstances surrounding the incident give rise to suspicion.

This act of cruelty and the callous disregard for the welfare of the German Shepherd dog are clear violations of ethical principles and contradict the United Kingdom’s commitment to upholding high standards of animal welfare. The increase in reports of animal cruelty to the RSPCA by 10 percent over the past year is an alarming trend that demands immediate attention and action.

It is imperative that a comprehensive investigation is conducted to identify and hold the perpetrator accountable for this heinous act. The intentional harm and mistreatment of animals are grave offenses that warrant appropriate legal consequences. By addressing this incident promptly and diligently, the United Kingdom can reaffirm its dedication to protecting the rights and welfare of all animals within its jurisdiction. Demand immediate action.


Dear Mr. Alex Chalk,

We are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding the recent incident of animal cruelty involving the discovery of a deceased German Shepherd dog inside a suitcase on Bedford High Street, Clapham, Bedford. The shocking and distressing nature of this act demonstrates a blatant disregard for the well-being and dignity of living creatures.

The mistreatment and intentional harm inflicted upon animals not only violate ethical principles but also undermine the principles of compassion and justice that the United Kingdom upholds. We demand that decisive action be taken against the individual responsible, sending a clear message that such acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated within our society.

Furthermore, we call upon you to strengthen animal welfare laws and enforcement in the United Kingdom, ensuring that comprehensive measures are in place to protect animals from abuse, neglect, and acts of cruelty. By fostering a culture of empathy and respect towards all living beings, we can create a society that values and safeguards the welfare of animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: RSPCA


  1. OMG what a heartbreaking 💔 shame. Find the abuser who did this haneous act of cruelty to a lovely dog,may the jerk rot in h#&@ and sentence him..dumb ass

  2. I’m a catholic and we have tons of rules to follow if we want to avoid hell. But the biggest rule and the one I struggle with everyday is “Love thy Neighbor.” I can love lots of them but my rage against people who abuse animals, elderly, and babies and infants = human trafficking gets away from me with the curses I throw at them. Some people have no business being on this earth!!!

    • I am also Catholic, and have the same exact struggles, BUT where I forgive myself is the belief in an eye for an eye! We are not perfect, and God understands are rage towards such evil, and he is ALSO watching the evil in action, and I believe he will render the appropriate punishments!! God Bless you, and every innocent animal, person, and especially child harmed at their sadistic hands! 🙏

    • Correction: He understands OUR rage!

    • Nancy S. says:

      Your statements echo what I was just saying to someone yesterday. It is nice to know I am not alone in thinking this way.

  3. Why does this horrific animal cruelty continue in the UK?The UK has some sick scumbags that constantly torture dogs and cats. It needs to stop! Find the scumbag that did this and put them behind bars!

  4. Sure a lot more sick in the head humans out there then ever before. The world as we know it has ended, we are now in the era of IDIOCRACY!!!!

  5. Nadine Brundage says:

    Another sicko on the loose who needs to be found before more innocent animals die.

  6. I grew up with a beautiful German Shepard and this incident makes me sick. Please find the person responsible for this and prosecute accordingly.

  7. Very easy! Find the owner and fuck him!!!

  8. Sharon Moss says:

    Whoever did this is a threat to society and must be caught

  9. this worthless fucking human, needs to die the same way

  10. Jacqueline says:

    Put that thing over a bridge forget about the suitcase.

  11. Jaime Perez says:

    Poor sweet dog! This horrible act was so appalling. There is an evil monster walking around out there who needs to be caught and punished severely!!

  12. Offer a reward for turning in the POS who did this. Put the dog’s photo all over the media, someone knows who the dog belonged to and who did this lowlife sadistic thing; for money their own friends will turn on them. That king said, fines, jail and lifetime animal ban – for a start.

  13. Use every possible way to find this sickening monster. He does not deserve to walk on this planet.

  14. Senanaya says:

    At the hands of another not needed, dispensable, useless, vile male.

  15. It seems that the more life goes on the more we discover just how ignorant and stupid people become. Although we can not fix stupid, we can find and prosecute those responsible for crimes like this. How can someone be that stupid is beyond me. People have no common sense.

  16. I really hate some humans ho hurts defenseless animals!!!

  17. Is hell on earth ….we don’t deserve Angels ! RIP lovely pup ! Find the scum and justice need to be done !

  18. Donna Riggins says:

    This should not even be happening in any country whatsoever. It’s a definite sign of the state of the world and it’s movement towards not caring about our fellow man and woman and Gods creatures. He will not be happy.

  19. This is such a horrible act. People should be punished when they hurt an animal

  20. Jennifer L Gentry says:


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