Dog Reportedly Dangled From Fifth-Floor Banister Deserves Justice

Target: Mr. Eric Gonzalez, District Attorney of Kings County, New York, United States

Goal: Ensure a thorough prosecution following the disturbing incident of a helpless pit bull allegedly dangled from a fifth-floor banister.

Shatik Bennett, a 26-year-old Brooklyn resident, was apprehended by the NYPD’s Animal Cruelty Investigation Squad after they reportedly discovered an adult pit bull named Romeo hanging from a fifth-floor banister by a leash attached to a collar. This alleged act of cruelty has left the helpless dog traumatized and in urgent need of justice and protection.

The cruelty allegedly inflicted upon Romeo by Bennett is not only an appalling violation of ethical principles, but also a criminal offense under the laws of the United States. Animals deserve our compassion, care, and protection, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that those who commit acts of cruelty are held accountable for their actions. Demand action now.


Dear Mr. Gonzalez,

We are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding the alleged incident of animal abuse in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. The alleged act of hanging a helpless pit bull named Romeo from a fifth-floor banister by Shatik Bennett is an appalling act of cruelty that demands your immediate attention and action.

As the District Attorney of Kings County, you hold the responsibility to uphold the laws and seek justice for all victims, including innocent animals. We implore you to ensure a thorough investigation is conducted into this case, and we demand that you vigorously prosecute Shatik Bennett for alleged cruelty to animals.

The well-being and safety of animals are paramount, and it is imperative to send a strong message that such alleged acts of cruelty will not be tolerated within our society. Romeo’s alleged suffering highlights the urgent need for justice and protection for all animals who are subjected to abuse and mistreatment.

We urge you to allocate all necessary resources to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a solid case against Shatik Bennett. It is crucial to ensure that he faces the full extent of legal consequences for his reported actions, reflecting the severity of the charges.

By taking decisive action in this case, you will not only bring justice to Romeo, but also reaffirm the commitment of the United States to safeguard the rights and welfare of animals. The prosecution of Shatik Bennett will serve as a deterrent against future acts of animal abuse and send a resolute message that cruelty towards innocent creatures will be met with severe penalties.

We, the concerned citizens and advocates for animal rights, trust in your dedication to justice and appeal to your sense of compassion. We implore you to act swiftly and decisively, ensuring that Shatik Bennett is held accountable for his alleged actions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Stacy


  1. Pure evilness. What is so terribly wrong with the human race.

    • Holly Homayonfar says:

      Everything 🙁

    • Shelly Blazich says:


    • A good percentage of the human race are just ‘bastards’ who get pleasure from inflicting pain on lesser beings and animals.
      Not really sure what makes them the way they are but no doubt have done this maiming and torturing from when they were little and got away with it.
      Then found that it gave them a ‘buzz’ to torture animals when they grew older!
      This piece of shit needs Vigilante treatment. A suggestion would be a group to overpower him but not tie a rope around his neck.
      Tie a nice supple cord around his bollocks and dick secured from inside, then, after tying his arms, lower him gently from the window so they are taking the full weight of the bastard.
      But tape his mouth first so the fucker cannot scream.
      Then just leave the bastard there and everyone disappear!
      I am very sure that the fuckers ‘wedding tackle’ would not support him for very long and whilst it was slowly being torn from his body, he might just reflect why this is happening to him!
      If anyone thinks this is ‘sadistic’ then yes, but this will teach the pissant the error of his ways.
      When his dick and balls cannot support him anymore and he goes plummeting to the pavement, the Police and Paramedics may thing he was trying some sort of experiment that went wrong to stretch his ‘willy’ to maybe become a ‘porn-star!
      No matter the tosser would be hopefully dead and ‘dickless’.
      This is the sort of thing that will hopefully dissuade other bastards like him to think again before torturing any animal. If the bugger was still alive that is! I say again, absolute power to any group that could teach this arsehole a severe lesson.
      A permanent one would be good.

      Jonny W. U.K.

  2. Do to this monster what it did to Romeo

  3. Ann hart says:

    This is NY NOTHING will happen to this piece of shit!

    • And you are an idiot. Blue states have tougher laws than red states. I could give you many examples but will give you one. Pos who put stray cat on fire in Brooklyn got RECORD 7 YEARS IN JAIL. Morons like you should get some facts before opening their mouths.

  4. Hang Shatik Bennet!

  5. What is wrong with people?

  6. F and F, the only solution. Find him and Fuck him.

  7. lets hang him the same way an eye for an eye should be the law with animal and child abuse.

  8. Dangle that monster Bennet from the 5th floor bannister and see h how much he likes it.

  9. Julia Edinger says:

    I agree with BARBARA TAYLOR
    “lets hang him the same way an eye for an eye should be the law with animal and child abuse.”
    That kind of “Evil Being” must be severely punished!

  10. Julia Edinger says:

    That dark soul is pure “Evil” must be found and severely punished,,,,Karma!!

  11. A funeral is still cheaper than any legal/penal costs. It is more effective than ANY legal punishment AND guarantees no further offenses from him!! Human population control is required, starting with these types of walking rectums!!
    Hang him, burn him & bury him ASAP!!!
    All animal abusers worldwide should be burned alive, ONLY AFTER being given the treatment they caused any animals.

  12. Karen Giammarco says:

    Take asshole suspect, Shatik Bennet, needs to have a fucking rope around his neck and hang his ass over that balcony, but just leave him there til he dies. Hope this DA is not like the fucking loser Alvin Bragg and not charge this guy.

  13. Tammy King says:

    Take him 50 miles out to sea and let him hang out with Jaws and his pals . He won’t come back anytime soon and I’ll bet my bottom dollar on this bet but where his bottom will end up or down is anyone’s guess .

  14. josie olive says:

    Nothing will happen because AG Alvin scum bragg is soft on criminals especially the black ones so animals don’t count for this piece of crap bragg. Maybe if his family was attacked he would think different

  15. Hang him from his dick till it no longer functions and the pain is excruciating!! He deserves to suffer!! He is below scum!!!

  16. Patricia Leigh Wicker says:


  17. There is simply no excuse or reason for this action to have occurred. I am glad the dog was discovered in time to save his life but it won’t save the trauma Romeo had to endure. Bennett is the man responsible and if found guilty should stand trial as he is accountable. He obviously has no mental capacity to understand, do to others as you would wish them to do to you. Hard to imagine how afraid Romeo was and worse how much enjoyment this action brought to Bennett. This man boarders on insanity. He will do this again, sadly. To some people only their life matters and Bennett is among that group. This is a crime! He needs to pay fines, the vet care for Romeo, and service hard time for his stupid stunt.

  18. A well worded Petition that I strongly support. Pure evil what was done to this dog.

  19. Wow, I’m so very proud to be on this list, with all of you great people, thank you animal lovers. All this cruelty was happening 50yrs ago. Nothing happened to monsters then, I hope something will happen now.
    Find this F scum bag, hang him from his balls, then let him rot in prison, then rot in hell. As for the DA, do the right thing, don’t be an ass-hole.

  20. Sally Grantwho fo not come forwRd, yoi are just ad guilty! May you rot in hell!! says:

    Dangle this piece of shit. Leave him there. No help!

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