Cat Reportedly Thrown From Moving Car Deserves Justice

Target: Ms. Katarina Carroll, Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service, Australia

Goal: Ensure a thorough investigation into the act of animal cruelty allegedly involving a 15-year-old girl throwing a cat out of a moving car and off a bridge in Beenleigh, Queensland.

A distressing incident of animal cruelty has emerged from Beenleigh, Queensland. A 15-year-old girl has been charged after allegedly being filmed throwing a cat out of a moving car and off a bridge on the Pacific Motorway. The incident, captured in a social media video, has shocked the community and sparked outrage among animal rights advocates and concerned citizens.

The video appears to show a teenage girl, thought to be the suspect, holding the cat on her lap before callously throwing it out of the car’s window. The cat is then seen falling onto the busy road below after going over the highway’s concrete guardrail. This shocking act of cruelty seems to demonstrate a complete disregard for the well-being and dignity of animals. Demand immediate action.


Dear Ms. Katarina Carroll,

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern and outrage regarding a recent incident of animal cruelty in Beenleigh, Queensland. The alleged act of throwing a cat out of a moving car and off a bridge by a 15-year-old girl is both distressing and unacceptable.

As the Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service, we implore you to take immediate action and ensure a thorough investigation into this case. It is crucial that you allocate all necessary resources to uncover the truth, identify the perpetrator, and bring her to justice.

By addressing this incident swiftly and decisively, you will send a clear message that acts of animal cruelty will not be tolerated within the jurisdiction of Queensland. It is imperative to demonstrate that Queensland upholds the principles of compassion, justice, and empathy towards all living beings.

We entrust you with the responsibility of ensuring that the rights and welfare of animals are protected. We urge you to take firm action and ensure that this case is treated with the utmost diligence, bringing about a swift resolution and delivering justice for the innocent cat.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ludemeula Fernandes


  1. Yes,please update us on the cat… Was it saved or killed. Unfortunately the perb may never face justice. But God sees all. These are his creations. Justice needs to be brought on this girl. Find her and give her a harsh penalty.

  2. Did the poor cat survive? OMG How horrific! And at 15 what did she think would happen to the cat ??? She knew better. She needs the harshest treatment handed to her.

    • Naila M Johnston says:

      A serial killer in the making!!! This is horrendous! She must be put away after severe punishment!! This bitch must be locked away… she is deadly to other children and to all animals!!

  3. Natalie Kamberos says:

    Senseless cruelty.

  4. This 15 year old is just another BITCH whose actions will just get worse as she gets older. She is one sick SOB and deserves to be doing hard time. OMG the poor little cat – how tragic for the animal. I know the article doesn’t say what happened but pretty sure that it did not make it.

  5. What kind of lessons these parents teach this girl to have such a disregard for life and a baby at that. I hope she is prosecuted to the fullest extent of a war. I hope she comes back as a baby kitten and her next life.

  6. Lisa Finnigan says:

    Who filmed this? If they were close enough to see the cat was on her lap, maybe they knew she was going to do this horrible act of animal cruelty and was in league with her.

  7. throw that fucking teenager over the bridge worthless piece of shit

  8. Laura Rolder says:

    I am sick and tired of this evil monsters children, teens and adults humans abusing innocent animals. They all need to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law on Felony charges. If the Justice system keeps letting them off with a slap on the wrist this will never end. They deserve the same abuse they did to any helpless animal in my opinion thatcis true justice but unfortunately we cannot do that. The laws need to be harsher for these abusers to where if they murder a innocent animal they spend life in prison or get the death penalty. A living being is just that human or animal. Do the right thing and up hold the law for these, voiceless, helpless, innocent animals.

  9. This teenager is a monster! And monsters should be killed!

  10. Jaime Perez says:

    This is an evil act of cruelty! That teenage pos monster deserves some serious jail time. I hope the cat is ok?!

  11. I strongly agree with everyone that this monster deserves to be thrown out of a moving car onto a highway ! As a cat mom, this really infuriates me !

    Everyone needs to stop watching and jump into action to stop cruelty if they witness it starting.

  12. Throw her off a bridge from a moving car.

  13. Joseph Kenosky says:

    This girl needs to go to prison.

  14. Thank goodness nobody (so far) has suggested she needs help and if anybody is thinking that she is only a child then where are the parents in this. It’s time to go after them. Parents are responsible for their children. Perhaps if this was made so in cases like this, there would be less spoiled rotten kids in this world who do things like this.

  15. This 15-year old girl is MENTALLY-DERANGED, SADISTIC, DEHUMANIZED AND PSYCHOPATHIC SCUM. Her age doesn’t justify the case, but on the contrary, it aggravates it!
    MAX JAIL for that teenage pos monster!  I lack words to express my indignation and anger at this DESENSITIZED, DEHUMANIZED, SADISTIC and PSYCHOPATHIC evil girl! How can someone INFLICT such EXTREME SUFFERINGS on a defenseless and innocent cat. The suffering this cat went through is of DEVILISH DIMENSIONS!! This poor creature deserve JUSTICE.

  16. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m sorry to hear what happened to this innocent cat. I hope it survived the fall and makes a speedy recovery. Nevertheless, that teenage girl is a despicable, witch and she needs to be punished. She has the cat in her lap; next thing you know, she’s throwing it out of the window. Did she decide to do this on her own, or did someone in the car encourage her to commit this heinous act? All involved need to be punished because this is inexcusable.

  17. This vile, mentally deranged bitch definitely requires instigation of the death penalty and nothing less! A slow and agonizing death for this evil cretin is essential!

  18. Evil needs keeping an eye on. Who was driving? Where are the parents? What goes around comes around, ihope justice is done.


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