Dog Who Reportedly Had Word Carved in Head With Machete Deserves Justice

Target: Lucas County, Ohio Prosecutor Julia R. Bates

Goal: Give man severest legal sentence for allegedly cutting dog’s head with a machete.

A dog was allegedly cut on top of the head multiple times with a machete. The animal’s injuries were so severe, veterinarians had to staple the cuts together. Whoever is responsible for this horrific act needs to receive the toughest punishment under law and be banned from being around animals to better ensure more innocent creatures will not suffer.

Harley Gear was arrested for the incident after officers went to his residence to do a welfare check. Once on the property, they reportedly found a dog with serious wounds and a machete that contained blood lying next to the animal. Stephen Heaven, head of the Toledo Humane Society, suspects the accused person was trying to carve the word “hi” as well as other things into the helpless dog.

Sign this petition to demand Gear spend time in prison and to further insist he no longer be allowed to be around animals if he is found guilty of this inexcusable crime.


Dear Prosecutor Bates,

A man was accused of carving a dog’s head with a machete. As a result, the animal needed staples for the wounds to properly heal. Harley Gear was charged with the crime shortly after officers went to his place of residence to do a welfare check and discovered the dog next to the bloody tool. It is important he receive the maximum prison sentence and that he no longer be legally allowed to have or be around pets if it is discovered he committed this act to make it so other animals will be less likely to be tortured by this individual.

The head of the Toledo Humane Society, Stephen Heaven, said that this was the first time he had ever seen this happen to an animal and suspected that the perpetrator was likely trying to carve messages such as the word hi into the dog’s forehead. Studies unfortunately show that abused animals oftentimes remain fearful of humans throughout their lifetime, making it more difficult for them to function well in a new family setting.

For these reasons, I demand Gear be given the strictest legal sentence and further insist that he be required to stay away from all animals if he is found guilty of this despicable crime.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Markus Distelrath


  1. A just punishment for that piece of garbage is to have his foot hacked off with a machete.

  2. I would like to carve my name in the head of whoever did this!!

  3. Do the same to this sicko

  4. lock up this creep for good

  5. What a sick, sick man. He doesn’t deserve to be walking around free. Lock him up and let all the people in jail carve their names on him.

  6. Juliana Jordan-Huber says:

    Until animal cruelty is addressed with such severe consequences, this type of horrific abuse will continue. I hope the judge and prosecutor will at least give a sentence to permanently ban this man from ever working, living, being around or owning any animals for life. As well as receiving mandatory counseling that he is responsible for paying out of pocket accompanied with a long prison sentence. Even this punishment does not make up for the suffering and misery of what he did to that poor dog or the countless other animals that were never found that suffered by his hand. You will never convince me, this was his first animal abuse crime.

    • Absolutely right. This actually is animal torture and disfigurement.

    • I totally agree. It’s scary the type of people among us that do such unhumane actions against animals. Then they are given a light sentence at times, why treat animals with less recourse for haneous acts!?

  7. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    Harley Gear shouldn’t live until his next birthday! You sick, evil, cowardly SOB! You worthless piece of sh*t! it’s a shame your parents didn’t practice birth control – now the world has to deal with your evilness. He only got a $2,500 bond! What kind of effed-up “justice” system is that? And the SOB pled not guilty! Not guilty, my *ss! He lives in Toledo, Ohio on the 3000 block of Nebraska Avenue – can’t find an exact address. If you can get to him, give true justice for that poor dog.

  8. So when do we get our turn to carve words on him? I have a word to start us off…asshole!

  9. Judith L. DiPietro says:

    People like this need to be institutionalized for the remainder of the life.

  10. You sorry pce of crap, i wish someone would do you the same way so you could feel the pain you made what was suppose to be your pet go through, you are suppose to protect love and care for them,they have no one else to they depend on you, you should be lucky the police found you instead of animal lovers… Rot under the prison and to the judge i pray to that you do not slap his wrist for this… This is plain animal cruelty …

  11. Make this ass pay for all the care of his dog until adopted into another home. The crime of animal abuse is a penalty with up to 7 years imprisonment. Follow the law and make him serve his time. Cut off his hands so he cannot ever do this again.
    I can’t imagine the pain this poor pup suffered in his hands

  12. Leesa A Hornick says:

    Can the same be done to the POS

  13. Maria Lavorato says:

    What sadistic humans walk this earth! SOB!! needs to feel the worst kind of torture. And do not let this evil free!!! Can the damn law do it’s job!!!!!!!!!!

    I demand the same thing be done to him…this scum needs to feel the horror he cause this sweet innocent dog.

    Please find this little dog a happy peaceful home. God’s speed little buddy for a full recovery.

  14. You people need to release the name and any information on these pieces of crap who do these things. Sometimes vigilante justice is a good thing and is deserved by evil, putrid scum like this. LOTS of people wanting to get their hands on him.

    Release information and let the people out on the streets get to them. The laws just don’t do anything. Too much red tape on the side of the criminal, with a creepy lawyer defending them and a brainless judge that believes them and lets them get off with a slap on the wrist, community service (which is nothing!) and probation. YEAH SOME PUNISHMENT!!!!

    Until these people’s whereabouts are known,so that they can know and realize that, street justice will be done to them, if the laws do nothing, then nothing is going to happen and they will continue with their cruelty. I, for one, am for hacking one of arms off.

    • Right on – Sister Debra,
      Could not have said it better.
      Just hope that this bastard gets ‘street justice’ to make him reflect on what he has done.
      Arseholes like this are not wanted. In this case, an eye for an eye.
      The fucker needs machetteing back so the shitbag knows what it feels like!
      But better still, a big strong vigilante guy to step on the fuckers neck until he stops breathing.
      Food for thought – job done.

  15. Hack this bastards entire name in his head and a few more words for good measure. Then slice off his genitals with the machete….I doubt he’ll torture anything else after that and will, hopefully, not be alive anyway….

  16. Ross Allen says:

    Let’s carve “asshole” in this guy’s forehead. OK, I’ll do it.

  17. Should get beyond the maxium.


  19. Brian Formes says:

    There is no “legal” punishment for something like this! Maybe I should become a “Punisher” for these pet abusers, or even better a “Dexter” for them. The law, unfortunately, can’t serve up enough justice for this kind of thing. This sick f#ck deserves to die!

    • My thoughts exactly.
      This is going to happen.
      Pet abuse punishers or vigilantes will start to abound and deal out the punishments that the weak Judges and Prosecutors will not!!
      Absolute power to anyone who can make these bastards realise it is not wise to abuse and torture animals.
      If they die in the process then bloody good.
      One less animal torturing bastard in the world!!

  20. Extreme animal abuse is still rampant at least in part because no significant consequences are connected to it. Cutting a dogs head with a machete knife is actual animal torture and disfigurement. The animal’s head needed to be stapled shut. This cannot go without penalty. And I implore you at the very least, regardless of any explanation, that animal must be removed from that home released to a rescue to be rehomed. Respectfully, I ask also at the very least this individual be peremenantly banned from adopting,owning,or unsupervised interaction with animals. They lack the mentality to be trusted to care for an animal. There really is no excuse for this, none. They also should receive a mandatory psych eval and treatment.Hopefully they have insurance.

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