Save Adorable Civet Cats From Poaching and Deforestation

Target: Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

Goal: Advocate for the conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet to safeguard its existence and preserve India’s biodiversity.

The Malabar large spotted civet, a unique and critically endangered type of “civet cat,” is facing a severe threat to its survival. Rapid habitat destruction, poaching, and human-wildlife conflicts have led to a significant decline in its population. This elusive mammal plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance and preserving the rich biodiversity of the Western Ghats in India.

To ensure the conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet, it is essential to advocate for its protection. This includes preserving its natural habitat, implementing effective anti-poaching measures, promoting sustainable land-use practices, and raising awareness about the importance of this species in the ecosystem.

The conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet is not only vital for its own survival but also for the overall biodiversity of India. As a country known for its incredible natural heritage, India has a responsibility to protect and preserve its unique wildlife species. By focusing on the conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet, we can contribute to the preservation of India’s natural ecosystems and maintain its ecological balance.

Therefore, we call upon Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, to actively advocate for the conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet. We urge him to prioritize the protection of this endangered species, allocate resources for habitat conservation, strengthen anti-poaching efforts, and promote sustainable practices that support coexistence between humans and wildlife.

The conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet will not only help preserve India’s biodiversity but also enhance its international reputation as a leader in wildlife conservation. It is our shared responsibility to protect and conserve this remarkable species for future generations to admire and appreciate. Demand urgent action.


Dear Mr. Modi,

We are writing to urge you to advocate for the conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet, an endangered species facing imminent threats to its survival.

The Malabar large spotted civet’s population has significantly declined due to habitat destruction, poaching, and human-wildlife conflicts. This elusive mammal plays a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance and preserving the biodiversity of the Western Ghats in India.

We implore you to take decisive action to ensure the survival of the Malabar large spotted civet. This can be achieved by preserving its natural habitat, implementing effective anti-poaching measures, promoting sustainable land-use practices, and raising awareness about its ecological importance.

The conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet is not only crucial for its own existence, but also for the overall biodiversity of India. As a country renowned for its remarkable natural heritage, India has a responsibility to protect and preserve its unique wildlife species. By advocating for the conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet, we can contribute to the preservation of India’s natural ecosystems and maintain its ecological balance.

We urge you to prioritize the protection of this endangered species, allocate resources for habitat conservation, strengthen anti-poaching efforts, and promote sustainable practices that foster coexistence between humans and wildlife. By doing so, we can ensure the survival of this remarkable mammal and preserve India’s rich biodiversity for generations to come.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: D. Gordon E. Robertson


  1. MAN as a whole is a sick selfish species that doesn’t care to care about anything but their own asses!!! Plowing down animals’ homes and abusing and killing still in 2023; it is an abhorrent reflection on our species.

    • I have been saying that for decades.

    • Kaye Porter says:

      India again, still. I can’t type what I believe should be done to those that abuse animals in any way. Set examples, even in this country.

      • I don’t know where you live, Kaye, but I’m just going to expand on “setting examples” in the country I live in, the USA. As a vegan advocate for many years, I have learned from the US’s very own USDA about the horrors routinely inflicted on animals in this country for the anag industry, including being boiled while conscious, gassed, killed while infants, and dying outside of slaughter tallies due to disease and squalor. There are no laws in the US that protect animals exploited for food, they all die, they are specifically exempt from the Animal Welfare Act and 95% are exempt from the (meaningless) HSA: there’s nothing more humane that not harming animals.

        • sara stepnicka says:

          Yes, vegan is actually the only way to help save ALL the animals. When you eat animals, you are personally responsible for the destruction of these animals homes, due to them being destroyed for the animal agricultural industry. It’s a sad reality, but if people REALLY claim to ‘love’ animals the way they say they do, please leave them off your plate. Otherwise, they are empty words.

          • I agree, Sara, and you are 100% accurate: all animal exploitation is related, the consumption of some animals fuels the suffering of other animals, it’s all based on one foundation of speciesism. I’ll also add that, even though I don’t scale suffering because it’s all related and unethical, the World Animal Protection Institute rates countries according to each one’s animal “welfare” laws and statutes and how those are managed and applied; interestingly, my country, USA, was graded D and India was graded C. The US is ALWAYS at the bottom of the list, animal suffering in the US is so normalized, people honestly think it doesn’t exist here.

  2. josie olive says:

    We must do better

    • Jeannie Frank says:

      Totally agree,and I will continue to do all I can to help all of our innocent,vulnerable, trusting,loving animals!!!!

  3. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with. E P
    “MAN as a whole is a sick selfish species that doesn’t care to care about anything but their own asses!!! Plowing down animals’ homes and abusing and killing still in 2023; it is an abhorrent reflection on our species.

  4. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    This earth and the innocent animals on it will be so much better off when man is extinct. The sooner, the better for the animals.

    • Deborah Haws says:

      You are so right! Man destroys everything the earth has to offer! As true animal lovers, man sucks! It always seems to be about money!

  5. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Protect these animals!!!!

  6. Please give these creatures the chance to be as God intended them to be!

  7. Nadine Brundage says:

    Another animal facing extinction due to human greed. I hope thé Prime Minister of India will act and take into consideration the importance these animals and others have on the environment before it’s too late.

    • Of course he will not act!
      These people could not give a flying fuck about animals as long as their comfy lifestyle is not affected.
      The welfare of animals means bugger all to them.
      It is the same the world over. No one gives a toss about them!
      Well sooner or later someone is going to have to do something to stop this shite as the world can only take so much destruction.
      When all of the rain forests have been mowed down, all of the animals extinct and no green spaces anywhere, then stupid bloody ‘man’ will realise that they are totally fucked as there will be no animals to kill, and no space anywhere to build on!! And serve the bastards right!
      Then maybe, just maybe, the idiots will realise that their greed and ‘could not give a toss’ attitude has buggered up the world and there will be NO going back!
      I expect these fools think they are going to live forever.Crass idiots all of them.
      These are the pricks who need terminating!!

  8. Maria Lavorato says:

    Is there no end to humans’ cruelty to which ever animal they please for whatever selfish reason!

    The Lord gave us animals to coexist peacefully. Not to use and abuse at will!. Animals are a gift to be treasured…they are probably the greatest joy on this earth! Imagine a world without any animal! Not a place I would desire to live in.

    If humans and animals traded places NO WAY would animals treat humans in the same repulsive/detestable way humans have treated them for ions. Look to animals for lessons! It is 2023…when is ALL mankind going to get!!???!?!?!?!?!??!

  9. Humans are the biggest and most prolific killers on earth. This has only gotten worse over the years as there is almost no respects for animals lives. We will go extinct without them. We need a human killing meteorite now, preserving only no human life.

  10. I feel you are looking the other way and the animals in your country will become extinct. Why? Your people. Your lack of attention. Your country is vast, the population immense.
    Many of the Indian people look for their own comforts and securities. But animals go quickly when no care is shown to protect them. From elephants to Civets, monkeys, and others whose home is in your country. I don’t understand theIndian approach to animals as cows are sacred but dogs are dirty and beaten to death by many on the streets. All animals are living beings. India stood as a holy land and taught many divine principals but your principles towards animals needs improving … greatly!

  11. This is an EXTREME ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME that must be stopped. Civet Cats are not the property of India, but the legacy of planet Earth! India, you must revise your laws and attitude towards animals because it’s deteriorating badly. Shame on you, India!

  12. Vicky Bashore says:

    Please stop

  13. Paula Long says:

    Our world needs to protect all of our wildlife. Stop poaching and trophy hunting and archaic medicine imaginary cures.


  15. Patricia Leigh Wicker says:

    Man is Horrible!!! He loves to kill defenseless animals!!!
    SO EVIL!!

  16. Preserve and protect the Malabar large spotted civet to help save this species.

  17. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

    Advocate for the conservation of the Malabar large spotted civet to safeguard its existence and preserve India’s biodiversity.

    The Malabar large spotted civet, a unique and critically endangered type of “civet cat,” is facing a severe threat to its survival. Rapid habitat destruction, poaching, and human-wildlife conflicts have led to a significant decline in its population. This elusive mammal plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance and preserving the rich biodiversity of the Western Ghats in India.

    I definitely agree with this comment.
    MAN as a whole is a sick selfish species that doesn’t care to care about anything but their own asses!!! Plowing down animals’ homes and abusing and killing still in 2023; it is an abhorrent reflection on our species.
    Th vile and evil lowlife human species is the vilest of all species for deliberately and heinously torturing and murdering our precious and innocent species on this Planet.

  18. Idiot humans through killing, maiming and habitat destruction for monetary gain and greed will destroy the world, and are too bloody stupid and uncaring to give a toss!
    ‘I’m alright Jack” they would no doubt say and fuck everyone else, and anyone or anything that gets in the way just kill it.
    Human beings are the ‘bastards’ with arrogant dictators who think they can take over the world.
    Take ‘ madman insane’ and ‘dustbin laden’, I expect you know who I mean) and look what happened to them! These bloody ‘despots’ got just what they deserved!
    And so should animal abusers and torturers who can only take out their stupid tantrums on innocent animals has they have not got the ‘balls’ to pick on someone their own size.
    And of course, they know an animal is not going to fight back.
    These are the bastards who must be dealt with severely and what I mean by that is a painful termination for these nasty torturing tossers.
    They are no use to anyone and one way or the other, must be taken out.
    Power to any animal militant groups who can secretly arrange their demise, as the only time these fuckers will be any use to the world is when they are ‘dead’!!

  19. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    protect ALL animals
    every animal is an angel

  20. SIGN SHARE — We MUST PROTECT our Malabar Large Spotted Civet CAT — We NEED our Animals — Our Planet NEEDS its Animals

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