Don’t Let Shelters Become Places of Abuse or Death for Rescued Animals

Target: Tom Vilsack, Secretary of U.S. Department of Agriculture

Goal: Make federal standards of care for animal shelters a top priority.

Nearly a third of states have a failing grade in animal protection laws, according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund. At least three states have no shelter requirements whatsoever for pets, and many more state standards are mediocre at best. And the entire nation is a patchwork of deficient guidelines when it comes to formal animal shelters for stray animals.

The latter problem is especially tragic because deplorable shelter conditions can place animals in worse circumstances than they would have encountered on the streets or in the wild. Plus, because of insufficient care, lacking adoption programs, and sparsely funded spaying and neutering initiatives, millions of shelter animals are euthanized every year. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has released a set of recommended minimal standards that every authorized shelter in the country should follow to safeguard as many animals as possible.

Sign the petition below to urge the agency responsible for America’s animal welfare to advocate for these wellness standards on a national level.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

Seemingly every day, local headlines abound with stories about animal shelters accused of a litany of misdeeds: abuse and neglect, improper euthanizing, inadequate or illegal adoption programs, and more. This nation entrusts shelters with the care and well-being of millions of its most vulnerable animals, and too many of these animals unfortunately never leave shelters alive. The complete lack of a uniform standard of care is not acceptable.

The ASPCA has outlined in detail a set of guidelines that, if implemented on a broad scale, could save countless animal lives while making shelters a refuge rather than a prison or death detention center. These guidelines would strengthen standards for the structures, activities, sanitation, and programs of shelters and make these safeguards a federal pledge of protection for shelter animals.

Please work with this organization to support and implement these initiatives that would hold shelters to a higher standard while ensuring the safety of every living being within their ranks.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Irina Zhur


  1. Julia Edinger says:

    I agree with. Jason Robbins
    “This kind of crap to be stopped, no poor little defenseless dog or cat, or for that matter any animal, should ever have to be abused in a place where they should feel welcomed and loved. I can’t understand how people can take a job like that and then use that position to abuse and hurt these beautiful loving babies. These sick disgusting pieces of crap who pass themselves off as animal care givers and rescuers should face federal charges. so, to whom this may concern please stop this from happening these poor defenseless babies need our help where those who pretend to rescue them have failed, we ask you to intervene and please help them get the lives and love they so richly deserve.” ABUSE MUST END WITH ALL EVIL BEINGS MUST BE SEVERELY PUNISHED !!!

  2. I agree with. Jason Robbins
    “This kind of crap to be stopped, no poor little defenseless dog or cat, or for that matter any animal, should ever have to be abused in a place where they should feel welcomed and loved. I can’t understand how people can take a job like that and then use that position to abuse and hurt these beautiful loving babies. These sick disgusting pieces of crap who pass themselves off as animal care givers and rescuers should face federal charges. so, to whom this may concern please stop this from happening these poor defenseless babies need our help where those who pretend to rescue them have failed, we ask you to intervene and please help them get the lives and love they so richly deserve.” ABUSE MUST END WITH ALL EVIL BEINGS MUST BE SEVERELY PUNISHED !!!


  4. Sorry if I am going off the main subject here but being a ‘dog’ person need to relay my anger!
    In June this year, in Yulin ( China) these ‘sickko’s host what they call the yearly Dog Meat festival.
    What these bastard Chinese should call it is a ‘dog slaughtering, torturing and killing festival’ as this is what these loathsome sods do!!
    Thousands of pet dogs are stolen, captured off the streets, and even bred over the year to support this so-called ‘bastard’ festival. Festival sounds good though yes? Except it is a bloodbath of torture hiding behind this innocent name!
    No festival for the doomed animals though as they are mutilated and torturously killed in front of other dogs, sickeningly awaiting their turn!
    Chained up by one back leg from a tree branch ( agony enough on it‘s own) Then skinned alive and if this was not enough, beaten with heavy pieces of wood throughout.
    This is supposed to make the animal in it’s agony release fluids inside or suchlike which apparently makes the meat more tender and taste better! Stupid pricks. Just an excuse for these ‘ psychos’ to torture and maim as this is what they enjoy.
    Even the bloody emperor or Chairman condones this treatment so what chance do the animals have — none!!
    If you maybe search enough in utube or similar if you have the stomach for it, you will get some idea what these bastard ‘Chinks’ ( no apologies as this is what I think of them) do to these innocent animals!!
    If anyone feels as strongly about this massacre as I do, then please visit ‘In defence of animals’ where you should be able to sign a petition letter.

    President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Qiang need to be pressured over these atrocities. They are supposed to run a civilised country!
    Right now I cannot find any contact address’s for them but am not a wizard on the computer.
    Sorry if anyone thinks I have overstepped the mark by submitting this to the regular site although I can only assume that many others feel the same as I.
    Thank you – Jon White.

  5. Paula Long says:

    If the shelters can’t properly take care of the poor babies in their care then they should seek help from some of the major rescue organizations. If they just don’t care then shut them down and send poor babies to other shelters.

  6. Johnny K. says:

    To Jon White,
    I don’t think you’ve overstepped the mark at all by submitting this to the regular site. You assumed right when you said that many others feel the same way as you. It is worse than sickening how they treat those wonderful dogs during their “festival”. I would love to see every one of those dog torturers skinned alive and then roasted over an open fire pit. Their screams would be music to my ears. I agree with every one of your posts.
    Johnny K.

  7. Mary Young says:

    The shelter keep doing cause the damn lazy government doesn’t care about animals cause if they did they would stop all this shit abusing of animals in the shelters

  8. Sherry Abela says:

    Animal shelters should have strict guidelines to follow across the country. They are responsible for the health and welfare of these innocent animals. The improper euthanizing, poor adoptions, neglect and abuse of these innocent animals should never be tolerated, it is unacceptable. Please be a voice for the innocent animals trapped in these bad animal shelters.

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