Save the Adorable Balkan Lynx From Poachers

Target: Ms. Mirela Kumbaro, Minister of Environment and Tourism in Albania

Goal: Advocate for the conservation of the Balkan lynx to protect the species from extinction.

The Balkan lynx is a critically endangered subspecies of the Eurasian lynx, found in the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. Due to habitat loss, illegal hunting, and poaching, the population of Balkan lynx has decreased significantly, and it is currently estimated that less than 50 individuals remain in the wild.

The extinction of the Balkan lynx would be a significant loss to the biodiversity of the Balkans, as well as the entire world. As a keystone predator, the Balkan lynx plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of its habitat, and its disappearance would have far-reaching consequences on the region’s ecosystem.

It is the responsibility of the Albanian government to take measures to protect and conserve the Balkan lynx. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism has a crucial role to play in the conservation of this species, and we call on Ms. Mirela Kumbaro to take action to protect the Balkan lynx from extinction.

Conservation efforts for the Balkan lynx should include habitat protection, enforcement of laws against illegal hunting and poaching, and education and awareness campaigns to promote the importance of this species and its conservation.

The benefits of conserving the Balkan lynx are manifold. By protecting this keystone predator, we can maintain the ecological balance of its habitat, preserve biodiversity, and promote sustainable tourism. Moreover, the conservation of the Balkan lynx is a testament to our commitment to safeguarding the natural heritage of the Balkans and the world.

Thus, it is imperative that we call for the conservation of the Balkan lynx in Albania. We urge the Ministry of Environment and Tourism to take decisive and prompt action to protect and conserve this critically endangered subspecies. Demand immediate action.


Dear Ms. Mirela Kumbaro,

We are writing to urge you to advocate for the conservation of the Balkan lynx in Albania, to protect this critically endangered subspecies from extinction.

The Balkan lynx is a keystone predator and plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of its habitat. Due to habitat loss, illegal hunting, and poaching, the population of the Balkan lynx has decreased significantly, and it is currently estimated that less than 50 individuals remain in the wild.

As the Minister of Environment and Tourism in Albania, you have a crucial role to play in the conservation of this species. We call on you to take action to protect and conserve the Balkan lynx through measures such as habitat protection, enforcement of laws against illegal hunting and poaching, and education and awareness campaigns.

The conservation of the Balkan lynx is not only crucial for the biodiversity of the Balkans but also for the entire world. By protecting this species, we can maintain the ecological balance of its habitat, preserve biodiversity, and promote sustainable tourism.

We urge you to take immediate and proactive measures to protect and conserve the Balkan lynx from extinction, for the benefit of the ecosystem, the people of Albania, and the world.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: AlanFrijns


  1. Animal vigilante says:

    I pray they can do something to save this precious beauty WHO DESERVES TO LIVE IN PEACE ON THIS EARTH AS EVERY OTHER SPECIES DOES. STOP THE POACHING, TRAPPING AND KILLING OF DEFENSELESS ANIMALS WHO DESERVE TO LIVE HERE–JUST STOP!! I’m beyond sick of the destructive humans that INFEST this planet…most of them toxic male “he-men” or so they think!! Bunch of inbred coward dumbfucks are what they really are!

  2. I am also sick of the greed of the so-called ‘human?’ species. They are the cruelest, scum of the earth. Leave all animals to live in peace in THEIR OWN ENVIRONMENT.

  3. William Boulanger says:

    Please help these defenseless animals!

  4. Lisa Susin 🐘 says:

    Signed but your photo should be of the real animal!

  5. Kaye Porter says:

    Greed, ignorance and lack of caring again.


  7. I laugh bitterly when the term “invasive species “ is mentioned. HOMO SAPIENS is THE. “Invasive species.” The extent of its invasion, and the destruction it has wreaked, are unparalleled. No other “invasive species” can hold a candle to it.

    Time we recognized this and at least Tried to deal properly with it.

    • I agree entirely. We should at least start by limiting the number of children we breed – in all countries.

  8. If the Balkan lynx is critically endangered as stated in this Petition then the Government should step in to protect them. The Albanian Government has the power to make that happen.

  9. Maria Lavorato says:

    Is there no animal that is immune from the predator ‘MAN”! IT IS 2023 AND SUCH INHUMANE TREATMENT SHOULD BE OUTLAWED!

    The Balkan lynx deserves to live its life free, healthy and happy like any other animal without the interference of greedy predators like MAN.

    Do all that is necessary to protect this little lynx! ….and charge all who poach, trap and kill them!

  10. Adam Bond says:

    What do you expect from Albanians? They are well known as criminals and scumbags. (Yes, I know, I know, ‘racist’, etc.etc.) Meanwhile, billions of muslims think that halal slaughter is okay, and you have no chance of changing the minds of these idiots. God help all of these innocent creatures who suffer at the hands of men, especially the billions of ‘farmed’ animals.

  11. Paula Long says:

    So many countries just don’t care for their magnificent wildlife! What a shame!!!!!

  12. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    all these wonderful animals, no matter how big or small they are – they are all “miracles”.
    We humans must take good care of our miracle. We must never torture, abuse or kill them – NEVER – NEVER – NEVER


  14. Albania, your duty is to PROTECT and SAVE Balkan Lynx from poachers and extinction. Everything else is an EXTREME ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME!!! This lynx is a legacy of the whole world and your responsibility is to SAVE it!!!

  15. We need to protect every living animal that is on God’s earth. We are the keepers of them.

  16. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Save these animals!

  17. Jaime Perez says:

    All animals should be protected and preserved.

  18. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Is there nothing these evil people will do, just to earn a quick buck? Ultimately, it will be Albania’s loss.

    A nuk ka asgjë që këta njerëz të këqij do të bëjnë, vetëm për të fituar një para të shpejtë? Në fund të fundit, do të jetë humbja e Shqipërisë.

  19. Animals deserve to live peacefully on the earth. It’s the humans who need to be eliminated. What a disgrace we have made of this magnificent planet we call earth. Humans are too many in number, too selfish, and show no compassion nor intelligence.

  20. Caru Epstien says:

    Humans are scum of the earth. Stop ruining animals habitats and land.

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  • Alana Willroth
  • Lissa F
  • Michael Brinkman
  • nicolas estevez
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Joseph Kostenko
  • Renata Aranibar
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
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