Dog Reportedly Beaten and Dragged by Rope Around Neck Deserves Justice

Target: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma District Attorney Vicki Behenna

Goal: Give man maximum legal sentence for abusing his dog, if he is found guilty, and do not allow him to keep his animal.

A dog was allegedly slammed to the ground and mercilessly dragged by a rope wrapped around the animal’s neck. Jose Pece was arrested shortly afterwards for allegedly committing crime. It is important he spend the most time in prison possible and that he also no longer be legally allowed to own animals if he is found guilty of this heinous act.

According to reports, the dog simply ran up to Pece while he was on his bike before the animal was viciously kicked and dragged by the rope. It was further said that the helpless dog was profusely crying during the incident. Pece is currently being held on a five-thousand-dollar bond.

Sign this petition to demand that this suspect is held accountable for his actions, if he is found guilty of beating this dog, and that he no longer be allowed to have animals in his care.


Dear District Attorney Behenna,

Jose Pece was recently arrested for brutally beating a dog. He needs to get the maximum penalty under law and not be allowed to retain ownership of his dog if it is found he committed this heartless abuse.

Witnesses said the dog was kicked and dragged by a rope that was wrapped around the animal’s neck after running up to Pece on his bike. Reports state that the dog was crying throughout the beating and showing severe signs of distress. Studies have shown that abused animals continue to show stress toward others after they are mistreated. Therefore, this dog will likely continue to be fearful of people even if the animal is adopted by a loving family.

For these reasons, I demand Pece receive the maximum prison sentence and that he further be legally banned from owning pets if he is found guilty of these inexcusable actions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Oklahoma Department of Corrections


  1. Beat his as.. in prison for 5 over years.
    Huge fine
    Same for copycats
    Scum of the Earth 🌍

  2. Low life, can’t own or be around animals Period Karma

    prison for 5 over years.
    Huge fine
    Same for copycats
    Scum of the Earth 🌍

  3. Chris Roberts says:

    Can I do the same to this shit bag Jose waste of space 👊👊👊

    • I agree with your comment Chris.

      Can I do the same to this shit bag Jose waste of space.
      I will be with you as well and do the same to this vile and evil psychopathic monster bastard human lowlife psycho monster lowlife human psychopathic vile and evil bastard.

      • I agree with your comment Chris.

        Can I do the same to this shit bag Jose waste of space.
        I will be with you as well and do the same to this vile and evil psychopathic monster bastard human lowlife psycho monster lowlife human psychopathic vile and evil bastard.

  4. Rhonda Jones says:

    This so called human needs to be punished to the fullest. He is a very dangerous man to be walking the streets. Very heartbreaking to know he intentionally abused his precious dog and purposely inflicted pain on his dog. Don’t let him get away with this.

  5. HE DESERVES THE SAME EXACT TREATMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    he deserves the treatment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Almost everyone who submits to animal petitions obviously feels the same way towards these waste of space bastards who abuse, torture and kill innocent animals!
    I mean, what right do these arseholes think they have to do this even in public?
    These pricks are devout cowards and the only way they can gain any power is by abusing and torturing something that is not going to fight back!
    So surely, with the many submissions here, someone must know the whereabouts of these bastards and where they live no doubt!
    Just wondering if there is any way folks could get together and do what the useless law WILL NOT!
    And we all know what that is – don’t we!
    These pieces of shite have got to be removed from the world painfully so the bastards know what it is like to be on the receiving end.
    Again I say, ‘absolute power’ to any animal rights groups or even two or three persons who could teach these arrogant bastards a very severe lesson so they would never do it again.
    And we all know what that would be!!

    Regards Jonny W.

  7. Other POS …like is not enough in this world …..waste of space monster, punishment to the max mercy ….justice for little angel ….dogs deserve love !

  8. This parasite LOW LIFE doesn’t deserve the oxygen that he breathes. THE SAME TREATMENT!!!!

  9. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    When will law enforcement and the court system take animal abuse seriously? This POS animal abuser needs to be charged with felony animal cruelty and given the MAX sentence and monetary penalty and never be allowed to own, care for, or be around a dog EVER!!

  10. Jill Schuer says:

    Put the rope around his neck and drag his ass through the busiest parts of a city. Maybe he’ll also get hit by a car while being dragged. Now, make sure that this piece of s… can NOT EVER get close to any animal again! We need stiff penalties for these pieces of s…!

  11. Steven Garcia says:

    Put him away! He’s a problem! 😡

  12. We must NOT allow this horror to DOGS — the depraved cruelty & suffering inflicted on Dog by SICKO-Jose Pece is sadistic & immoral — do NOT RETURN Dog to Abuser-Mr. Jose Pece — I pray Dog landed with loving People — Ensure IDIOT-Jose Pece has NO MORE Animals — EVER.

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