Ban Lead Ammunition to Protect Wildlife

Target: Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior, United States

Goal: Ban the use of lead ammunition to protect wildlife from lead poisoning, which can cause severe health problems and death.

Lead ammunition is a significant threat to wildlife, as lead poisoning can cause severe health problems and death. This toxic substance is commonly used in hunting and shooting sports, which results in lead fragments being left behind in animal carcasses, soil, and water sources. When wildlife consume lead fragments, they can suffer from a range of symptoms, including impaired reproduction, nerve damage, and weakened immune systems.

To protect wildlife from lead poisoning, we need to ban the use of lead ammunition and promote alternatives that are safe for both wildlife and humans. This will not only protect wildlife populations, but also help maintain the ecological health of our natural habitats and protect public health.

We urge Secretary Haaland to take immediate action and ban the use of lead ammunition. By doing so, we can protect wildlife from lead poisoning and promote sustainable hunting and shooting practices.

Through the implementation of this ban and promotion of alternative ammunition, we can protect wildlife from lead poisoning. Urge Secretary Haaland to take action and support these efforts.


Dear Secretary Haaland,

I am writing to urge you to ban the use of lead ammunition to protect wildlife from lead poisoning. The use of lead ammunition poses a significant threat to wildlife populations, as lead fragments can cause severe health problems and death when consumed.

To protect wildlife from lead poisoning, we need to ban the use of lead ammunition and promote safe alternatives. By doing so, we can ensure the ecological health of our natural habitats and protect public health.

We urge you to take immediate action and ban the use of lead ammunition. Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: John-Silver


  1. This is a lie. No one uses lead ammunition and haven’t since it was outlawed in 1990. Currently there are more cranes than ever in the history of the planet. They black out the sky on the Platt river. There’s 5000 that live in around my city. I wish people would stop with the lies. Just to get money for supposedly nonprofits that do nothing what soever for the causes they claim . Including claiming there’s a cause that doesn’t even exist. This is another attempt to ban everything to do with Guns with no data not even false data to support a statement.

  2. Also lead occurs naturally along rivers all over the country. It is a natural mineral . It leaches from natural sources from aquifers and rivers. You would know that if you were educated. But your not it is self evident!

  3. John may be right. I don’t know as I am not a hunter. I have only read in multiple magazines and news outlets that eagles are dying due to lead bullets. Condors have had the same problem. Maybe this type of ammunition is cheaper and thus bought more frequently. I wish the truth was known, understood and acted on. Then this lead problem might never again be an issue. Lead and other minerals do form in nature but not in excess. It appears this excess is what is the main problem at hand. I also which there were a place to go where only the truth would be told. Wouldn’t that be nice?

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745 Signatures

  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Sarah Dorst
  • Stefan Moesch
  • Henning Weltz
  • Kelly Glendening
  • azia cassell
  • wesley burnett
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