5 Horses Shot and Killed, Along With 3 Injured, Deserve Justice

Target: Appomattox County, Commonwealth’s Attorney Leslie M. Fleet
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for person accused of shooting 8 horses.

Shots rang out from the stable, but by the time the owners arrived, five horses lay dead and three more lay injured from gun shot wounds.

The scene of this bloodbath is in the Spout Springs area of Appomattox County, Virginia. Veterinarians were rushed to the property to save the three wounded horses. When deputies from the Appomattox Sheriff’s Office arrived, they began an investigation.

After a full forensics investigation, detectives identified a juvenile suspect, who was soon arrested and taken into custody. Neither the owner of the horses, nor the name of the juvenile suspect have been released.


Dear Commonwealth’s Attorney Fleet,

A massacre of horses has occurred in your jurisdiction. A juvenile stands accused of shooting eight horses in a stable. Five are dead and three are wounded.

The scene of this bloodbath is in the Spout Springs area of Appomattox County, Virginia. Veterinarians were rushed to the property to save the three wounded horses. When deputies from the Appomattox Sheriff’s Office arrived, they began an investigation.

After a full forensics investigation, detectives identified a juvenile suspect, who was soon arrested and taken into custody. Neither the owner of the horses, nor the name of the juvenile suspect have been released.

Crimes against animals are to be taken seriously, so we ask that your office prosecute this alleged crime to its fullest extent.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Belinda Hankins Miller


  1. Vanessa Haywood says:

    This kid should be punished to the full extent of the law !! This is a evil and horrible act this child knew what he was doing.

    • Yes exactly!! The parents should be charged too for not raising a kid with a soul!!! Not paying attention and not educating their kid.Future psychopath.

      • I believe one should know the full story before placing blame on the parents. Quite possibly this child was adopted or taken in by relatives who have been raising him/her. Quite possibly, the damage was done years ago. I am certainly glad people are innocent until proven guilty in this country.

    • The “fullest extent of the law” mean a slap on the wrist. This little puke is deeply disturbed and needs to be physically harmed within an inch of his life

  2. I hope this young man gets the mental help he needs before it happens to people.

    • Margaret Burlingham says:

      Slight chance of a sociopath ever changing their colors, they are damaged for life and at the expense of society.

  3. Put him away in an institution and make the parents pay the value of the dead horses and disposal fees, plus all the vet bills for the other 3, and pain and suffering. This kid is a despicable murderer of innocent victims. Who or what is next if a judge just gives him “a slap on the hand”? The horse owners will never get over seeing their beloved beautiful horses slaughtered!

  4. Institutionalize the sick kid before he/she moves on to killing more innocent victims.

  5. Margaret Burlingham says:

    This “juvenile” needs to be judged as an adult since he is old enough to handle a shotgun to murder these innocent animals. Should be a Felony with no plea bargains or first time offender pass. Let him rot.

  6. Sherry Abela says:

    Juvenile or not if this person is old enough to know how to shoot a gun then he is old enough to suffer the consequences for his actions. Crimes such as this against animals should not be tolerated. No slap on the wrist for this person that took the lives of 5 horses and injured 3 more.

  7. Dianne Thornton says:

    This is serious! Animal abuse has been linked to abusers later moving on to hurting and killing human beings. This is a warning and this individual needs to be dealt with to the MAX.

  8. Sherry Mainquist says:

    What the H**l is wrong with that kid??? Where were his parents? How was he raised??? He needs to be placed with a vet to see how it is to help and care for animals…the rest of his life…NO PAY either.

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