Dozens of Dogs Reportedly Found Living in ‘Feces-Filled Crates’ and Deplorable Conditions Deserve Justice

Target: Jennings H. Jones, District Attorney Rutherford County
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for owner of 48 dogs and 5 cats apparently found in absolutely horrific conditions.

Dozens of dogs were apparently found living in “feces-filled crates,” in a raccoon trap, and chained to the yard. The animals reportedly had dental disease, hernias, tumors, skin inflammation, eye infections, and parasites.

This scene of horrors was reportedly discovered by investigators recently, and included 48 dogs and five cats that were ultimately rescued.

Sadly, it was also discovered that one dog had been killed by other dogs in the cage they were confined in.

Rescuer Tim Woodward, from the Animal Rescue Corps, stated “I’m so glad we were able to respond so quickly. These animals were in desperate need and couldn’t wait another day.”


Dear District Attorney Jones,

An absolute horror show of abuse has apparently been discovered in your county. According to reports, dozens of dogs were found living in “feces-filled crates,” in a raccoon trap, and chained to the yard. The animals reportedly had dental disease, hernias, tumors, skin inflammation, eye infections, and parasites.

This scene of horrors was reportedly discovered by investigators recently, and included 48 dogs and five cats that were ultimately rescued.

Sadly, it was also discovered that one dog had been killed by other dogs in the cage they were confined in.

Animal abuse is a serious crime and in this case, it appears there were dozens of animals that faced horrific abuse. We are asking you to vigorously prosecute this case and to seek a fair and just punishment.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Amiee Stubbs, ARC


  1. Thank you, Animal Rescue Corps. Your action resulted in a release from Hell for these animals and hope for a better life. The person who was responsible for this needs serious help/reform.

  2. Really, what is the matter with these waste of space bastards.
    I mean, what bloody use are these tossers to the world.
    They are absolute bastards of the first degree.
    The fuckers really need kicking to death by a group of animal activists or suchlike.
    Thoughtless non – caring bastards who could not give a shit!!
    Well I do hope the asswipes get what is coming to them.
    Death to all of these animal torturing arrogant bastards.

  3. I don’t understand how anyone could live with selves knowing the situations the have those babies in. Have they no soul

  4. Humans are the most destructive living thing on this planet.. We are worse then the animals we constantly try to kill..One day we will pay the ultimate price and so be it.

  5. After you force the owners to pay for the care of the animals they should have cared for, through them in a crate and chain it to a tree and walk away

  6. In the letter to the D.A., it said that they were “asking the D.A. to vigorously prosecute this case and to seek a fair and just punishment. The only fair and just punishment would be to pour gasoline all over this bastard and burn him alive. No fine, no jail time, no “never owning animals again”, no slap on the wrist. Just burn the sonofabitch alive and he will never hurt an animal again. Video tape the burning and put it on pay-per-view. I would easily pay a $100.00 to see this bastard screaming in pain until he’s dead. His screams would be music to my ears.I think a lot of other animals loves would like to see it also. I say no more giving second chances to these pieces of shit that hurt and kill innocent animals.

    • I am not by nature a violent or sadistic person, but would would love to see this bastard burn!!

      I would even bring my old toasting fork and a few rounds of bread.
      At least the bastard would be of some use until the prick burnt out!!

  7. Find those involved and publicly sodomize them!

  8. Robert Mclendon says:

    Anyone that will do that to an animal should be Locked up for a long time

  9. Joseph Kenosky says:

    The pieces of garbage that did this should be euthanized.

  10. Tim Woodward and the Animal Rescue Corps make their money off of shutting down small rescues who are trying to make a difference in the WORST areas. He’s a pariah and anyone who is with him either hates dogs or is buying into his god complex. They should join the fight instead of picking off the weakest rescues. Disgusting, nasty, narcissistic human. These puppies were most likely shoved into one crate by HIM for the photo and left in their own poop for a couple hours because it doesn’t take long for puppies to make a mess in a crate. He’s a con artist. He’s the one who should rot in hell. Everything you see here is likely a lie and a good rescuer is heartbroken somewhere.

  11. It’s a shame no one in authority will step up and give people who abuse animals a real wake up call so they would never want to abuse another animal again ! That’s what it’s gonna take to stop these innocent animals from being abused !! Maybe start doing the same thing to the abusers that the abusers did to the animals?? I think it might would stop !!!

    • You think it would stop? It sure bloody would!!
      Because there bastards would be ‘shit scared’ if they were on the receiving end,
      A good ‘baseball-batting’ then a plastic bag over the fuckers head! Then ‘bye-bye’ bastard. Job done!!

  12. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally Agree with. Johnny K.
    “In the letter to the D.A., it said that they were “asking the D.A. to vigorously prosecute this case and to seek a fair and just punishment. The only fair and just punishment would be to pour gasoline all over this bastard and burn him alive. No fine, no jail time, no “never owning animals again”, no slap on the wrist. Just burn the sonofabitch alive and he will never hurt an animal again. Video tape the burning and put it on pay-per-view. I would easily pay a $100.00 to see this bastard screaming in pain until he’s dead. His screams would be music to my ears.I think a lot of other animals loves would like to see it also. I say no more giving second chances to these pieces of shit that hurt and kill innocent animals.”

  13. The inhumane POS owner should be confined inside a metal cage and chained to a boulder, outside!!!

  14. The people who did this torture need to go to prison. No more slap on the wrist and dismiss it. Without consequences there is no reason for people to continue to do their evil. 48 dogs are suffering and who knows if they will ever be adorable. Such inhumanity!

  15. Sherry Read says:

    Useless eaters with black souls!

    Everyone needs to be held accountable for what they’ve done to these poor defenseless animals.

    May God never have mercy for these people when it comes to their time…May they rot in hell and then some!

  16. Samina+Araf says:

    Chain them up in a yard with all us animal lovers, do I need to say more about their fate? Me alone will make their last moments on earth worse than an eternal life in hell!!!

  17. Susan Ecks says:


  18. Yes, thank you Rescuer Tim Woodward, from the Animal Rescue Corps for giving these Gods creatures a new leash of life! I believe there are more good people than bad in the world! Our voices here will be heard and justice for them!

  19. Thank you for rescuing these innocent dogs and 5 cats!!
    Find this CRUEL & ABUSIVE idiot and LOCK him/her in a SMALL CAGE WITHOUT any food and water for the rest of his/her life!! Put a sign up that reads DO NOT FEED, DO NOTBGIVE ANY LIQUIDS, AND NEVER HELP THIS CRUEL AND ABUSIVE PERSON!!!@

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