Target: Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of beating puppy and throwing him into gate.
The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.
After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.
The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.
As for Maximus, he was quickly adoped by a forever family. “If you look at that video and it doesn’t turn your stomach then you’re not human,” adopter Ricky Vetrano said. Fortunately for Maximus, he is now safe from his attacker.
Dear District Attorney Rocah,
The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.
After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.
The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.
We are writing you to ask that you ensure justice is served in this case. Don’t let the accused get off with a slap on the wrist if he is found guilty. Please seek the maximum penalty in this case.
[Your Name Here]
That useless piece of shit needs to have the crap beaten out of him and thrown UNDER the jail never to see daylight again!!! I am so damn sick of shitholes like this receiving NO PUNISHMENT for animal abuse! Animals CANNOT defend themselves. God put dogs, cats, horses, etc. on this earth as companions, NOT TARGETS FOR ABUSE AND TORTURE!!!!
My sentiments exactly, you read my mind…
I’m sure this low life will get off with the usual slap on the wrist and will then continue to abuse animals. I’m speaking for the voiceless as anyone who abuses animals should be flung in jail and charged with a felony. Sick of the rise in cases of animal cruelty and nothing ever gets done in putting these people away. Our weak judges and judicial system are responsible for letting these people walk away without consequences.
This beating of an innocent dog was captured on video so why was the dog not taken away from him by police and was he not put in jail? The fact that he committed such cruelty and torture in public shows how much he likes inflicting cruelty. A danger to society! The reason we need tough laws for animals. This would be a deterrent to do such evil.
I am so grateful and happy that Maximus is safe and happily adopted.
Please don’t let another sweet animal find themselves in this kind of horrific situation and give this MF the maximum charges!! NO SECOND CHANCES ….NO ANIMAL CRUELTY SHOULD EVER BE TOLERATED! DO YOUR JOBS LEGAL SYSTEM!
McPherson should be beaten to a pulp and should never come near another animal ….he does not deserve to walk the ground that animals walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
beat the shit out of this worthless scumbag. sure a real tough guy hurting a 9 month old pup.
Yeh, he no doubt has a five cm dick so has to take it out on innocent animals to prove how hard he is.
District Attorney Rocah…it starts with the JUSTICE SYSTEM to put an end to animal cruelty/abuse. PLEASE charge this POS with a FELONY (as it should be for animal cruelty) give MAX PENALTY and NEVER have him own or be around any dog or animal. You should have a register that you keep track of these kinds of POS!!! PLEASE do the right thing!!!
I have no words other than this POS needs to be severely beaten, etc.
Why do people stand around like idiots filming instead of intervening? Only one person needs to film for evidence. I’m 65 and disabled but I’d grab my bat (or gun if I had it) and would jump right in for the pup.
Same thoughts as you guy.
Instead of watching and taking videos, why didn’t some of these people apprehend this arrogant bastard and take him to the ground-painfully?
Who the hell do these self-righteous turds think they are that they can seriously abuse an animal in public and expect people to stand and watch.
Seems like that happened here!
I definitely would have had to hit this arrogant fucker with something and to hell with the consequences!
Animals need protecting from bastards like this especially if the prick is doing it in public.
Wanker should have been taken down instead of fools just watching and taking videos.
An animal is being publicly seriously abused here.
So why stand there like dumb idiots and watch it happen.
Shame on them for not trying to stop the bastard. This would have been a good chance to give the prick a real good kicking before the police arrived. IF THEY EVER DID THAT IS.
power to anyone who can take these arseholes OUT!
The bastard deserves seriously taking out. Someone must know who this shitbag is!!
Someone with a good heart needs to make the piece of shit to disappear
Someone should beat this man up , let’s see how he likes to feel what he deals out to innocent puppies ….🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡
Prosecute that scumbag to the full extent of the law and hopefully someone will beat the living shit out of him. Pour sulphuric acid on him and let him suffer a slow and painful death.
Please put lowlife scumbag Anthoin McPherson behind bars!!! Animal cruelty needs severe punishment so other scumbags don’t do if in the future.
Beat this Fuck’n piece of shit till he’s DEAD!!! Glad Maximus is gonna be ok
Instead of watching and taking videos, why didn’t some of these people apprehend this arrogant bastard and take him to the ground-painfully?
Who the hell do these self-righteous turds think they are that they can seriously abuse an animal in public and expect people to stand and watch.
Seems like that happened here!
I definitely would have had to hit this arrogant fucker with something and to hell with the consequences!
Animals need protecting from bastards like this especially if the prick is doing it in public.
Wanker should have been taken down instead of fools just watching and taking videos.
An animal is being publicly seriously abused here.
So why stand there like dumb idiots and watch it happen.
Shame on them for not trying to stop the bastard. This would have been a good chance to give the prick a real good kicking before the police arrived. IF THEY EVER DID THAT IS.
power to anyone who can take these arseholes OUT!
The bastard deserves seriously taking out. Someone must know who this shitbag is!!
Need more people like you in this world Jon, well said!
Beat this asshole to death!!
Piece of shit, evil scum! Send him to me and if I don’t beat the living daylights out of him then I’m not my dad’s daughter!
Unacceptable treatment of an animal! We’re all watching to make sure this vile excuse for a human is held accountable! 😡
This scumbag needs to be beaten to death! How I would love to be the one to do it!! Just kill the piece of shit. No one will miss him!!
This piece of shit needs to be beaten so bad that he can’t even walk. I am so sick and tired of assholes like this getting away with not going to jail. He needs to be put away and then throw away the key. Let him rott.
Animal abusers should receive the same prison sentences that humans who commit such crimes against humans do. Otherwise we’re sending the message that animal life is not as important as human life.
God is watching
This bastard should die the most vicious horrible death that he deserves he should be set on fire then just watch him die a slow agonizing death