Target: Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of beating puppy and throwing him into gate.
The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.
After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.
The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.
As for Maximus, he was quickly adoped by a forever family. “If you look at that video and it doesn’t turn your stomach then you’re not human,” adopter Ricky Vetrano said. Fortunately for Maximus, he is now safe from his attacker.
Dear District Attorney Rocah,
The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.
After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.
The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.
We are writing you to ask that you ensure justice is served in this case. Don’t let the accused get off with a slap on the wrist if he is found guilty. Please seek the maximum penalty in this case.
[Your Name Here]
I fail to understand how a POS like this can be allowed to be a pet-parent. How is there not a process in place to ensure that dogs (MANS BEST FRIEND BTW) are not being put into situations that would endanger them and/or risk them being in a poor home. This son of a b*%ch should have been beat by the bystanders, it only takes one to hold a camera and if there’s only one then screw the video and save the life!! If you’re not helping, you’re hurting! Stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves, especially a dog! They don’t know hate, only love. Truly unconditional love, deeper than humans can fathom.
Brian you are so right. Probably prepping it for dog fights. Dude needs to be blown away
agree 1000%. the planet has no room for wasted space. get ride of this monster who guaranteed, will do it again
Very well said Brian. I totally agree, if you are not helping, you are hurting. These animals cannot ask for help, it is our job to help when we see they are in trouble.
What an F–ing subhuman. Take him out and place him in front of a wrecking ball and let it swing, then put him up against a wall and let him have it. I am so sick and tired of reading about these so called people walking amoungst us thinking they are so tough beating up on innocent animals or innocent people. Get rid of them, society would be better off. the name is Anthoin NOT anthony. Look up his picture
Just seen his photo.
Do not like the black fucker at all.
Arrogant looking bastard. Would like to have a few words with him in private.
You know what I mean. (Wink, wink.)
And before anyone starts saying I am ‘racist’ I have hosted international students for many years.
No colour prejudice at all.
White, black, yellow whatever, if they torture and abuse animals then the spineless fuckers need to be taken out – very painfully.
I ask the judges to consider the suffering and pain of the poor animals at the hands of monsters like in this case and give them the sentence they deserve
Why are the bystanders filming it i would have gone over and took the poor dog off him what a rotten person
So would I have !
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How about this terrible abuser- get beaten up (and thrown against a metal door) then do it over and over again. He needs to learn this is not the way to treat an animal. Disgusting I hope he gets a hard punishment.
Happy to hear the puppy is in a good place now.
This guy has anger issues and no education or patience owning any animals. Keep this guy from ever owning any animals he has shown he does not protect them. Poor dog must have been terrified. This is a POS that doesn’t deserve to walk streets and being given freedom he is violent and abuses what doesn’t go hi way. Enough STOP animal abuse they are innocent and need is humans to protect them!!!!!
I beg,for someone in authority to step up and start punishing these people, so severely, that people will think twice about abusing poor INNOCENT animals!!!! This has got to stop and the only way it will stop, is to let people know they will be punished to the max !!!!
Max sentence,PLEASE! for this piece of s–t! Low-life people just keep coming out of the wood-work!
So, this us getting filmed. You are just as guilty if not worse! Are you all getting money off Tiktok for this! You are all something that was scraped off the gutters in the streets. You are sick! This dog has more wirth than the rotten lot of you. Forget the filming, I would of taken the owner down there and then and called the cops. You are cowards!!!
Why are people so quick to video everything? Waste time while this precious dog was being beaten by this fucking asshole. I would not pull my phone out; I would have intervened and beat the living shit out of this guy. Take the dog away then call the cops.
He’ll no give me that piece of shit and beat the crap out of him!!!
Damn bro it’s a puppy for the love of!!
Teach and train not BEAT!!!
why people stand and film this when the dog was been beaten up is disgusting
I am so f**king sick and tired of this. We need justice for poor Maximus. I don’t just put a curse on you, McPherson– I hope you get crushed, beaten, tortured, raped till you bleed to death, dismembered, and thrown into the pit where you belong with the damned and worst eternal fire on your soul. And, no matter how much you scream for mercy in Hell, you never get it because, then, the Devil has you for eternity.
The man that treated that little puppy so serverely should be punished to limit of the law. He deserves to be imprisoned and kept there for a long time and never be able to own another dog or any pet the rest of his life. He certainly doesn’t think much of that poor dogs life he beat and then threw into a metal gate. Lock him up , that’s where he belongs,and NO Slap on the wrist for him, he certainly doesn’t deserve it
Usual suspects…!
Euthanize violent offenders of every crime if there is not a very legitimate self or family or property defense needed. God can deal with these menaces to society at the resurrection
Shame on the idiots who would rather capture this on film to “punish the man” rather than save the puppy!