Punish Man Caught on Video Severely Beating Puppy

Target: Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of beating puppy and throwing him into gate.

The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.

After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.

The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.

As for Maximus, he was quickly adoped by a forever family. “If you look at that video and it doesn’t turn your stomach then you’re not human,” adopter Ricky Vetrano said. Fortunately for Maximus, he is now safe from his attacker.


Dear District Attorney Rocah,

The violent attack on a 9-month-old puppy was so severe that bystanders began filming. A man, apparently identified as 29-year-old Anthoin McPherson, is seen violently hitting the puppy and then lifting him up and throwing the puppy into a metal gate.

After the video was provided to authorities, McPherson was arrested and the puppy, named Maximus, was accepted by the Yonkers Animal Shelter. Rescuers reported that Maximus healed quickly, and enjoyed treats and belly rubs during his recovery.

The alleged attacker, McPherson, is facing criminal charges, but as is often the case, there are concerns that he will be given just a slap on the wrist.

We are writing you to ask that you ensure justice is served in this case. Don’t let the accused get off with a slap on the wrist if he is found guilty. Please seek the maximum penalty in this case.

[Your Name Here]


  1. Paula Long says:

    An eye for an eye since some of our prosecutors won’t prosecute and judges just give them a slap on the wrist.

  2. Rose Coffey says:

    I can’t believe this jerk will get by with just a slap on the wrist. He needs to be put in a psych ward for mental problems.

  3. Maggie Danbury says:

    Why did not one person confront this son of a bitch, I would have.

  4. Jill Schuer says:

    I know it’s important to film and have proof of what this person did to this puppy. However, why didn’t someone stop him? Please, everyone, the next time you see an animal being abused. Please try stop the person, call 911 and then video-tape.

    • Ingrid Drotman says:

      I absolutely agree. STOP anyone you see abusing an animal. Don’t hesitate. And let them know you’re call the POLICE!
      And if they don’t stop, kick them as hard as you can in the balls. I mean hard!!!!

  5. I strongly agree that people should step in to rescue a pet — not just stand there taking video. Thank goodness this dog healed and has a loving home now.

  6. Don’t let this peice of shit off with a slap on the wrist! Send a message that animal abuse will not go un-punished. I’d like him to get a good beating. Peice of shit

  7. Why do people just stand by and video? It seems to me there were enough people there, that they could of all gotten together and rescued that poor puppy. Too many people are too interested in getting a good video than about saving a suffering animal.

  8. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bastard deserves to be beaten to death. I hope he goes to jail/prison and gets killed while he’s in there

  9. Why didn’t someone step in and smack this asshole to the ground, !!?? No animal deserves this, the cnt is lucky I didn’t see this happening, people need to harden up and step in instead of videoing everything 👊👊👊👊👊

  10. Julia Edinger says:

    That “evil being” has been extremely cruel for ever how long that innocent pup has been in his home!!! Demon being deserves to be severely punished

  11. What a cruel pos may you rot in the hottest part of hell

  12. Whay is to stop this SOB from repeating his barbaric behavior toward other helpless animals???? Only with a restraining order to keep him from having animals and people who care watching him will it stop….

  13. Definitely a big cruelty and must be severely punished. And to the people who were just filming why didn’t they tried stopping this monster? In this world of mobile phones people are more obsessed with recording than helping.

  14. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    The POS puppy abuser needs to be charged with felony animal cruelty and given the MAX sentence without exception!! Until animal abusers are held accountable for their actions and strictly punished, animal abuse WILL continue!! Be the voice for this defenseless puppy and put a STOP to animal abuse and cruelty!!

  15. This animal abuser should be in jail for hurting a defenseless animal.If a poor puppy gets abused what would stop this person from hurting a human.Justice needed

  16. This vile, mentally deranged animal using scumbag must have the death penalty implemented. A slow and agonizing death for this evil cretin is essential.

  17. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal Abuse n Cruelty 😡

  18. Taymans Daisy says:


  19. THANK YOU for removing DOG Maximus from PSYCHO — ensure IDIOT-Anthoin McPherson NEVER AGAIN adopts — ensure IDIOT-Anthoin McPherson learns to NEVER AGAIN harm Animals — SLAP this Abuser with penalties & punishment — we do NOT WANT REPEATS

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