Target: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Chief, Johnny Jennings
Goal: Find and arrest person responsible for beating dog and then abandoning it in a dumpster.
A bloody, severely abused dog was abandoned and tethered to a trash dumpster with a neck tie. The poor creature subjected to this enormous abuse was rescued from the dumpster by a teenager named Joey. To thank this heroic rescuer, the dog was later named Joey by veterinarians.
When Joey arrived at the vet hospital, he was in bad shape. He was bleeding and had clear signs of terrible abuse. When veterinarians began working on Joey, they realized the abuse was even worse than first determined.
“The CT [scan was] actually what was the most alarming, he had so many fractures in various stages of recovery,” Chrissy Elder, founder of Forgotten, Now Family Rescue said. “So this was not the first time Joey had been beaten upside of his skull.”
Incredibly, rescuers were able to nurse Joey back to health and he is now living with a loving foster family. This story is far from over, though. The person who was responsible for the nightmarish abuse of Joey is still loose on the streets. Rescuers are offering a hefty award for the capture of Joey’s abuser, and yet authorities have still not identified any suspects.
Dear Chief Jennings,
A bloody, severely abused dog was abandoned and tethered to a trash dumpster with a neck tie. The poor creature subjected to this enormous abuse was rescued from the dumpster by a teenager named Joey. To thank this heroic rescuer, the dog was later named Joey by veterinarians.
When Joey arrived at the vet hospital, he was in bad shape. He was bleeding and had clear signs of terrible abuse. When veterinarians began working on Joey, they realized the abuse was even worse than first determined.
“The CT [scan was] actually what was the most alarming, he had so many fractures in various stages of recovery,” Chrissy Elder, founder of Forgotten, Now Family Rescue said. “So this was not the first time Joey had been beaten upside of his skull.”
The person, or persons, responsible for this horrific abuse are still roaming the streets. We are asking you to dedicate all the resources necessary to find, capture, and arrest Joey’s abuser(s).
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Forgotten, Now Family Rescue
what kind of sick coward would do this, my heart breaks for this poor dog
ENough is enough leave the animals in peace !!!!!!
Why why why!!??!! Why do scum bag losers do this to an innocent creature?!?! This is disgusting and disturbing!!! Please catch this sicko!! Poor poor dog!! I’m so glad you saved Joey!!!!
They do it because they are fucking cowards and maybe have 5cm dicks!!
These wankers are hard when beating or torturing an innocent dog or cat but the bastards would not fair so well against a mob with a few baseball bats to show them what it felt like to have their fucking heads smashed.
Bastards all of them. The pathetic law will not do anything as they do not give a fuck about animals feelings, so mob rule will have to do it for them and the good of the world.
These psycho bastards are not wanted on our planet!!
Death to them all wherever they may be hiding!!
Hope this person gets found. He needs to be held accountable for his subhuman actions and needs to be punished severely
He needs seven barrels of shit kicking out of him so he would be in no fit state to ever do anything like this again!
Thank goodness this awesome teenager, Joey, rescued this poor dog. I am glad Joey, the dog, will be okay. Meanwhile, someone needs to be find this abusive monster and beat on him/her!
The sub-human, dickless shit bag responsible needs hunting down and removing from society forever, in whatever manner. There is no place in society for such evil scum of the earth. Unforgivable.
So fucken sick of coward fkn assholes doing this to innocent animals, it’s about time some vigilante justice was dished out, same treatment to these little weak fuckers 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊
Until a greater effort is made to find the non-human mutants responsible for animal abuse, we can all expect to signing similar petitions for the rest of our lives.
I so wish that would start to happen.
I will join in a heartbeat!! These fuckers must be beaten to within an inch of their lives, starved, then beaten some more. If they are still alive hang them from a low lying treelimb out in the wilderness for the bears and wolves, and whoever else wants a snack. Why isn’t this an acceptable punishment?
The police need to find the sick fuck that is responsible for the brutal attack of this poor innocent dog. If I were in charge,he would be hunted down and hanged for all to see what happens when you nearly beat an animal to death. At the very least he should get jail time and have to pay back for Joey’s recovery. Every penny
I agree with you 100%…people like this need to be out of society.
law enforcement needs to find this P.O.S & do through them in jail & have them endure the same kinda pain by other inmates!!!
THE ABSOLUTE SCUM OF THE EARTH COWARDS. . . I’d like to see them meet up with an animal lover who would fight back. . . you can bet they would NEVER take on anyone but the helpless. BASTARDS!!!!
And this is why I hate most people. There needs to be INSTANT karma!
I am sick and tired of animals being abused, tortured, and killed by scumbag humans!! Thus is NOT acceptable behavior and MUST be treated as such!! There are laws on the books that can be utilized by LEOs, DAs, and judges that if meted consistently that can deal with these criminals and hopefully curb the massive and rampant animal abuse crisis in our country. Until this is repeatedly done, and criminals are MADE to face the consequences to the fullest extent of the law without exceptions, animal abuse WILL continue!! Law enforcement and the court system is just as guilty as the animal abusers if they continue to let these scumbag abusers off with lesser charges!!!
These losers need to be strung up. Let me cut off their balls one millimeter at a time with a pair of needle nose pliers.
Find this bastard and beat him to death!!!!!
Animals shall NOT be VICTIMS of sadistic human psychopaths!!!
DEATH PENALTY for ALL animal-torturers and animal-abusers. No animal shall be burnt, beaten, kicked or punched by dehumanized and desensitized psychopathic scum. ALL animal-abusing sadists must be EUTHANIZED to set an example. DEATH PENALTY is the only adequate punishment for this hellish scumbag! He must be forbidden from coming near animals ever again!
LAW enforcement and the COURT system are just as guilty as the animal abusers!!! Animal abuse must punished extremely HARSHLY, incl. DEATH PENALTY!!!
When they find the SOB that did this, I’ll gladly kill him off and save the taxpayers a whole lot of money. Plus, other innocent animals will be safe after that! I’d like to tase him, drag him to the woods, tie him to a tree and have some adjustments using a Karma bat (aka Louisville Slugger). I’d go back every now and then and do some more adjustments but leaving him for buzzard food is the end goal.
Now here is another worthless, mother-fucker that needs to be turned into worm food. But, as usual, very little will happen to him even if he’s caught. And, personally, I am really, really sick and tired of people coming on here and saying how the abuser should get jail time, pay a fine and never own animals again. None of that shit works and will not stop a mother-fucking animal abuser from starting to abuse, hurt, and kill innocent dogs again. The one thing that will stop the low-life bastards is for someone to put them under the ground and let the worms take care of them. But very, very few people will want to see someone go that far. I guess it makes them feel good coming on here and venting what they would like to see done to animal abusers but most don’t have the stomach to want the sonofabitchs DEAD. As far as the law goes, they don’t and won’t do shit so you can forget about them taking care of the lowlifes that hurt animals. The cops won’t do shit, the D.A.’s won’t do shit and the judges won’t do shit. So, there you have it. No one within the law is going to help innocent animals out. They are basically on their own and their only hope is to be owned by someone that will cherish them and love them and give them a loving forever home.
I think the same as you Brother Jonny.
It is going to have to come to ‘people’ power to stop these sick and above the law bastards.
The useless justice system will not stop these tossers so it is definitely up to us ‘normal’ people to take action.
These bastards need to be made to understand the hard way. And if they just happened to die at the time, then no problem – job done and dusted.
One less animal torturing bastard to deal with!!
The maniac who did this needs caught before he does this to any other living creature. Poor Joey i hope he can have a long and lovely life from now on with some one special
Find this evil,despicable pos. Beat severely, chain to dumpster, and leave in center of the woods. Scum is not worthy to live. I hope Joey recovers from all his injuries. This beautiful, innocent dog deserves love❤️ and a wonderful life.
Find the perpetrator(s) and euthanize them!!