Dog Beaten, Abandoned and Tethered to Dumpster With Neck Tie Deserves Justice

Target: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Chief, Johnny Jennings
Goal: Find and arrest person responsible for beating dog and then abandoning it in a dumpster.

A bloody, severely abused dog was abandoned and tethered to a trash dumpster with a neck tie. The poor creature subjected to this enormous abuse was rescued from the dumpster by a teenager named Joey. To thank this heroic rescuer, the dog was later named Joey by veterinarians.

When Joey arrived at the vet hospital, he was in bad shape. He was bleeding and had clear signs of terrible abuse. When veterinarians began working on Joey, they realized the abuse was even worse than first determined.

“The CT [scan was] actually what was the most alarming, he had so many fractures in various stages of recovery,” Chrissy Elder, founder of Forgotten, Now Family Rescue said. “So this was not the first time Joey had been beaten upside of his skull.”

Incredibly, rescuers were able to nurse Joey back to health and he is now living with a loving foster family. This story is far from over, though. The person who was responsible for the nightmarish abuse of Joey is still loose on the streets. Rescuers are offering a hefty award for the capture of Joey’s abuser, and yet authorities have still not identified any suspects.


Dear Chief Jennings,

A bloody, severely abused dog was abandoned and tethered to a trash dumpster with a neck tie. The poor creature subjected to this enormous abuse was rescued from the dumpster by a teenager named Joey. To thank this heroic rescuer, the dog was later named Joey by veterinarians.

When Joey arrived at the vet hospital, he was in bad shape. He was bleeding and had clear signs of terrible abuse. When veterinarians began working on Joey, they realized the abuse was even worse than first determined.

“The CT [scan was] actually what was the most alarming, he had so many fractures in various stages of recovery,” Chrissy Elder, founder of Forgotten, Now Family Rescue said. “So this was not the first time Joey had been beaten upside of his skull.”

The person, or persons, responsible for this horrific abuse are still roaming the streets. We are asking you to dedicate all the resources necessary to find, capture, and arrest Joey’s abuser(s).

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Forgotten, Now Family Rescue


  1. The violence that this person inflicts upon sentient beings will continue without immediate and dramatic intervention. I’m praying for Joey’s holistic healing and that this person is apprehended asap.

  2. What is wrong with males today? They are responsible for this heinous act

  3. Hope the creep who did this has a conscious that will come back to haunt them one day; Joey deserves a loving wonderful home and I certainly hope he finds one. He deserves all the best. To the creep who did this: There are no words to describe you.

  4. Hope karma bites this monster in the ass ten fold…

  5. Jesus, the person responsible for this NEEDS to be located and prosecuted Don’t ignore this because it’s a dog….the person who did this will do it again, to more animals, children, and move on from there. Sick, twisted POS….find them!!!

  6. Here’s hoping the same thing happens to the scum who did this!I hope the rotten dirty bastard rots in hell!!!

  7. Monica+Lee+Koski says:

    This obviously is a case of a sadistic psychopathic chronic animal abuser…we definitely do not want the monster responsible, a danger to both animals and humans, to be free and available to torture and abuse any other innocent animal or human! Please make it a priority to identify, charge, and prosecute to the max, whoever was responsible for abusing poor Joey to the point of almost murdering him. Oh,how I wish sometimes, that we lived in an eye for an eye society…since we do not, @ least put the monster in jail,and ban that person(s) for lifetime, from ever being allowed even around another animal! Joey, and all of us who care about animals, deserve justice!!

  8. Find the scumbag lowlife that did this and put them behind bars for a very long time!
    Joey the kid is a kind soul. Wish a million more were like him.
    Please find a forever loving home for Joey the dog. Wishing this dog the best life!

  9. Nadine brundage says:

    That animal abuser needs to be found and flung in the nearest mental institution, this piece of shit should not be walking among us. They are a danger to innocent animals and humans . People who commit such abuse are beyond rehabilitation. That poor dog did not deserve such horrific cruelty and I just hope Joey will find a loving home with someone who cares.

  10. Angry citizen says:

    So many humans disgust me, and shouldn’t even be allowed to walk on tbe same path as an innocent animal. Thank you to Joey, one of the good ones. I hope you find this piece of trash and that he is punished the same way that this poor dog was.

  11. May the evil scumbag chickenshit punk ass bitch responsible for this suffer a slow horrible painful torturous death before they rot in hell !

  12. Whoever did this to poor sweet Joey should be horse whipped , poor boy has lived a nightmare . The monster responsible should never be allowed to have pet of any kind , he has done this atrocious thing to Joey & he will do it again but the next one he abuses may not come out alive . This person is a cruel monster & deserves to be treat like one ….🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡

  13. Christine Nuttall says:

    Evil bastard needs finding and the same down to him/,her. I’d show him or her no mercy. I hate scum that hurts any animal.

  14. Thank you Joey for rescuing Joey & getting him the help he needed, ur a good human being!
    Please find the asshole who could do this to a innocent animal & make suite he, she or them suffer like they make poor Joey! Wishing you the happiest life!!

  15. I demand the owner to be fucked publicly!

  16. Maria Lavorato says:

    Yes thank you to this sweet teenager Joey that rescued to poor sweet innocent dog. I am so sorry for the torture you endured Joey. I hope you now have a beautiful deserved long life.

    Please find this evil wandering your streets as who knows what he or she will do next!. Please don’t give up on this case and give Joey his so deserved justice!

    I hope you get all the torture you bestowed on sweet Joey one way or another before you can hurt again!!!!!

  17. this fucking worthless abuser needs to be found, and have their fucking heart ripped out of their chest

  18. Please put the road where he was found cause people can call the animal control and push them tobtrybtonfinrbyge perpetrators

  19. This monster should not walk on this Earth. Please find and persecute to the strongest degree possible. I am sure that this poor dog is not the only victim. I also hope that karma will be swift for this pos.

  20. To the low life scum🖕 You deserves to rot in hell! This pos💩 will do it again.I’m glad that Joey was find by the teenager Joey. Enjoy your new life with your furfamily. To the b##tard I hope they put you in jail and throw away the key but first the pos needs the same treatment that he did to the poor furbaby Joey! EVIL MONSTER YOU DON’T DESERVES TO LIVE!! 💩🖕👹

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