Dog Beaten, Abandoned and Tethered to Dumpster With Neck Tie Deserves Justice

Target: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Chief, Johnny Jennings
Goal: Find and arrest person responsible for beating dog and then abandoning it in a dumpster.

A bloody, severely abused dog was abandoned and tethered to a trash dumpster with a neck tie. The poor creature subjected to this enormous abuse was rescued from the dumpster by a teenager named Joey. To thank this heroic rescuer, the dog was later named Joey by veterinarians.

When Joey arrived at the vet hospital, he was in bad shape. He was bleeding and had clear signs of terrible abuse. When veterinarians began working on Joey, they realized the abuse was even worse than first determined.

“The CT [scan was] actually what was the most alarming, he had so many fractures in various stages of recovery,” Chrissy Elder, founder of Forgotten, Now Family Rescue said. “So this was not the first time Joey had been beaten upside of his skull.”

Incredibly, rescuers were able to nurse Joey back to health and he is now living with a loving foster family. This story is far from over, though. The person who was responsible for the nightmarish abuse of Joey is still loose on the streets. Rescuers are offering a hefty award for the capture of Joey’s abuser, and yet authorities have still not identified any suspects.


Dear Chief Jennings,

A bloody, severely abused dog was abandoned and tethered to a trash dumpster with a neck tie. The poor creature subjected to this enormous abuse was rescued from the dumpster by a teenager named Joey. To thank this heroic rescuer, the dog was later named Joey by veterinarians.

When Joey arrived at the vet hospital, he was in bad shape. He was bleeding and had clear signs of terrible abuse. When veterinarians began working on Joey, they realized the abuse was even worse than first determined.

“The CT [scan was] actually what was the most alarming, he had so many fractures in various stages of recovery,” Chrissy Elder, founder of Forgotten, Now Family Rescue said. “So this was not the first time Joey had been beaten upside of his skull.”

The person, or persons, responsible for this horrific abuse are still roaming the streets. We are asking you to dedicate all the resources necessary to find, capture, and arrest Joey’s abuser(s).

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Forgotten, Now Family Rescue


  1. Joshua D Corris says:

    This boy Joey who found this dog is a hero! His community should come up with some kind of reward for him. To see such good citizenship in a teenager is truly inspiring.

    • I trust NO ONE

      check out Joey’s story please

      • Really and unfortunately, Joey’s story should be 100% confirmed without making the kid feel like he’s being scrutinized because he could be honest and don’t want to discourage doing the right thing. But just can’t take it for face value either.

      • How does the dog react to Joey? Joey found this dog. That should tell us a lot because even though dogs cannot speak verbally, their body language says it all!

    • Hopefully, he is not the one that harmed the dog. His story needs to be checked out and fully investigated. Teenagers are notorious for harming animals but harming and committing crimes toward animals can happen in any age group.

  2. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m so sorry that Joey has been severely abused with numerous fractures. How can someone do this to an innocent animal? I’m glad he was finally rescued. I hope the jerks that inflicted all this pain and suffering on Joey are caught and severely punished.
    Joey, Joey, I wish you a speedy recovery and I hope you get swift justice.

  3. I don’t think “Joey” would have turned the dog in, if he was guilty ! Prayers for dog Joey that he doesn’t have brain injuries !

  4. It says in the write up that this bastard is still walking the streets.
    Well you arrogant dog torturing fucker, you need to keep eyes in the back of your fucking head as someone or some gang WILL HAVE YOU, you bastard!!!

  5. Deborah Lima says:

    Any updates?

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