Dog Reportedly Found Dead in Woods With Paws Bound Deserves Justice

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Target: Chief Crown Prosecutor Suzanne Kendall, Alberta Crown Prosecution Service
Goal: Seek maximum penalty against couple accused of binding dogs paws and dragging it into woods.

The decaying remains of a 3-year-old dog with his paws apparently bound was discovered in a park. Surveillance video appears to show a person dragging the bound animal across the ground and abandoning him in the woods.

According to police, 45-year-old Steven Kuzyk, and 43-year-old Sharon Vert have been arrested in relation to this incident. Both are accused of failing to provide adequate care to an animal, willfully causing pain and suffering to an animal and causing death to an animal.

“Residents had reportedly located the remains of a three-year-old medium-sized, male German Shepherd/Pitbull mix that had its paws bound,” police said. They added surveillance video gathered from the area “showed a suspect dragging the dog and leaving him in the park.”

According to a police investigator Sgt. Olena Fedorovich, “The condition of the animal when the officers found it led the officers to believe that [there was] something very, very suspicious about this.”


Dear Chief Crown Prosecutor Kendall,

The decaying remains of a 3-year-old dog with his paws bound was discovered in a park. Surveillance video appears to show a person dragging the bound animal across the ground and abandoning him in the woods.

According to police, 45-year-old Steven Kuzyk, and 43-year-old Sharon Vert have been arrested in relation to this incident. Both are accused of failing to provide adequate care to an animal, willfully causing pain and suffering to an animal and causing death to an animal.

“Residents had reportedly located the remains of a three-year-old medium-sized, male German Shepherd/Pitbull mix that had its paws bound,” police said. They added surveillance video gathered from the area “showed a suspect dragging the dog and leaving him in the park.”

According to a police investigator Sgt. Olena Fedorovich, “The condition of the animal when the officers found it led the officers to believe that [there was] something very, very suspicious about this.”

While Kuzyk and Vert have been charged with this crime, as is often the case with animal abuse cases, it is unclear whether they will face any meaningful consequences. Demand that the suspects face a stiff penalty if found guilty of abusing this innocent animal.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: PROPOLI87

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  1. Julia Edinger says:


    • Linda Sanders says:

      I agree! Anyone that does this to an animal should be put in prison and left there to rot. Animals count on us to take care of them.

  2. Someone really needs to hunt this scum down and deal with the both of the accordingly.

  3. I HATE PPL anymore and our useless laws and court systems, human garbage, total disgust me !!!

  4. Alejandra Parapar says:

    It hurts so much to think how much pain , abuse and suffering this poor defenseless dog endured: dogs are sentient creatures, they feel like we do. The law must enforced the strictest penalty, jail time to these 2 criminals. Hope that they experience the same abuse they inflicted on this baby while they are in jail. They must never be allowed to have dogs/ pets/animals nor be involved or participate in any business/ activity having to do with dogs/pets/ animals. Animal cruelty laws must reviewed and changed and enforced.

  5. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    Animal cruelty and abuse has to be dealt with swiftly and meaningfully for it to stop!! Judges who give a slap on the wrist for crimes against animals are just as guilty of animal abuse and cruelty as the criminals they are suppose to punish!! Make the criminals pay hefty fines and put them in jail for the MAX allowable WITHOUT exceptions!!

  6. Another horrific act of cruelty. This poor dog likely suffered horribly before death freed him from his suffering. Much tougher laws must be created and an end to leniency for animal cruelty. There are just some humans that should not be free in society ever.

  7. Diane+johnson says:

    Suzanne Kendall…I will be so happy if one day if laws against animal cruelty will so severe that they think 100 times over before getting a pet!!!! I’m soooo fed up with cruelty towards animals (many others also). It starts with the justice system to put an end to this!!!!!

  8. I’m sick of reading about bloody savages like this who constantly abuse animals and get a slap on the wrist.

  9. This should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

  10. Rebecca Risher says:

    Evedently laws are non existent or never enforced in Canada. I live in SC. Abuse,neglect, cruelty to animals are a 1st degree felony not a lame misdemeanor. In SC there is long prison time and often confiscation of property. I guess Canada so liberal under Trudeau that no one cares about prosecution. Im sick to death and know that this poor dog suffered extreme pain and suffering.that says all we need to know about Canadian laws or prosecution.

  11. Steven Kuzyk and Sharon Vert are the worst of humanity. Dogs are like toddlers, they require care and love. If you can’t provide that, you shouldn’t have animals (or children). If you don’t want the dog there are plenty of shelters that would have taken him. To abuse an animal, letting it suffer in pain and abandoning them to die… deserve the harshest penalty. Sadly this is not considered a felony (and it should be). Do not let these POS get off with a slap on the wrist. Jail, fines and BAN FOR LIFE OWNING OR HAVING ANY ANIMAL IN THEIR CARE.

  12. Several posters on here said to post a picture of these two animal torturers on Facebook and shame them. Now, that’s a real joke. There is no way in hell that you can shame mother-fuckers like them. If they saw a picture of themselves on Facebook, they would just laugh about it. The answer for these bastards is just shoot the mother-fuckers in the head and lay him out in a field naked and let the buzzards pick their worthless asses clean. Then, take their skeletons and run them up a flagpole with a sign around their necks saying that “this is what is going to happen to any worthless mother-fuckers that hurts or kills any animal”. Problem solved. No more dogs will suffer under these worthless bastard’s so-called care. But getting this implemented would be like an ant picking up an elephant. Too many bleeding-hearts out there that would scream their damn lungs out wanting the person that eliminated these bastards to get the death penalty. Yet they come on here talking how they should get jail time, a big fine and never to own animals again. This shit hasn’t worked in the past and will not work in the future. The only thing that low-life bastards that hurt animals understand is extreme pain or fear running thru their minds right before a man with a gun pointed at their heads pulls the trigger and blows their brains out, which is exactly what these animal abusers deserve. Don’t wait for the law to do shit because they won’t. It’s been proven too many times in the past. It’s going to take people that are not afraid to go to prison to start eliminating these bastards. They need to put the word out that their “organization” will hunt down any animal torturers and killers and will torture and kill them if they are found.

    • 100% spot on Jonny K.
      I and no doubt thousands more feel exactly the same.
      These bastards and the like need taking out painfully.
      Or as you suggest, a quick bullet through the head after knowing why they are being terminated.
      I’ll bet that there would be some very serious ‘pant shitting’ when the bastards knew what was going to happen to them!!

  13. This vile, mentally deranged dog killing scumbag must have the death penalty implemented. A slow and agonizing death is essential!

  14. Please lock up SCUMBAG LOWLIVES Steven Kuzyk and Sharon Vert. These criminal abusers should NEVER be near and animal again!

  15. Myrna Lipman says:

    Law enforcement, please don’t disappoint. There is no end to this kind of savage cruelty, and there is no excuse for it. Mr. Kuzyk and Ms. Vert do not deserve to live in a civilized society, and I use that term loosely. Part of the reason our society is so uncivilized in many ways is that monsters like this commit these type of horrendous crimes and then often only get a slap on the wrist. I believe most people are good and try to do good, but when something as obviously heinous as this is uncovered, it should be a one and done for them to get a penalty so substantial that they and others like them will have to really ponder any such thought of engaging in such monstrous acts. Please, please, please give them the harshest penalty possible and then some. Thank you.

  16. These sub-human murdering bastards should be executed! Or left to rot behind bars for the rest of their shitty, miserable lives. They must be taken off the streets immediately. Rot in hell you pure evil filth.





  18. These stories shatter my soul. I have been seeing and signing petitions to try and help and still it goes on. Years and nothing changes. The laws to stop this and protect all animals is a joke. Dear God hold back my arm if I ever see someone abusing an animal.(but not too soon)

  19. Rhonda Jones says:

    We must not let this cruel and inhumane behavior continue. The people that are responsible for this heartless act must be found and punished to the fullest. Absolutely heartbreaking and sickening to know humans are this cruel without any Conscience whatsoever. Make the pay a heavy jail time. So very sorry this poor dog suffered a horrible death from the hands of evil humans.

  20. Karen Giammarco says:

    The fucking bastard that did this needs to die. Nothing less. Find the person and call me I will make sure this fucking prick dies a slow miserable death.

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