Dog Found With Muzzle Tied So Deep That Teeth and Tongue Were Visible From Outside Deserves Justice

Target: Pearland Police Chief Randy Garner
Goal: Find person who locked dog’s mouth shut with plastic tie.

A dog was found in a church parking lot with a plastic tie wrapped so tightly around his muzzle that his teeth and tongue were visible from outside his mouth. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found the dog, named Nicholas, and brought him home.

“You could see his teeth, his tongue everything from the outside of his mouth,” said Kourtney Crenshaw, programs manager for Houston PetSet. “That’s how bad the wounds around his muzzle were.”

“He seemed kind of depressed and when you would touch him or pet him he would act a little scared,” Crenshaw added.

The original rescuer removed the plastic tie from around Nicholas’ snout, but became alarmed when his condition did not improve. At this point, the rescuer called a local pet rescue agency which came to the aid.

Nicolas’ wounds were infected and “he wasn’t able to eat very much and he wasn’t able to get food into his mouth, he probably had weeks [to live] at the most,” PetSet Co-President Tena Lundquist Faust said. “I was heartbroken. I can not imagine the pain that dog had endured and the suffering.”

While Nicolas is now on the road to recovery, the person responsible for his nightmarish condition is still on the loose.


Dear Chief Garner,

A dog was found in a church parking lot with a plastic tie wrapped so tightly around his muzzle that his teeth and tongue were visible from outside his mouth. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found the dog, named Nicholas, and brought him home.

“You could see his teeth, his tongue everything from the outside of his mouth,” said Kourtney Crenshaw, programs manager for Houston PetSet. “That’s how bad the wounds around his muzzle were.”

While Nicolas is now on the road to recovery, the person responsible for his nightmarish condition is still on the loose. We are asking that you devote all resources necessary to find and arrest the person responsible for abusing Nicolas.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Houston PetSet


  1. Throw this subhuman in prison for life & cut out his tongue.

    • Cheryl Marshall says:

      I can’t even comprehend how someone could put a zip tie on a dogs mouth so tight for it to die of agonizing pain. Why do this & then drop the dog off at a church parking lot? If the dog wasn’t wanted by the owner,they could have done the right thing & brought it to a shelter. What could that dog possibly have done to deserve such horrific pain at the hands of this sadistic POS? It would be a felony if this was done to a human, why are the laws different for animals? Lawmakers & Judges need to step up to the plate & put them away for a very long time!

  2. Karen Giammarco says:

    The bastard responsible needs to be found and slowly tortured until he dies.

  3. Is anyone on this site so naive to think that the fuckin’ law is going to do anything meaningful to this bastard even if they do find him? The law has done very, very little in the past, as far as punishment goes, so why does anyone think that they will do anything now or in the future? There are just too many people in this world that really don’t care about animals or how they get hurt. Hell, you can’t get half the fuckin’ juries to give a sonofabitch the death penalty who does a home invasion and rapes and kills the whole family so why would you think a jury would give an animal torturer and killer the death penalty? It’s going to take people that are not afraid of going to prison to hunt people like this bastard down and eliminate them from the face of the earth. But I think most people who wouldn’t mind going to prison probably don’t have much sympathy for animals that are tortured and killed. Some may, but I don’t think the majority of them would. The only thing I think people can do is keep their animals inside their homes or back yards and make sure they can’t get out because it’s a cruel world out there and evil mother-fuckers are lurking everywhere to see who they can hurt or kill whether it be animals or humans.

    • Yes Johnny … your words are sad but true.
      If only we could be left alone in a room with this scumbag – he’d feel what real pain is for himself. I’d like to tie a cutting wire tightly around somewhere unmentionable as well as his mouth!.
      I love all you animal lovers! 💜


  4. Why have a dog if this is how you treat it!!!
    I foster and rescue dogs and when I hear about this stuff it makes me sick. Don’t have a dog if this is how you treat it!!!
    Prayers for healing for this poor dog!!!

  5. Cathy McCormick says:

    Sickening, Disgusting, and Repulsive! This POS should get the same cruel treatment he gave to the innocent dog! This jerk deserves prison and pain!

  6. let’s shut his mouth up with plasti wrap so he won’t be able to eat or dtink let him feel the same pain this little poor dog had to endure!!!

    • I think exactly the same. An eye for an eye. Maybe these monsters will understand how bad they are. Justice for these poor animals.

  7. SCUMBAGS that hurt animals need to be charged with felony and serve time in prison. Animal cruelty will decrease and poor animals like Nicholas wont have to endure this!

  8. Diane Ocepek says:

    This is horrible and appalling!! Whoever did this deserves the SAME treatment!! Also, a huge fine and jail!!

  9. Don’t want to hear about this man’s sad past, apparent mental problems , his divorce or his parents didn’t love him excuses. Take the heinous evidence and act accordingly. Failure to do so is the causation for more of this and shares culpability.


  11. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Find the perpetrator(s) and euthanize them.

  12. Helle Darling says:

    The human race need to stop follow the mentally ill as if it is normal violence is not normal as some make it, it is not, please stop se it as normal when it is a sick human being who would do it again to whoever when ever if he got a chance . This is not normal Don’t let it pass and build more institution for mentally ill if there are people like this , it is not normal, you wont find me doing this just saying and if you read the rest of the comment, no one like violence and torture against a poor innocent and yes some places they use in some part of the world and put sexual pictures of womans with torture of animals, this is not normal. Only some mentally ill people accept this.

  13. MAX JAIL for this dehumanized, desensitized and psychopathic human garbage.
    Animals are like defenseless children and shall NOT be victims of sadistic psychopaths!
    This poor dog deserves JUSTICE – just like YOU and ME.

  14. OMG That poor dog to be abused like he was. Makes me sick. Hope they catch the criminal who did this and put him away forever!!

  15. The POS that did this needs to be executed asap. I am first in line to do just that.

  16. Give that doggie lots of love. He deserves an extra amount!!
    Hope they find the criminal who did this before he hurts someone or finds some poor innocent creature to be cruel
    to . Our laws need to be much stricter when it involves those without a voice !!

  17. Maria Nowicki says:

    That piece of human garbage should be disposed of ASAP!

  18. We should have a law that when they find the bastards that did this – they be tortured and their skin be peeled off their body. Can you imagine the pain this baby endured?

  19. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    Until judges start holding accountable the POSs who do these cruel and inhumane acts to animals, NOTHING is going to change!! Judges who don’t severely punish criminals who are cruel and inhumane to animals are just as guilty as the criminals!!

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