Dog Found With Muzzle Tied So Deep That Teeth and Tongue Were Visible From Outside Deserves Justice

Target: Pearland Police Chief Randy Garner
Goal: Find person who locked dog’s mouth shut with plastic tie.

A dog was found in a church parking lot with a plastic tie wrapped so tightly around his muzzle that his teeth and tongue were visible from outside his mouth. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found the dog, named Nicholas, and brought him home.

“You could see his teeth, his tongue everything from the outside of his mouth,” said Kourtney Crenshaw, programs manager for Houston PetSet. “That’s how bad the wounds around his muzzle were.”

“He seemed kind of depressed and when you would touch him or pet him he would act a little scared,” Crenshaw added.

The original rescuer removed the plastic tie from around Nicholas’ snout, but became alarmed when his condition did not improve. At this point, the rescuer called a local pet rescue agency which came to the aid.

Nicolas’ wounds were infected and “he wasn’t able to eat very much and he wasn’t able to get food into his mouth, he probably had weeks [to live] at the most,” PetSet Co-President Tena Lundquist Faust said. “I was heartbroken. I can not imagine the pain that dog had endured and the suffering.”

While Nicolas is now on the road to recovery, the person responsible for his nightmarish condition is still on the loose.


Dear Chief Garner,

A dog was found in a church parking lot with a plastic tie wrapped so tightly around his muzzle that his teeth and tongue were visible from outside his mouth. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found the dog, named Nicholas, and brought him home.

“You could see his teeth, his tongue everything from the outside of his mouth,” said Kourtney Crenshaw, programs manager for Houston PetSet. “That’s how bad the wounds around his muzzle were.”

While Nicolas is now on the road to recovery, the person responsible for his nightmarish condition is still on the loose. We are asking that you devote all resources necessary to find and arrest the person responsible for abusing Nicolas.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Houston PetSet


  1. Yolanda Bernhard says:

    scum must be eliminated.
    these murderers are dirt and this dirt has to go. free our wonderful earth from this special waste…

    • Well said 👏👏👏👏👏

    • I agree. Should be eye for an eye punishment for that piece of worthless human shit.

    • Lawrence Holtzman says:

      Your post is spot on. These animal abusers should be eliminated permanently. The problem is that a majority of states slap their wrists, and until they change their laws with harsh penalty’s they will continue their sub-human behavior!!!

  2. Give me just five minutes with the fucker who did this.
    That is all I would need for this pile of shite to wish he had never been born!!

  3. Deserves the death penalty..really scum

  4. eleanor dunkavich says:

    scum bag should be hung

    • Naila M Johnston says:

      Absolutely kill him or her!!
      That monster must suffer a thousand torturous deaths!! Come on! We cannot tolerate this torture and murder of an animal!! Enough is enough! Killing and torture must be gravely punished by death!!

    • I totally believe people but that do this need to be shot

  5. This cruelty is unforgivable!! Please find the creature who did this and make sure they receive the maximum punishment allowed. This makes me sick!!

  6. That poor dog. F the person who did this.

  7. Maybe if the government took animal abuse as seriously as they take crimes of rape, murder, child abuse, these motherfuckers would stop committing so much torture and abuse towards animals as they do. The penalties are never enough! Not even close!! Let me zip tie that piece of shit and pluck out his teeth and tongue and then he wouldn’t be able to eat, drink or anything. He/she would wish that they were dead already.

    • Renata+Kuchinsky says:

      Thank you. Same feelings

    • I agree! The government needs to view animal abuse MUCH MORE seriously. Animals need people to be their voice.

      Unfortunately, these sick individuals get away with hurting animals all too often and they need to start facing the consequences of their cruelty! There needs to be much harsher punishment for animal abusers, even though it’s still not enough.

    • Naila M Johnston says:

      Absolutely kill him or her!!
      That monster must suffer a thousand torturous deaths!! Come on! We cannot tolerate this torture and murder of an animal!! Enough is enough! Killing and torture must be gravely punished by death!!

  8. Find idiot-tie up whatever you need to to make a point-

  9. PLEASE find the sob and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and then some!!! It belongs OFF OUR STREETS!!

  10. Pictures of that pup should be posted everywhere especially around where he was found. That is a distinctive looking dog. Someone knows him and his former owner. I hope someone steps up and the scum that did this is caught.

  11. Diane Berger says:

    Find him jail him. Throw the key away for sure. Also, what a horrible thing abusing God’s gift make him pay a good fine. Also rotten scumbag filthy creep. Prayers for the dog. Hoping he gets well and goes to a good home. Amen.

  12. Renata+Kuchinsky says:

    Keep monster who did this to poor dog in jail where he belongs.
    Sick and dangerous

  13. Nichole Bachand-Bartlett says:

    Why are we not acting faster to put these evil people behind bars, and forever! Not a slap on the wrist, these people don’t change and if they hurt innocent helpless animals what would they do to children and other people. This is so incredibly sad, I am so glad someone rescued him and can show him all the love he deserves. My heart breaks for this poor baby.

  14. William Turner says:

    Find who done it then sterilise them because they are retarded

  15. It’s so hard to look at these pictures coming up daily to sign about animals, just like this one. Any Rescue Group has to be more careful who they adopt to. This problem never seems to go away. These rotten abusers are insane from their own abused parent or guardian. Something happened in life along the way! One would think, there had to be someone, who KNEW about this dog or any other animal from a different petition to speak up to stop it. We really do have to fight for all animals. Find them and lock them up! Get them off the streets!

  16. Sick and tired of animals being abused and tortured AND NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT, which makes them, no better than the abuser! Why does this happen? Does no one care anymore? SOMEONE PLEASE STEP UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!!!

  17. Find this fucking asshole, make him pay for all the care of this dog and take a zip tie and put it on his dick and balls until they fall off. Then put him in the woods ziptied to a tree and let the wildlife finish him off. People like this need to be elimated from the world
    I pray this poor pup survives this

  18. A person this cruel and evil will also go on to hurt humans if not already doing so. Find the scum and give him the same fate, I know this won’t happen but if it was up to me I’d sew his mouth up and tie his hands so he can’t help himself and let him know what it feels like to suffer the fate he inflicted on an innocent animal at his mercy! Vile evil scum of the earth!!!

  19. Let’s find this worthless, fucking human, and do the same to them

  20. Marivee Frayer says:

    Special place in hell for this cockroach 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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