Pet Dog Shot in Head and Killed Deserves Justice

Target: Christopher Francesconi, East Providence Police Department Chief
Goal: Devote more resources to finding person who killed dog with a shot to the head.

A Siberian Husky got loose from his family early one morning and returned home later that day with a fatal head wound. The Faria family’s adorable and loving pet dog was named Niko. As is sometimes the case with Siberian Huskies, Niko got loose one morning and went exploring the neighborhood on his own. The Farias never suspected that this act would be Niko’s last.

Later in the evening Niko dragged his body back to his family’s home. The Farias quickly realized something was very wrong. Upon inspection, the Farias noticed an open wound in Niko’s head. They rushed him to the veterinarian where it was discovered that someone had shot Niko with a pellet gun.

Despite the best attempts to save Niko, the wound was fatal, so the difficult choice to euthanize Niko was made.

“We can’t believe that someone would do something like this to an animal, a helpless animal that can’t talk back and can’t fight back, and certainly never would have been a harm to anything,” owner Taylor Faria said. “He was not an aggressive dog.”

Although police are investigating the incident, no leads have been announced and its unclear if sufficient resources are being dedicated to the case. It is essential that police devote the necessary time and resources to finding the person, or persons, who shot poor Niko.


Dear Chief Francesconi,

A Siberian Husky got loose from his family early one morning and returned home later that day with a fatal head wound and the killer is still walking the streets.

The Faria family’s adorable and loving pet dog was named Niko. As is sometimes the case with Siberian Huskies, Niko got loose one morning and went exploring the neighborhood on his own. The Farias never suspected that this act would be Niko’s last.

Later in the evening Niko dragged his body back to his family’s home. The Farias quickly realized something was very wrong. Upon inspection, the Farias noticed an open wound in Niko’s head. They rushed him to the veterinarian where it was discovered that someone had shot Niko with a pellet gun.

Despite the best attempts to save Niko, the wound was fatal, so the difficult choice to euthanize Niko was made.

We understand that your department is investigating the crime. However, it is often the case that animal abuse incidents go unpunished due to insufficient resources. We ask that you please devote all resources necessary to finding the person, or persons, who shot poor Niko.

Your Name Here

Photo credit: Faria family

One Comment

  1. i hope NIKOs owners get justice and that they realize we live in a world filled with evil lowlifes and our justice system allows them to flourish instead of locking them away like the pieces of crap they are.

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