3 Dogs Reportedly Killed in Home Invasion Deserve Justice

Target: Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of killing three dogs with knife during burglary.

A home intruder with a knife has reportedly killed three dogs that tried to defend their home. The man accused of this heinous act is apparently a relative of the owners of the home in the Sun Valley community of Los Angeles.

Local news media captured video of the suspect being taken into custody. Blood apparently from the dead dogs could be easily seen in the recording.

Breaking into a home and killing three innocent dogs simply for trying to defend themselves and their family is a serious crime. The man accused of this act must face a stiff penalty if found guilty.


Dear District Attorney Gascón,

Three dogs were apparently killed by a home intruder with a knife in the Sun Valley neighborhood of Los Angeles. The man accused of this heinous act is apparently a relative of the owners of the home and killed the dogs when they tried to defend themselves and their family.

Local news media recordings appears to show blood splattered across the property from where the man killed the dogs with his knife.

Breaking into a home and killing three innocent dogs simply for trying to defend themselves and their family is a serious crime. The man accused of this crime must face a stiff penalty if found guilty. Please seek the maximum penalty in this case.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: DMCA


  1. Elease M. Bradford says:

    I’m a pet parent to a lovable senior dog and I’m so sorry these innocent dogs were brutally attacked and killed. The slimy snake who did this was a relative, so he probably knew the dogs were in the home. How dare he trespass on their property and commit this heinous crime. I hope this low-down scumbag is severely punished. RIP fur babies and I hope you get justice. My sympathy to the pet parents.

  2. Mike Castoldi says:

    May these beautiful dogs RIP
    Whoever Is responsible should be killed with the same knife!!!


  4. Once convicted beyond a shadow of a doubt, they should have the same thing done to them! An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth! All monsters need to disappear, they will, the Almighty’s judgement comes quickly!

  5. Too bad the same can’t happen to this murdering POS!

  6. This loser will pay the ultimate price. May the lord cast him into hell. In the meantime the maximum sentence, please your honor.

  7. An eye for an eye!!!!

  8. He should pay the maximum price for his heinous acts.

  9. Please make sure this man receives the maximum penalty, which will not be nearly enough, for the terrible crimes he committed against these poor dogs.

  10. Maria Lavorato says:

    Poor sweet little angels…

    Get that SOB to pay! Hope he is stabbed to death in prison in the most painful heinous way!

    ….and then hell for eternity!


  11. Macht das gleiche mit ihm er hat es nicht verdient weiter zu leben. RIP ihr armen Engel.

  12. Gascon doesn’t want to prosecute people for crimes against people. He’s not going to do anything for that poor family in the loss of their dogs.

  13. These scumbag dog killers most definitely must have the death penalty implemented!

  14. Christina Daulton says:

    The piece of trash that killed these 3 innocent dogs – trying to defend themselves, their home and their people – during the crime he was committing needs to live in a cell for many years to come. The heinous murders he committed should keep him from ever having contact with another animal again!

  15. No hope here, sadly. Atty Gascon is a waaaay left liberal who DEFENDS ALL CRIMINALS and SENTENCES NONE!

    • AND COPS WHO KILL ANIMALS ARE CONSERVATIVE TRASH AND NO CHARGES FOR THEM. One stomped on girlfriends cat and had to be put down and a sheriff did something similar. Want more stats in RED STATES moron?

  16. Do you really think Gascone will do anything? He won’t even prosecute murderers abd rapists.

    • Hmm. You mean like CONservative pos John Howard who raped girl and it was on tape and CONservative judge said he made a mistake and should not be punished for one mistake? NOT ONE DAY IN JAIL. STFU.

  17. The monster should be killed with a knife -the same way he killed those innocent pups who were protecting their home. Jail is too good for him-no free room and board. Rid the earth of scum like this now!!!!

  18. Uncommonsensesc says:

    The SOB that did this is Alexandro Florez, 45 years old. The dogs were trying to defend their home and this POS killed them. Guess what I think true justice would be? No more of this mental problems BS, no more bleeding heart liberals giving him a slap on the wrist – I want to see true justice done!

    • LMAO!!! You CONservative trash make me laugh. John Howard, an admitted tRump supporter, raped a girl and it was on tape.CONSERVATIVE TRASH JUDGE DID NOT GIVE HIM ONE DAY IN JAIL. This pos rapist went to school in Texas and plays football.FREE AS A BIRD.

  19. This monster of a person DESERVES the death penalty! However, we all know it isn’t going to happen. And that is infuriating.

  20. As these innocent brave dog souls were members of this family, they should have the same status legally, as family members. Criminals should face THE SAME PENALTIES for murdering innocent animals as they would face if the murdered a human being. Maybe then, they’ll think twice.

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