Family Dog Shot and Killed by Hunter Who Claimed it Was a Coyote Deserves Justice

Target: County of Berks District Attorney John T. Adams
Goal: Seek punishment of hunter who shot and killed family dog.

A family dog was shot and killed by a hunter and authorities are refusing to take action against the killer. The Heller family decided to go out for a little exercise with their 8-year-old Malamute pet dog. To be extra careful, the husband placed reflective collars and harnesses on their pet and they headed out on a “very commonly used walking path by our house” in Berks County, PA.

Like many people in the area who walk their dogs in the woods, the Hellers allowed their dog to get a little off-leash time. Soon after letting their pooch off-leash, a shot rang out from the woods and the dog fell to the ground, bleeding profusely.

The Hellers rushed their dog to the closest vet, but he unfortunately died before reaching medical care.

The Hellers have asked authorities to seek punishment of the hunter who fired the fatal shot at the pet dog, yet no action has been taken and no action is apparently planned. Northern Berks Regional Police Chief James Keiser said that since the dog wasn’t on leash that he would not seek any charges against the killer.

A representative from the Game Commission has voiced a similar position, indicating that he sees no wrong in the hunter’s actions.


Dear District Attorney John T. Adams,

The Heller family decided took their 8-year-old Malamute pet dog out for a little exercise. To be extra careful, the husband placed reflective collars and harnesses on their pet before they began their walk on a “very commonly used walking path by our house” in Berks County, PA.

Like many people in the area who walk their dogs in the woods, the Hellers allowed their dog to get a little off-leash time. Tragically, soon after letting their pooch off-leash, a shot rang out from the woods and the dog fell to the ground, bleeding profusely.

The Hellers rushed their dog to the closest vet, but he unfortunately died before reaching medical care.

So far, both the local police chief and the Game Commission have declined to take any action against the killer. Simply allowing one’s dog to go off-leash on a well traveled trail is not justification for a hunter to kill the animal. Hunters have a code and a set of responsibilities that were not met in this case.

We ask that you seek criminal action against the hunter who killed this dog.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Jennifer Heller


  1. Crucify this man he deserves a slow and painful death in which I would derive much pleasure to watch

  2. gilbert hall says:

    As usual in the wonderful USA – it seems laws are not enforced by the “authorities” and if they are, the biased judges in this country just let animal abusers, rapists, pedophiles etc off with a slap on the wrist or less.

  3. So agree with you Gilbert – this is bullshit this whole story. The dog had a reflective collar and harness so WTF was the hunter looking at – he did exactly what he wanted to do and the god damn officers, judges are all idiots – I doubt if any of them even have pets. There is no way that this dog first off should have been shot while on a normal walking path or any path actually – it’s surprising that the hunter didn’t shoot the owners as well – how pathetic are these so called people in “charge” that make these ridiculous decisions.

  4. MILANTIA RrOY says:


  5. Robert Brossard says:

    Dear District Attorney John T. Adams,
    This is just unbelievable – that the police and a judge acquitted a criminal like this ‘courageous hunter’ who, fearing for his miserable life, murdered a defenseless dog.
    Please, seek criminal action against this cold-blooded assassin.
    Thank you!

  6. Bosha Karanovic says:

    this world is full of despicable people who should be eliminated on the spot!

  7. Milagros Yamini says:

    Let me remind you that ‘many will be called but few will be chosen’! – If crimes are not paid now, they will have to be accounted for when one dies

  8. This dog was shot in the stomach, so how did this hunter not see the dog’s harness and collar like he claims? If he could see the dog’s stomach, he certainly could see the rest of the animal, including the harness and collar. This hunter should be banned from hunting if he’s that blind and irresponsible. This is despicable.

  9. I lived on a 10 acre piece of property with no hunting signs posted yet stupid guys worked shoot anyway. Yes, there were deer but they shot my dog!!! My dog lived but the hunters quickly disappeared. These goofs aren’t hunters they are just men wearing orange, have a license, and cruise on various properties owned by others. Many kids playing outside have been shot, even people hanging up laundry were shot. These guys don’t care, are too stupid to care until it happens to them. Again, the judges and courts are failing to provide justice. If this dumb man can’t tell the difference between a dog and another animal he needs glasses. The officials see no reason to charge this hunter. Maybe they have a problem with their vision too? Any hunter would be able to use distinction in seeing a dog or another animal. Obviously all involved in this case are blind, but so is Justice herself. It’s a damn shame as this will just continue. What has America become? And why was this supposed hunter shoot near q walking and hiking trail. He knows people bring their dogs yet he shot anyway and due to inefficient officials he will walk and do it again, sadly.

  10. This evil dog killing, mentally deranged scumbag must have the death penalty implemented and nothing less! A slow and agonizing death is essential!

  11. If a hunter can’t tell the difference between a dog, a wolf and a coyote then he shouldn’t be allowed to hunt. Period. This dog clearly had reflective and bright colored harness on, so even a non-hunter would be able to see it was a domestic animal. The rationalization by the judge and game warden that because the dog was off lease, the hunter wasn’t responsible, is not acceptable, as most forested areas , unless national Parks, don’t have ANY lease laws. No responsible hunter would gut shoot an animal either, as it makes an animal suffer. Ethical hunters aim for the heart, so the only reason to shoot the dog in the gut is to make it suffer. The fact is hunters are often protected when they kill the wrong animal, unless it’s a game animal , protected species, human or live stock. Many hunters use dogs for hunting ( depending on what their hunting) , so would he have been punished if he had shot a hunting dog? He still be able to be punished if he shot to close to a home. He should be responsible for the vet bill and the cost of a new puppy at Minimum.

  12. Stupidity is NO excuse!

  13. Sherry Mainquist says:

    Eye exams should be mandatory to go out hunting !!! Along with common sense!!! So sorry for ur loss.

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